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Becky Broussard get Professor Cordova Semester Project First Grade Literature Binder Thave a passion, and that is to be an educator. I am drawn to title one schools. I want to help the students that most of society deem “unworthy” of a caring and passionate teacher. | ‘want to help under privileged students stand tall and rejoice in their accomplishments, and to do that, I chose to construct a first grade literature binder for my semester project. | selected twelve stories that [ felt could aid me in my quest, Each story has a lesson to learn, or information to ‘gain, I have arranged the binder my months; some months have more lessons than the others, but every month has at least one book and lesson plan. The reasons I chose to create a binder and not write a story are, it will be a valuable asset once [ am in a classroom, it is something I can continue to add on to, and because the stories can be used for almost any subject. v ee ‘The first book is The New Bear at School written by Carrie Weston, and illustrated by ‘Tim Wames. I chose this book to start out the year because it is a warm story about being the new kid, and how others may perceive you based on your appearance. Everyone has been the new kid and can relate to how Boris feels. The story offers a valuable lesson on kindness and acceptance. This tory can be incorporated into a social skills activity as well as moming QB meetings, as a reminder to be kind to everyone. The second book is My Mouth is a Volcano, written by Julia Cook and illustrated by Carrie Hartman. I wanted this book to be second because it will help lay dawn a foundation of expectation in the classroom, I chose this story because it addresses the issue most all first feel. I chose this book because it isa perfect story to read in December The story is about giving up your prize position to do for someone else, The stary teaches about appreciation and love. “The seventh book is Diary of a Worm, written by Doreen Cronin, and illustrated by Harry Bliss. Ichose Diary of a Worm because it helps teach students about what a diary is and how important writing ones feelings, thoughts, emotions or just everyday life can be ‘This book also teaches the importance of sequencing date and order. Everyday life is all about dates and keeping thing in order, so this book is « good platform to start teaching it “The eighth book is Enemy Pie, written by Derek Munson and illustrated by Tara Calahan King, I chose this book because so many times, kids think they can only have one friend, or that their best ftiend should only like what they like. This book teaches students to get to know someone before passing a judgment on them. | would use this book in a social skill lesson, but i can also be incorporated into a math lesson by making the recipes. I really enjoy the moral in the book and feel students will relate to it and enjoy the story as well, “The ninth book is Abiyoyo, written by Pete Seeger and illustrated by Michael Hays, I love this book and the sequel is just as good. I chose this book because it teaches students about other cultures and one of their folktales. There is song in the story about the giant Abiyoyo, which gives an opportunity to introduce music from different cultures into the classroom. In today's diverse world, every nationality, culture, and hotiday should be explored and taught in the classroom, “The tenth book is Big Anthony and the Magic Ring, written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. I chose this bos that can occur if you dor cok because it teaches a lesson about following directions and the disasters n't, This book will be a great asset when teaching lessons on honesty and

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