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Questions I can recall:

pt with high Ca and high pth...primary

which muscle initiates abduction of
which structure will be in left 5th intercostal
space...right ventricle
principle support of uterus...can't remember
exactly transverse muscles of perineum,
broad, round lig etc.
which nerve in cerebellopontine
angle...abducense and facial
in elbow brachial art relation to median
which process enhances ingestion of
after splenectomy...leucocytosis
anatomical snuffbox border...apb
one question with nerve injuries...answers
were ulnar and another with low trunk brachial
plexus inj
lymph drainage of scrotum, testes and
testicular swelling in children...epidydimal cyst,
torsion of morgagni, hydrocele, seminoma,
idiopatic scrotal swelling
medullary thyroid ca...calcitonin
thyroid test interpretationfor thyrotoxicosis,
hypothyroidism, medullary ca, pt after
thyroidectomy with and without suspection of
pt with high co2, high bicarbonate, low o2
another question about spinal
was disc prolapse, spina biffida occulta,
ankylosing spondilytis
few questions regarding s1 dermotome
pt with
pancreatic tumours...answers were
insulinoma, glucagonoma
in pheochromacytoma...vanillilmandelic acid in
skin lesions...seborrhoic keratosis,
dermatofibroma, few others cannot recall
one with reynauds fenomenon

breast lesions...duct ectasy, subareolar

abscess, ductal ca, pagets
child with walkig problems...development
dysplasia, slipped upper femoral epiphysis,
septic arthritis
pt after laparoscopic cholecyctectomy with bile
leaking from drain dg and another one with
pancreatic head ca who failed ercp next stage
of mg
antibiotic prophylaxis questions cannot recall
exactly but one was gas gangrene
pathogen responsible for process again few
questions one was surgeon after working with
clean wound, perianal lesion, insect bite

opposite of relative risk.,.... numbers needed

to -treat
- DDH..
-SEPTIC Arthritis
-NERVE supply of pernieum
-pulmonary artery branchial arch
-nucleolus pulposes causing disc prolapse
-pt with stiff back and limited expansion....
anklyosing spondilitis
- p with prominent sacrum spondylolithesis
-stupid question about blood groups
-mm tear

lumber puncture - 1st structure

femoral blood sampling land mark
compartment syndrome
hip extensor

the last emq regarding men with

gynaecomastia. dg
function of iliopsoas..
which structure will be injured during chest
drainage through 5th intercostal on midaxillary
which nerve is in the posterior triangle of the
neck...spinal accessory nerve was the answer
transpyloric plane level...l1
pt with loss of anal tone with conus medullaris
compression which dermatome will be
affected...s2 s3 s4
3questions on gcs was no
motor no sensor no verbal so answer was 3.
another one 14.
questions regarding ankle brachial
pressure...the db one was the one >1 ulcers
and arterial ds 0,2 chronic venous ischaemia
0.7 and one more can't recall
one q regarding assosiations of polyarteriitis
question about sinoatrial node
another one which structure can be
auscultated on 2nd spaceleft sternal border...

A 10 year old boy is with symptoms of right

knee pain. for the past 3 months and the pain
typically lasts for several hours. On
examination he walks with an antalgic gait and
has apparent right leg shortening

structure medial to femoral hernia

Lacunar lig

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