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I - Chosen Skins

1- Bavaria: 3rd Light Infantry Battalion (will take Freikorps place) (nothing to
2- Saxony : 1. Leichte Infanterie-Regiment Lecoq (will take prussia's 2nd unit
place) (may choose between having the blanket on top or not)
3- SS: 1. Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (will take prussia's 1st unit place) (may not
choose anything)
4- Wurttemberg: (will take prussia's 3rd unit place) (may choose between 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th or 5th line infantry regiments)

II - Other Regiments

1- Unfortunatly did not find other skins for regiments of the brigade, if someone
finds them send them to me.
2- Anything that is not Infantry must be aproved 1st by the brigade to be added and
will be added last.


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