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Selfies Geometry Parker

1 - These windows are equiangular polygons since they all have 90 degree angles.
2 - This shape on the roof is a convex polygon since no extended angles go into the shape.

3 - These parking space lines are parallel since they would never touch if extended.
4 - This gate has equidistant bars since they are the same distance apart from each other.

5 - This is a triangle above me since it has 3 sides.

6 - This yellow sign shows a rhombus since it has 4 equal sides.

7 - This shape is a rectangle since it has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides.
8 - This snow stake is a ray since it goes in a straight line and has a start and end point.

9 - This is a circle since it is an enclosed shape with no vertexes.

10 - This triangle is a right triangle since it has a right angle.

11 - This stop sign is a great example of a regular polygon since it is a hexagon which is a regular polygon.
12 - These triangles are obtuse since one of the angles in each of the triangles exceeds 90 degrees.

13 - This tree shows an acute angle since the angles size is less than 90 degrees.
14 - This is an acute triangle since none of the angles exceed 90 degrees.

15 - These lines all end meet at one place, this place is called a vertex.

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