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Foresight | doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2010.02224.

Inverse vaccination, the opposite of Jenner’s concept, for

therapy of autoimmunity
L. Steinman
From the Department of Neurology and Neurological Science, Interdepartmental Program in Immunology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Abstract. Steinman L (Stanford University, Stanford, in type 1 diabetes indicate that specific inhibition of
CA, USA). Inverse vaccination, the opposite of antigen-specific antibody and T-cell responses is
Jenner’s concept, for therapy of autoimmunity (fore- attainable in humans. Further development of this
sight). J Intern Med 2010: 267: 441–451. approach is ongoing. This new version of immuni-
zation termed ‘inverse vaccination’ when applied to
DNA-based vaccines to induce antigen-specific autoimmune diseases, may allow targeted reduc-
inhibition of immune responses in human autoim- tion of unwanted antibody and T-cell responses to
mune diseases represent the inverse of what Jenner autoantigens, while leaving the remainder of the
intended when he invented vaccination. Jenner’s immune system intact. The method of specifically
vaccine induced antigen-specific immunity to small reducing a pathological adaptive autoimmune re-
pox. DNA vaccines for autoimmunity have been sponse is termed inverse vaccination.
developed in preclinical settings, and now tested in
human trials. The first two clinical trials, one in Keywords: autoimmunity, diabetes mellitus, Jenner,
relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, and the other multiple sclerosis, vaccination.

Introduction after having either the cow-pox or smallpox. Several

months afterwards he was again inoculated with
What is meant by the inverse of Jennerian vaccination?
variolous matter, but no sensible effect was produced
In 1796, Edward Jenner wrote, on the constitution.

I selected a healthy boy, about eight years old, for the Jenner’s powerful assertion was that ‘the cow-pox
purpose of inoculation for the cow-pox. The matter protects the human constitution from the infection of
was taken from a sore on the hand of a dairymaid, the smallpox’ [1]. These classic experiments per-
who was infected by her master’s cows, and it was in- formed in the eighteenth century established the
serted, on the 14th of May, 1796, into the arm of the remarkable idea that the immune system could be
boy by means of two superficial incisions, barely pe- turned on, in a highly specific manner that afforded
netrating the cutis, each about half an inch long [1]. protection from a highly virulent and often fatal viral
infection. In the past three centuries, quite surpris-
He continued, ingly there has been very little progress, at least in
man, in establishing what would be the very opposite
In order to ascertain whether the boy, after feeling so of Jenner’s vaccination. In experimental animals
slight an affection of the system from the cow-pox there are scores of papers demonstrating that it is
virus, was secure from the contagion of the smallpox, possible to induce control or eliminate specific im-
he was inoculated the 1st of July following with vario- mune responses, although reducing ongoing autoim-
lous matter, immediately taken from a pustule. Sev- mune responses has been more challenging [2]. The
eral slight punctures and incisions were made on opposite of what Jenner intended would involve
both his arms, and the matter was carefully inserted, reducing or eliminating specifically a particular
but no disease followed. The same appearances undesired immune response. Such an approach
were observable on the arms as we commonly see would with high likelihood provide enormous benefit
when a patient has had variolous matter applied, to an individual suffering from an autoimmune

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L. Steinman
| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

disease stemming from an immune response to that slides [16–19]. We customized the content of these ar-
component of what we call ‘self’, in the immunological rays. The first array studied was comprised of many
sense. of the known target autoantigens identified for sys-
temic lupus erythematosus [16]. To study MS, all the
known myelin proteins in their recombinant forms,
Inverse Jennerian vaccination in the context of current approaches to au-
their peptide epitopes including post-translationally
modified variants were printed on slides [17]. Using a
Current approaches to treatment of autoimmunity two-stage system after ‘printing’ the slides, fluid ta-
were for the most part taken from drugs that have al- ken either from serum or from cerebrospinal fluid
ready been approved to treat lymphoid malignancy (CSF) was first applied to the surface of these slides. A
like the anti-CD20 monoclonal Rituxan [3–5] or the second stage with fluorescent antihuman immuno-
anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody [6, 7], Campath, or globulin was then applied and the slides were
to reduce transplant rejection, with various monoclo- scanned for their fluorescence. See Fig. 1 showing a
nal anti-CD3 antibodies [8, 9]. Thus, some of the most ‘heatmap’ indicating the major antibody responses in
popular approaches to treating autoimmunity in- the spinal fluid of individuals with relapsing remitting
clude extinguishing nearly all of one’s CD20 B cells (RR) MS [19].
[3–5], paralysing all of one’s CD3 T cells [8–10], killing
all of one’s CD52 white blood cells [6, 7], impairing in- Quantitative measures of antibodies to various mye-
gress of all T and B cells to affected organs via integrin lin components were obtained and validated with
blockade [11–14] or impeding egress of lymphoctyes alternate methods of measurement [16, 17]. We were
out of lymph nodes with modulators of spingosine able to reveal the major targets of the immune re-
phosphate receptors [15]. So it is instructive to sponse to myelin in various models of MS, collectively
emphasize Jenner’s observation:
RRMS Controls

what renders the cow-pox virus so extremely singular 1000

is that the person who has been thus affected is for- 500
ever after secure from the infection of the small pox; 100
neither exposure to the variolous effluvia, nor the Brain mass 25


insertion of the matter into the skin, producing this Leukemia 10





distemper [1]. <1

CRYAB 21–40
The singularity of his approach to modulation of PLP 50–69
MBP 40–54
adaptive immunity is the essence of what my col- Rat MBP 63–88
leagues and I are attempting in human autoimmune CRYAB PROTEIN
CRYAB 116–135
disease: We are trying to shut down specific un- Abeta 1–12
MBP 19–37 CIT X2
wanted T- and B-cell responses in individuals already HSP 70
PLP 180–199
afflicted with diseases thought to be autoimmune
such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and type 1 diabetes.
Fig. 1 Autoantibody responses in the spinal fluid of
Instead of undertaking approaches that have been
patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Analy-
translated from the fields of transplant rejection and sis was performed on cerebrospinal fluid from relapsing
from cancer therapy, where wide swathes of the im- remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and other neurologic dis-
mune response are extinguished, we are attempting a ease (OND) patients. Statistical Analysis of Microarrays
much focused approach for controlling unwanted identified significant differences in antibodies in RRMS com-
adaptive immune responses. pared with OND. Samples are arranged with hierarchical
clustering, and displayed as a heat map. RRMS pat-
ients demonstrated significantly increased autoantibodies
Identification of targets in particular autoimmune diseases for inverse against various myelin epitopes including CRYAB protein
vaccination and peptides (J37, Golli-myelin basic protein isoform J37);
PLP, proteolipid protein; MBP, myelin basic protein; HSP,
In 1999 we initiated a two-pronged attack to first
heat shock protein; Abeta, amyloid beta). A false discovery
identify the targets of adaptive immunity in various rate threshold of 1.9% and numerator threshold of 2.0 were
autoimmune diseases, and then to develop a way to used. Prediction Analysis of Microarrays yielded a classifi-
reduce these unwanted adaptive responses. Large- cation model with 21 markers, with cross-validated sensi-
scale arrays were developed where hundreds of puta- tivity of 10 ⁄ 12 = 83% and specificity of 11 ⁄ 12 = 92% [19].
tive autoantigens were printed on microscopic glass With permission from Nature Publishing.

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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

called experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis towards trying to reduce autoimmune responses to

[17], as well as the major targets of the adaptive im- pathological autoantigens.
mune response in the spinal fluid of patients with
RRMS [18, 19]. Several groups attempted DNA vaccination with plas-
mids encoding various myelin antigens in various
models of EAE. The Karolinska group showed that
Development of inverse vaccines to attenuate specific ongoing adap-
EAE was suppressed with a DNA vaccine encoding an
tive autoimmunity
immunodominant portion of MBP for the Lewis rat,
We chose to develop a technology based on immuni- fused to a dimerized synthetic analogue of the immu-
zation with DNA encoding a specific antigen that had noglobulin G (IgG)-binding B domain of staphylococ-
first been discovered in the early 1990s [2]. In 1990, cal protein A [26].
Wolff et al. [20] showed that naked DNA could trans-
fect cells in vivo. This breakthrough led to the first We demonstrated that a DNA vaccine encoding an
successful vaccine in animal models when Ulmer unmodified myelin epitope, PLP139–151 was shown
et al. [21] injected a naked DNA encoding influenza, to suppress EAE, with a reduction in the degree and
and conferred protection against infection. Since frequency of paralysis in mice. Proliferative re-
then there have been numerous attempts to use DNA sponses and production of the quintessential Th1
vaccines to induce what might be considered conven- cytokine, IFN-c, were reduced in T cells responsive to
tional Jennerian immunization against a variety of PLP139-151. In the brains of mice that were success-
microbial targets. For the past 20 years, investigators fully vaccinated, mRNA for IL-2, IL-15 and IFN-c were
have been developing DNA vaccines to induce immu- reduced. The mechanism underlying this reduction
nity to microbial infections including HIV [22], rabies in both severity and incidence of paralysis and the
[23], ebola [24] and influenza [21]. There are no ap- reduction in Th1 cytokines involved diminished
proved DNA-based vaccines as yet. co-stimulation of T cells. DNA immunization with a
plasmid encoding proteolipid protein (PLP) peptide
In 1996, we published experiments where a DNA vac- 139–151 altered expression of the co-stimulatory
cine was first used to treat autoimmune disease [25]. molecules, CD80, and CD86 on antigen presenting
The vaccine targeted a key portion of the T-cell recep- cells in the spleen [27].
tor that is found on pathogenic T cells that cause
paralysis in experimental autoimmune encephalo- We also explored whether co-administration of plas-
myelitis (EAE), a collection of autoimmune diseases mids encoding Th2 cytokines might enhance DNA
that bears some important resemblances with MS. A vaccination with plasmids encoding myelin proteins
variable region gene of the T-cell receptor, V beta 8.2, [28]. Using a combination of local gene delivery and
is rearranged, and its product is expressed on patho- tolerizing DNA vaccination, we demonstrated that co-
genic T cells that induce EAE in H-2u mice after delivery of the gene encoding IL-4 gene and a DNA
immunization with myelin basic protein (MBP). Vac- plasmid encoding the self-peptide PLP 139–151 pro-
cination of these mice with naked DNA encoding V tected against development of EAE. Mechanistic
beta 8.2 protected mice from EAE. Analysis of T cells studies revealed that IL-4 expressed from the naked
reacting to the pathogenic portion of the MBP mole- DNA is secreted and acts locally on autoreactive T
cule indicated that in the vaccinated mice there was a cells via activation of STAT6 to shift their cytokine
reduction in the Th1 cytokines such as interferon-c profile from T helper 1 (Th1) to Th2. This approach
(IFN-c). In parallel, there was an elevation in the pro- with a DNA vaccine plus co-delivery of the gene for IL-
duction of interleukin (IL)-4, a Th2 cytokine associ- 4 reversed established EAE and diminished paralysis
ated with suppression of disease. A novel feature of in a second model of EAE induced with myelin oligo-
DNA immunization for autoimmune disease, modifi- dendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) [28].
cation of the autoimmune response from Th1 to Th2,
indicated that this approach might be relevant for Some experiments with DNA vaccination in EAE lead
treatment of autoimmune diseases like MS, type 1 to worsening of disease. CpG motifs in bacterial DNA
diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, if the particular were shown to activate the immune system via toll-
critical V region genes could be identified [25]. How- like receptors and to directly activate T and B cells
ever, given the diversity of T-cell receptor rearrange- [29]. Raz et al. [30] showed that CpG sequences were
ments it became clear that the approach to targeting critical for induction of DNA vaccination via induction
autoimmunity via ‘critical’ T-cell receptors was going of Th1 responses. Fujinami et al. [31] recognized that
to be a daunting task. Hence, efforts quickly evolved oligonucleotide motifs, termed CpG, could induce

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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

Th1 cytokines. They showed that bacterially derived metrically competed with CpG for binding to its recep-
DNA plasmids, termed pCMV, could induce IL-6, IL- tor the toll-like receptor 9, TLR9. The combination of
12 and IFN-c. They also showed that pCMV injection stimulatory CpG oligonucleotides with inhibitory
also enhanced R-EAE with increased IFN-c and IL-6 GpG oligonucleotides resulted in a marked reduction
responses [31]. In contrast, Lobell et al. [32] at the in phosphorylation of IkB- at Ser32. Overall, GpG oli-
Karolinska showed that plasmids without any of gonucleotides effectively competed with CpG oligonu-
these so-called CpG motifs were incapable of protect- cleotides to inhibit Th1 responses [38].
ing mice from EAE. Thus, treatment with a DNA vac-
cine encoding MBP peptide 68–85 and containing
Matching the inverse vaccine to targets detected on autoantibody ar-
three CpG motifs with their characteristic 5¢-
AACGTT-3¢ sequence, suppressed paralysis in EAE.
A DNA vaccine without any of these CpG motifs failed We used the two-pronged approach to treat autoim-
to suppress EAE in two different models of EAE, one mune disease using large-scale analysis of the speci-
induced with a peptide to MBP and the other with a ficity of autoantibody responses in EAE to guide
peptide to MOG. The issue was therefore raised selection of the DNA vaccine used to suppress EAE.
whether CpG motifs were beneficial or not in inverse To survey autoantibody responses in EAE, we used
vaccination for autoimmune disease. our antigen microarrays containing a spectrum of
proteins and peptides derived from the myelin
sheath, the target of the autoimmune response in
An oligonucleotide motif termed GpG to suppress Th1 T-cell responses
EAE and the 2304-feature myelin proteome arrays
The flagship cytokine of Th1 immunity is IFN-c [33]. contain 232 distinct antigens, including proteins and
Although administration of IFN-c is associated with sets of overlapping peptides representing MBP, PLP,
protection from paralysis in EAE [33, 34], adminis- MOG, myelin-associated oligodendrocytic basic pro-
tration of this quintessential Th1 cytokine leads to tein (MBOP), oligodendrocyte-specific protein (OSP),
worsening of MS [35]. Segal et al. [36] showed that aB-crystallin, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
EAE could be induced with lymphocytes that were (CNPase) and Golli-MBP. We used these customized
first sensitized to PLP 139–151, and were then acti- myelin arrays to profile autoantibody responses in
vated with CpG. Our own work in agreement with that serum derived from mice with EAE. Images of repre-
of Lobell et al. [32] showed that at least for EAE, CpG sentative arrays are presented in Fig. 2.
oligonucleotides in bacterial plasmids could by them-
selves suppress EAE. We demonstrated that injection We applied our myelin proteome arrays to study the
of plasmid DNA could suppress the prototypic T-cell- evolution of the autoreactive B-cell responses in EAE.
mediated autoimmune disease, EAE, by inducing Based on results from these arrays showing large-
IFN-c [37]. Given the potential danger of inducing a scale spreading of the immune response to multiple
Th1 response, with high IFN-c production when we myelin antigens in EAE, we devised a DNA vaccine
translated this approach to MS and to other diseases with plasmids encoding four myelin proteins, MBP,
where Th1 responses are undesirable, we decided to PLP, myelin oligodendroglial glycoprotein and mye-
design an oligonucleotide motif that might actually lin-associated glycoprotein. This vaccine referred to
compete with the CpG motif. We predicted that as a ‘cocktail’ vaccine was given to mice after the first
replacing CpG motifs with a competitor might be the attack of paralysis. Beginning on day 17 after recov-
best course of action, given that we wanted to avoid ery from the acute paralytic attack in EAE (7–8 days
amplifying Th1 immunity in those with autoimmune after disease onset), mice were injected intramuscu-
disease. larly on a weekly basis with control therapies or DNA
encoding this cocktail of array-determined myelin
We discovered that a GpG oligonucleotide, with a sin- targets The vaccine with plasmids encoding the four
gle base switch from CpG to GpG, which effectively myelin proteins reduced relapses when given after
inhibited the activation of Th1 T cells was associated the initial attack of paralysis; see Fig. 3. Autoantibody
with autoimmune disease [38]. A CpG oligonucleo- responses to myelin proteins were reduced on a large
tide with the sequence 5¢-TGACTGTGAACGTTAGA- scale; see Fig. 3.
GATGA-3¢ was changed to a GpG oligonucleotide, 5¢-
TGACTGTGAAGGTTAGAGATGA-3¢. The immuno- We next tested to see what would happen when we
modulatory GpG-ODN suppresses the severity of continued to optimize the DNA vaccination strategy,
EAE in mice, a prototypic Th1-mediated animal dis- employing in ongoing EAE an optimized set of
ease model for MS. The GpG oligonucleotide stoichio- antigens, the cocktail of four plasmids encoding four

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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

Normal SCH PLP 139–151 MBP 85–99

> 20 000
10 000

PLP-10 (2)

MBP-8 (3)
MBP-7 (3)
MBP-6 (4)
MBP-5 (2)
MBP-4 (1)
MBP-1 (2)
MBP-3 (1)
MBP-2 (2)
SCH-4 (3)
SCH-2 (5)
SCH-3 (3)
SCH-1 (2)
PLP-9 (2)
PLP-7 (1)
PLP-6 (2)
PLP-8 (1)
PLP-2 (2)
PLP-3 (4)
PLP-4 (2)
PLP-1 (3)
PLP-5 (2)

Normal-5 500
< 25

PLP 50–69
PLP 139–151
PLP 139–151
hMBP 31–49
hMBP 61–79
hMBP 151–170
hMBP 141–159
MBP 85–99
hMBP 71–89
MOG plate P31
hMBP 1–20
MOG protein
hMBP 131–153
P2 26–48
hMBP 6–14
hMBP protein
gpMBP protein
PLP 190–209
rMBP 63–88
3.3 1.5 2.5 3.3 1.6 Relapse rate

P = 0.088 P = 0.025

Fig. 2 The diversity of autoantibody responses in acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) predicts subsequent
disease activity. Hierarchical clustering of antigen features with statistically significant differences in myelin proteome array
reactivity between sera derived from groups of normal control mice and from groups of mice upon recovery from acute EAE induced
with proteolipid protein 139)151 (day 17), myelin basic protein 85)99 (day 22) or spinal cord homogenate (day 25). Mice were la-
ter scored daily for 10 weeks to determine the number of relapses for each mouse (indicated in parentheses). The average relapse
rates for mice included in the primary subnodes of the dendrogram, and P-values by Mann–Whitney test for the differences in re-
lapse rate between these nodes, are indicated [17]. With permission from Nature Publishing.

different myelin proteins, a gene for IL-4 and the GpG Inverse vaccines with increased GpG, high antigen expression and
oligonucleotide [39]. The results of this experiment intracellular localization
were illuminating and quite positive. In chronic
In 2001, we reported that nonobese diabetic (NOD)
relapsing EAE, combining a myelin cocktail plus IL-
mice injected intramuscularly with a bacterial plas-
4-tolerizing DNA vaccine with a suppressive GpG-
mid encoding the insulin B chain peptide showed sig-
ODN induced a shift of the autoreactive T-cell re-
nificantly lower disease incidence and delayed onset
sponse towards a protective Th2 cytokine pattern
of disease when compared with controls [40]. Protec-
[39]. Myelin microarrays demonstrated that toleriz-
tion was mediated by insulin B (9–23)-specific down-
ing DNA vaccination plus GpG-ODN further de-
regulation of IFN-c. We have pursued this observation
creased antimyelin autoantibody epitope spreading
performing experiments with a succession of plasmid
and shifted the autoreactive B-cell response to a pro-
to optimize therapeutic efficacy. We gave particular
tective IgG1 isotype, indicating a shift from a Th1 re-
attention to installing GpG constructs in the plasmid
sponse to a Th2 response. Moreover, the addition of
backbone, to assessing whether higher levels of anti-
GpG-ODN to the inverse vaccine effectively reduced
gen expression were beneficial and to assessing
overall mean disease severity in both the chronic
whether localizing the site of expression to intracellu-
relapsing EAE and chronic progressive EAE mouse
lar locations was of benefit.
models [39]. Thus, a method was in hand that re-
duced both the frequency of relapses when given after
The backbone of the plasmid for the inverse vaccine
the first attack and overall reduced disease progres-
had its CpG motifs eliminated and reconstituted with
sion caused by the recurrent relapses.

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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

Cocktail We identified pDNA-encoding proinsulin II as the

+ IL4 Cocktail Controls most potent at reducing type 1 diabetes in both pre-
ventive situations before hyperglycaemia was present
and in treatment models, where blood glucose levels
were between 190 and 250 mg mL–1. Furthermore,
we were able to elucidate an optimal frequency of dos-
> 20 000
ing, optimal levels of protein expression and whether
Cocktail + IL4-5
Cocktail + IL4-3
Cocktail + IL4-4
Cocktail + IL4-1
Cocktail + IL4-2

10 000
2500 intracellular localization of the antigen contributed to


1000 efficacy or not [41]. Targeting of the proinsulin II pro-

250 tein product to the cytoplasm by removing the signal
< 25 sequence from preproinsulin II proved to be the best
hMOG 71–83 strategy for delaying diabetes onset. Furthermore,
hMOG 70–82
hMBP protein the higher expression vector, created by adding a chi-
hMOG 68–80 meric intron upstream of the proinsulin II gene se-
hMOG 72–84
PLP 89–106 quence provided more robust protection from type 1
MOBP 21–39
hMBP 84–101 diabetes. This chimeric intron is composed of the 5¢
rMOG 13–30
hMBP 13–21 donor splice site from the first intron of the human b-
hMBP 1–20 globin gene and the branch and 3¢ acceptor splice site
hMBP 71–89
hMOG 1–26 from the intron of an Ig gene H chain V region. Weekly,
hMBP 6–14
gpMBP 72–85 biweekly and monthly dosing frequencies were all
rMBP 71–83 efficacious [41].
rMBP 72–84
hMBP 15–23
hMBP 14–22
hMBP 21–39 We undertook further studies to analyse the mecha-
rMBP 14–27 nism of action of this inverse vaccine. As reported,
hMOG 63–87
hMBP 148–156 administration of a single injection of proinsulin II
PLP 50–69
MOG 91–106 DNA to hyperglycaemic mice significantly decreased
MOG 35–55 the number of B9-23-specific, IFN-c producing cells
0.8 1.4 3.0 Relapse rate compared with the hyperglycaemic phosphate buf-
fered saline control mice (P = 0.02). Furthermore is-
Fig. 3 Tolerizing DNA vaccines reduce autoantibody epitope let-associated antibody (IAA) levels, reflecting humor-
spreading. At day 7 after onset of and after partial recovery al immune responses to insulin, were reduced in
from acute paralytic experimental autoimmune encephalo- NOD mice treated with the 10 lg dose of the inverse
myelitis (day 17) induced with proteolipid protein (PLP) vaccine [41].
139)151, SJL ⁄ J mice were treated weekly with phosphate
buffered saline vehicle, empty pTARGET vector, pTARGET
The conclusions from these studies on NOD mice,
expressing myelin basic protein, PLP, myelin oligodendrocyte
glycoprotein and MAG (cocktail) or pTARGET expressing the
formed the basis for the design of a multicentre phase
cocktail and interleukin-4. After the 10-week treatment, ser- I clinical trial testing pDNA encoding human proinsu-
um was obtained, array analysis carried out and Statistical lin II, termed BHT-3021, in individuals with a diagno-
Analysis of Microarrays was used to identify and analyse the sis of T1D, which began in October 2006.
hierarchical cluster to order antigen features [17]. With per-
mission from Nature Publishing
Human trials with an inverse vaccine in MS
An initial clinical trial with an inverse vaccine was at-
GpG motifs. Twelve CpG sequences were eliminated tempted in 30 individuals with RRMS and secondary
from the original plasmid by converting the cytosine progressive MS at four clinical sites in North America.
to guanosine. This CpG-reduced plasmid, where Although preclinical testing indicated that an inverse
CpGs were converted to GpGs was named pBHT1 vaccine using multiple plasmids encoding multiple
[41]. Using this plasmid, we studied NOD mice at var- myelin proteins would be optimal, after discussions
ious stages of the disease to compare plasmids with regulatory authorities in the United States and
encoding distinct islet antigens that have been impli- Europe, it was decided to test a vaccine, termed BHT-
cated in the pathogenesis of T1D. The pBHT1 back- 3009, encoding just one protein – MBP. BHT-3009
bone by itself, without an autoantigen insert could was administered intramuscularly at weeks 1, 3, 5
not modulate experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus and 9 after randomization into one of three groups:
in the NOD mice. placebo, BHT-3009 alone or BHT-3009 with the oral

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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

statin drug, atorvastatin. Atorvastatin was added in manner as determined by the Statistical Analysis of
one group because there were indications that it may Microarrays algorithm [43].
act as an adjuvant to enhance the efficacy of inverse
immunization [42]. We studied whether baseline antibody profile in the
CSF predicted response to the study drug. In a pro-
The inverse vaccine, BHT-3009, was safe and well tol- spectively defined protocol we described that ‘in the
erated. There were favourable trends on brain mag- upper half of the anti-MBP reactive patients (n = 13
netic resonance imaging (MRI), with a trend towards on placebo, n = 11 on 0.5-mg BHT-3009 and n = 14
a reduction in gadolinium lesion activity and volume on 1.5-mg BHT-3009), there was a significantly lower
after treatment relative to the placebo group. There number of new Gd-enhancing lesions per patient in
was no additional benefit from atorvastatin. We ob- MRIs of weeks 28–48 with 0.5 mg of BHT-3009 com-
served beneficial antigen-specific immune changes pared with placebo (mean ± SD, 2.5 ± 4.03 on 0.5-
including a marked decrease in proliferation of IFN-c mg BHT-3009 vs. 3.3 ± 4.59 on placebo; P = 0.02). In
producing, myelin-reactive CD4+ T cells from periph- contrast, in this subgroup, there was no significant
eral blood [Fig. 4] and a reduction in titres of myelin- difference between 1.5-mg BHT-3009 and placebo
specific autoantibodies from CSF as assessed by pro- [43]. Further analysis of baseline antibody profiles
tein microarrays [42]. has allowed us to identify a serum antibody profile
involving MBP where high responders not only had
A phase 2 trial was then performed in patients significant reductions in parameters of MRI, but also
with RRMS with the inverse vaccine, encoding had reductions in relapse rate in the 0.50-mg group
MBP, termed BHT-3009. As reported in 2008, (in preparation). Further trials are planned in both
compared with placebo, in the 267 patient analy- patients with RRMS as well as those patients preiden-
sis population the median 4-week rate of new tified by their high responder profiles in a serum as-
enhancing lesions during weeks 28–48 was 50% say identifying the detailed immune response to dif-
lower with 0.5 mg of BHT-3009 (P = 0.07) and ferent components of MBP.
during weeks 8–48 was 61% lower with 0.5 mg
of BHT-3009 (P = 0.05). The mean volume of
Human trials with inverse vaccines in type 1 diabetes
enhancing lesions at week 48 was 51% lower on
0.5 mg of BHT-3009 compared with the placebo In June 2009, Gottlieb and colleagues reported
(P = 0.02). No significant improvement in MRI le- results of a trial with an inverse vaccine encoding pro-
sion parameters was observed with 1.5 mg of insulin in patients, aged 18–40 with type 1 diabetes.
BHT-3009. Dramatic reductions in 23 myelin-spe- Patients were randomized into placebo or treatment
cific autoantibodies in the 0.5-mg BHT-3009 arm groups and were given 12 weekly injections of various
were observed in CSF, but not with placebo or doses of BHT-3021. In all dosage groups at 6 months
1.5 mg of BHT-3009 [43]; see Fig. 5. we reported stability of C-peptide as compared with
levels seen in the placebo group. Levels of haemoglo-
We had the opportunity to study a predefined sub- bin A1c, were stabilized at all doses compared with
set of 80 patients who contributed CSF for protein the placebo. Full results of the trial at 1 year will be re-
array analysis at baseline, and CSF at week 44 for ported in 2010. Based on the results reported in June
repeat protein array analysis. This allowed us to 2009, a partnership to continue development of this
determine whether treatment with BHT-3009 had inverse vaccine for type 1 diabetes mellitus was con-
an effect on the levels of antimyelin autoantibodies. summated between Bayhill Therapeutics and Genen-
Treatment with the 0.5-mg BHT-3009 dose was tech, a division of Roche [44].
associated with a significant decrease in the auto-
antibody titres to 23 myelin autoantigens, whereas
Further human trials with inverse vaccines
treatment with placebo did not result in a statisti-
cally significant net change in any of the antimyelin In addition to further trials in RRMS and type 1 diabe-
autoantibodies measured in the CSF. Antibody lev- tes mellitus, a plasmid to the a-chain of the acetylcho-
els to MBP peptides decreased with 0.5 mg of BHT- line receptor was effective in models of experimental
3009. We also saw a fall in autoantibodies binding autoimmune myasthenia gravis models in mice and
to other components of the myelin sheath in RRMS rats. This approach will now be taken forward into
including aB-crystallin, PLP, MOG, MBOP and OSP. the clinic in patients with myasthenia gravis. Another
The antibody levels of various components of the neurological condition, neuromyelitis optica, where
myelin sheath decreased in a statistically significant there is a strong autoantibody response targeting the

ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Journal of Internal Medicine 267; 441–451 447
L. Steinman
| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

TT MBP83-99 PLP peptide mix

104 104 104
20.0 5.36 25.9 7.33 14.5 5.76

103 103 103

102 102 102

101 101 101

8.31 65.5 7.52 59.2 11.7 68.1

100 0 100 100 0
1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 100 101
10 4
10 10 1
10 3

104 104 104

20.5 3.24 1.2 4.32 1.75 4.56

103 103 103


102 102 102

101 101 101

12.5 57.8 4.98 89.5 5.2 68.5

100 100 100
100 10 1
10 2
10 3
100 101
10 4
100 10 1
10 3

104 104 104

26.4 1.6 0.15 2.56 0.36 2.83

103 103 103

102 102 102

101 101 101

13.7 58.3 0.66 96.6 0.29 96.5

100 0 100 100 0
10 101 102 103 104 100 101 102 103 104 10 101 102 103 104


Fig. 4 Example of decreased T-cell response with BHT-3009. An example of one patient whose myelin basic protein
(MBP)- and proteolipid protein (PLP)-specific T-cell proliferative response decreased in response to BHT-3009 is shown.
Proliferation was measured using a dye dilution method with the vital dye 5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl
ester. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were incubated with a variety of antigens and controls, but for simplicity, only
the responses to tetanus toxoid (TT), MBP83-99 peptide and a PLP peptide mix are shown. The upper three panels corre-
spond to the baseline response; the middle three, to the week 9 response; and the bottom three, to the week 50
response. Proliferating interferon (IFN)-positive CD4+ T cells are shown in the upper left quadrant of each fluorescent-
activated cell sorter plot. Numbers in red indicate the percentage of cells in each quadrant. A dramatic decrease in IFN-
positive cells specific for MBP and PLP is demonstrated by week 9 and persists till week 50. Importantly, the response
to TT is unchanged with dosing, confirming the antigen-specific nature of BHT-3009 [42]. Permission obtained from
Archives of Neurology.

448 ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Journal of Internal Medicine 267; 441–451
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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

Fig. 5 Treatment with 0.5 mg of BHT-3009 is associated with a reduction in antimyelin antibody titres. Myelin array analysis
was performed to quantify antimyelin peptide antibodies in baseline and post-treatment samples in patients treated with 0.5 mg
of BHT-3009. Antibodies with pre- to post-treatment changes within each treatment group are represented either as fold change in
intensity with increases false coloured red, no change false coloured black, and decreases false coloured green. Grey represents
samples with no data available. Significant Analysis of Microarrays was applied to identify statistical differences in antibody
reactivity between the pre- and post-treatment samples, and identified 23 myelin peptides (listed to right of heat map) that exhib-
ited overall significant changes (all were decreases) in the post-treated as compared with pretreated cerebrospinal fluid samples
in patients treated with 0.5 mg of BHT-3009 (false discovery rate, q < 0.1). There were no statistically significant differences be-
tween pre- and post-reactivity in placebo-treated patients. Myelin basic protein peptide sequences are derived from and numbered
based on the 18.5-kDa isoform (Genbank accession no.: AAA59562), with the exception of peptides denoted by *s which are num-
bered based on the 21.5-kDa isoform (Genbank accession no.: AAA59564). MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein;
MOBP, myelin-associated oligodendrocytic basic protein; OSP, oligodendrocyte-specific protein. With permission from Annals of

water channel, aquaporin-4 is being planned. As au- instead of current therapies for autoimmune
toantigens are identified in other diseases inverse diseases (Fig. 6).
vaccines will be developed to treat these conditions in
time. Initially diseases where there is clear evidence Many of the strongest drugs now applied to treat au-
of a dominant immune response against one protein toimmunity were first approved for cancer therapy or
will have the highest priorities. Over time, as we get have shown promise for reducing transplant rejec-
more experience with inverse vaccines in man, we tion. Such therapies are associated with severe
shall attempt therapy with multiple plasmids to opportunistic infections such as progressive multifo-
inhibit responses to several autoantigens on a broad cal leukoencephalopathy, which has been reported
front. One hope is that we will be able to use this with Rituxan and Natalizumab [4, 12–14]. There are
approach for reducing specific immune responses other complications with these drugs that have been

Fig. 6 CpG motifs in red are re-

duced and replaced by GpG mo-
tifs shown in blue. DNA encoding
autoantigen is inserted into the
GpG-enriched plasmid. Trials
are planned to perform inverse
vaccination to acetylcholine rec-
eptor in myasthenia gravis, and
to aquaporin-4 in neuromyelitis

ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Journal of Internal Medicine 267; 441–451 449
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| Inverse vaccination for autoimmunity therapy

taken from the realms of cancer therapy or therapy to vaccines. None of this would have happened without
reduce transplant rejection. These complications in- support from the National Institutes of Health, the
clude increased risk of cancer and other opportunis- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Na-
tic infections besides progressive multifocal leukoen- tional Multiple Sclerosis Society and the loyal inves-
cephalopathy. One drug, the anti-CD52 approved for tors in Bayhill Therapeutics.
chronic lymphocytic leukaemia has shown stellar re-
sults in phase 2 trials for RRMS. Yet, 40% of patients
Conflict of interest statement
taking the drug for RRMS develop thyroiditis, either
Hashimoto’s, Graves or idiopathic thrombocytopae- The author is on the Board of Directors and serves as
nic purpura [6, 7]. Another drug anti-CD3, approved a consultant to Bayhill Therapeutics, the developer of
for transplant therapy, induced skin rashes and acti- DNA vaccines in clinical trials for MS and type 1 dia-
vation of Epstein–Barr virus in patients undergoing betes mellitus.
therapy for type 1 diabetes [8–10].
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