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So 1/TWT is MEDICINE  that’s why today I would like to talk about a condition you may have
not heard about

The first time I heard about it  in a novel whose main character had this condition, so that
gave me the idea to talk about prosopagnosia today.

So first of all, gonna give you some words I’m going to mention:


-face blindess:

-fusiform gyrus:


Prosopagnosia or face blindness is a cognitive disorder in which the ability to recognize familiar
faces (including one’s own face) is damaged. This means that the people that suffer this
condition are unable to recognize people: even their parents, their friends and themselves.

The main responsible of prosopagnosia is brain damage, more specifically, bran damage in the
fusiform gyrus,It is estimated that around 2% of the population may have prosopagnosia, and
this is a number that is higher that, for instance, the people that suffer autism.

There’re 2 main types of prosopagnosia: acquired prosopagnosia and congenital prosopagnosia.

1st one is less common, and it’s when the person isn’t born with prosopagnosia, when he
acquires at some point of his life due to brain damage caused by a car accident, for instance.

2nd one, congenital prosopagnosia, is when the patient is born with this condition

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