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Noah Sperling

Mr. B
Religion III

Saint name

The saint that I am writing about is St. Sebastian. I did my paper on Saint Sebastian

because their are no saints that are named Noah and we already talked about Saint Joseph

twice in class. I picked St. Sebastian because he was my confirmation saint. Saint Sebastian

Feast day is January 20 and he is known for being the patron of soldiers, athletes, and people

who want to died a saintly death. Saint Sebastian went into war when he was old enough. He

was in the army when they found out he was Christian. When they figured out he was Christian

they told Emperor Diocletian. Emperor Diocletian ordered the soldiers to kill him by using him as

a shooting target tied up to the tree. The archers listened to their emperor and shot arrows into

Sebastian. The description was that he was “full of arrows as an urchin.” Once they believed he

was dead they left him so he could get buried. While walking by, Irene of Rome, found him still

living. She took him back to her house to care for him. Irene’s husband was also murdered by

the Emperor. She later was canonized St. Irene. Once in full health Saint Sebastian went

looking for the Emperor to surprise him and plead against the killing of Chrisitans. Once he

found him he yelled at the Emperor and the Emperor was surprised to see him still living. Once

the Emperor got his composure back he ordered his royal guards to kill him. He was then

beaten to death by the royal guards and threw in the sewers where they thought no one could

find his body. His body was later found by a woman named Lucina who gave him a proper

burial. Eighty years after his death he was removed from the burial sight and moved to Basilica

in Rome built by the Pope Damasus I. There are still some relics of his body on display. A relic

of his cranium is on Germany on display in a silver case. They also have a relic of him at St.

Sebastian Church in Ross Township.

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