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Significant very weak positive relationship

P value is higher than .05 then the R value will not be read

Correlation plot kumpol kumpol sa line para di weak

If every dots is in the line it is decided as strong

Kaisers study
Column DEF Create a frequency and percentage distribution for the year
Column I group the answers according to logical categories
Column K within metro manila and outside metro manila. Frequency distribution
Column M Logical categories as equivalent to the first job
Column AB frequency distribution did you take any licenses
Column AF frequency distribution
Column AK frequency distribution no entries means NA
Logical categories and percentage of AP; AQ Location within metro or outside metro M

Grp into logical categ. and grp in frequency distribution

Table Explanation

AS-AW 1to5 get the mean of each


Take antiretroviral treatment every day, as prescribed

Stay in touch with the doctor and follow their advice
Eat balanced and nutritious diet
Exercise and keep fit
Ask for support from friends, family and others with HIV

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