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Nama Kelompok 1.

Tingkat II-A

Evita Indah Sari : 72.20.001.D.16.012

Rika Pratama Sari : 72.20.001.D.16.030

Srie Wahyuni : 72.20.001.D.16.038

Wahyu Selviyani : 72.20.001.D.16.042


Definition Elderly :

According to the law No. 4 of 1945, it is stated that the elderly is a person nan reach the age of 55
years, who is powerless to seek and support himself for his daily needs, and helpless to give a
living to others.

There are 4 that are categorized elderly :

a. Limitations of body functions associated with increasing age

b. The accumulation of degenerative diseases

c. Psychosocial age

d. Things that can cause disturbance of balance (homeostasis)

There are several factors that are very influential on the mental health of the elderly :

a. Decreased Physical Condition

After people enter the elderly generally begin to be affected by the physical condition that is
multiple pathological (multiple pathology), such as reduced energy, decreased energy, the skin
getting wrinkled, teeth fall out, bones more fragile, and so on.

b. Decreased Function and Potential Sexualb.

Decreased function and sexual potency in the elderly are often associated with various physical
disorders such as:
§ Heart disorders

§ Metabolic disorders, eg diabetes mellitus

§ Vaginitis

§ New finish operation: eg prostatectomy.

Psychological factors that accompany the elderly include:

· Taboo or shame when maintaining a sexual life in the elderly

· Family and community attitudes that are less supportive and reinforced by tradition and culture.

· Fatigue or boredom due to lack of variety in his life.

· The life partner has died.

c. Changes in Psychosocial Aspects

In general after people enter the elderly then he experienced a decrease in cognitive and
psychomotor function.

can be distinguished based on 5 elderly personality types as follows:

1. Type of Constructive Personality (Construction personality),

2. Type of Independent Personality (Independent personality)
3. Dependent personality type
4. Type of Hostile Personality
5. Personality Type Self-Criticism (Self Hate personality)

d. Changes in the Social Role in Society

if alienation occurs, it will increasingly refuse to communicate with others and sometimes
regressive behavior such as crying, confinement, collecting useless items and whining and crying
when met other people so that his behavior is like a child.

Stages of Growth and Development in the Elderly

1) Physical
Physical development in the elderly is seen in changes in physiological changes that can be said
to decline, changes in biological changes.

According to Hurlock (1980) physical changes in the form of appearance in the late adult age,
diantanya are:

a) Head region : Nose stretched out limp, The shape of the mouth will change due to tooth loss,
The eyes look faded, Double chin or triple chin, The skin is wrinkled / wrinkled and dry, Hair
thinning and white

b) Body Area : The shoulders bend and look smaller, The stomach enlarges and appears bulging,
Hips appear to loosen and appear larger, The waist line widens, Breasts in women will loosen up

c) Regional joints : The base of the hand becomes saggy and feels heavy, Legs become saggy and
veins turn out prominently, The hands become emaciated, Legs dilate as the muscles relax,
Fingernails and feet thicken, harden and whitewash.

2) Cognitive

Intelligence and Processing Ability The speed of information processing decreases in late
adulthood. There is some evidence that older adults are less able to retrieve information that has
been stored in his memory.

3) Spiritual

Spiritual (religious) needs play an important role in providing inner peace, especially for
the elderly. Religiosity or religious appreciation of its influence on the level of physical health and
mental health.

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