Question 1

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Enthusiasm: 5
2. Prepared: 5
3. Communicate well with others: 5
4. Caring: 5
5. Creativity: 3
6. Problem - solver: 4
7. Character : 5
8. Adaptability: 5
9. Dependability: 5
10. Cooperation: 5

Week 1: Quick write

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced
others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

An example of my leadership experience would be when I did a lot of community service. I

helped the community out a lot. I was in four different youth groups: SGJ, MOP, MOJO, and
another one that I can’t seem to remember the name of. I did many things with those youth
groups. I always went to meetings and events. I went to all kind of events. I went to African -
American events, Mexican, White, and Asian events. I support everyone, I would be gone all
day doing community service. I would always influence others into joining youth groups with me.
I wanted to spread that positivity to teens. I wanted to make a difference with them. I supported
the hunger strike for incarcerated people. Just a few months ago I stopped going to all these
meetings because they kind of just stopped. If they wouldn’t of stopped I would still be going to
all the meetings and events. It makes me upset that now adults don’t really put too much
interest in us teens because we are the future. However, right now I’m volunteering at the
hospital because I love helping others. I go every Friday right after school until 8pm.

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