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Lexy Johnson and Carli Meinert

Ms. Moss

English 10 H

September 14, 2017

Sharpen Your Meaning By Comparison

Nap is the quick snap of the fingers, whereas slumber is the long applause of an audience.

Nap is the restless like the shore, but slumber is as deep as the ocean. Nap tends to hang around

while the sun is still shining, whereas slumber prefers the silver glow of the moon. Nap is an

energy bar you can munch on real quick, while slumber is a four course meal. Nap is a car wash

to make the car shine, whereas slumber is like a brand new vehicle. Nap is a quick wash of the

windshield while waiting for slumber to fill the empty gas tank. Nap is being late to first period,

while slumber is not arriving till noon. Nap is a quick shot of espresso, with slumber being the

entire eight ounce cup. Nap is a light drizzle of rain to wet the leaves of the trees, but slumber is

the entire storm. Nap’s dreams can be destroyed by an alarm, while slumber’s make-shift story

can last a century.

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