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Nancy Yanet Luna Baez

1050 Lundy rd
Newman, California,
4 May 2018

Springfield Elementary
135 W Kingston Street
Fresno California 78395

Dear Mrs. Maivin,

Re: School board administrator

I am writing to you about the fourth-grade teaching position open in your school. This position
was listed on the Springfield school board website.

I have wanted to become a teacher from a very young age and am very interested in teaching
these young students. I feel I am very qualified to teach your fourth-grade students, having had
a 4.0 for as long as I can remember and having experience attending children. I have been a
T.A for a long time and have learned a lot about correcting and filing papers. I have also learned
how to teach and attend students from teachers I have assisted earlier in my life. I am very
focused on my work and I am a great leader in many situations. If you were to consider me I
would protect the students I was given. I have taken Kajukenbo classes and am currently a
purple belt. I also have much experience with children. I have babysat for my younger sister
countless times and can control and negotiate with young children very well to the point where
they are not causing trouble. I would really appreciate it if you took my application in account for
this position.

I hope you consider me for this position. I am a very good leader and have a very good focus on
what I want to achieve. I am also very cheerful and have a great sense of humor, so you know
your children would be in good hands. I am disciplined and am very respectful to others, so I
would be a very fair teacher to the students.

Thank you for considering my application for this position. I will be free any weekday from 8:00
a.m to 10:00 p.m if you would like to address me for an interview. If you wish to see my letter of
recommendation, please contact me at (209)875-9873 or and I would be
more than happy to provide you with a set. Thank you for your time, I look forward to speaking
with you about further opportunities with your school.

~Nancy Yanet Luna Baez~

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