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Elizabeth is found suffering from a personality disorder, particularly the Histrionic Personality Disorder.

She is therefore, psychologically incapacitated to render the basic marital obligations of mutual, love,
respect and fidelity. This condition has been present even before the marriage and is incurable.
Histrionic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and
attention seeking behavior. Her main defense mechanism is acting out. This is the direct expression,
through action, of her unconscious wish for intimacy. She uses emotional display, both to obtain
attention and to evade unpleasant inner affects.

This type of disorders manifest during the formative or teenage year and incurable by intake of any type
of medicine. The PI of E is serious, incurable and permanent.

Personality Disorder are pervasive character defects that have their roots in the individual’s early
developmental year, overtly manifested in adolescent or young adulthood stage.

This behavioral pattern has been present even before the marriage. this pattern is inflexible and
pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations and this leads to clinically significant
distress or impairment in other important areas of functioning, including marital relationship -
Psychiatrist Santos,

Prosecutor manifested that the state has no witness to present.

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