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Ability Checks

Skills Typical Difficulty Classes

Ability Score Associated Skills Task Difficulty DC
Strength Athletics Trivial 5
Dexterity Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth Easy 10
Strength Constitution N/A (See Constitution table) Moderate 15
Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Hard 20 1
Strength measures bodily power and Intelligence
athletic Religion Very Hard 25 Constitution
training. Wisdom
Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nearly 30
Perception, Survival Impossible Constitution measures health, stamina, and
Athletics 1
Deception, Intimidation, Performance, vital force.
Climb a wall with plenty of handholds or a Dexterity Concentration
secure, knotted rope or rope ladder; swim
in relatively calm water; jump a number of Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and Distracting environmental stimuli such as
feet horizontally equal to half of your balance. Easy a wave crashing over the deck of a storm-
Strength score, or your full Strength tossed ship
Automatic score with a 10 foot running start; leap After taking damage make a Constitution
into the air a number of feet equal to Acrobatics Variable Saving throw with a DC of either 10 or
half of (3 + your Strength modifier), or Walk across an icy surface, stay upright in max(10,x) half of the damage taken, whichever is
the full amount with a 10 foot running higher.
Easy a turbulent situation, land safely on
start 2 difficult terrain 2
Climb a wall lacking an adequate amount of Walk along a narrow ledge, swing from a Forced March
handholds, tread water in rough Moderate chandelier and land on your feet
conditions, jump a few feet farther than At the end of each hour a PC must make a
Easy you normally could; during a long jump, Hard Cross a wildly swaying rope bridge Variable Constitution saving throw with a DC equal
clear an obstacle such as a low-lying Very Walk across a tightrope, vault over or (DC 10 + to 10 + the number of hours traveled past
hedge or wall of height ≤a fourth of the Hard under an enemy (through their space) x) 8. On a failed throw the PC advances one
jump’s distance level of exhaustion.
Climb a rope dangling from a protrusion or Sleight of Hand
overhang (i.e. lacking a vertical surface Air
to brace against), swim in rough water or Perform simple acts of legerdemain such as
Easy palming a coin-sized object A PC can hold their breath for a number of minutes
against a mild current
Climb a wall with very few handholds, Contest equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier (minimum 30
catch yourself on a rope or other handhold Plant or steal an object on or from a seconds). When out of breath, a PC can survive for a
(vs. target, conceal an object on your person
Hard in the middle or at the end of your jump, number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier
swim in violent water or against a strong before they drop to 0 hit points and begin to die.
current 1
Climb a slippery or sheer wall with little
Stealth Food
or no handholds, climb vertically along an Contest
Very Hard overhang with adequate handholds, swim in
Conceal yourself from enemies, sneak past A PC must eat one pound of food per day in order to
(vs. unsuspecting targets, slip away while subsist. They can go without food for a number of days
stormy waters
WIS) others are distracted equal to 3 + their Constitution modifier (minimum 1)
Feats of Strength • Other before they begin to starve. This day count is reset
Pick Lock • Disarm Trap 2 • Other when the PC eats their fill for a day; otherwise, the
Force open a stuck or broken door, break PC advances one level of exhaustion at the end of each
Easy free from weak bindings, pull a stuck or Pick a simple lock, jam a simple trap, day beyond their limit.
wedged object loose Easy perform a task requiring particularly
Break through a wooden door reinforced dexterous hands 3 Water
Moderate with iron, hang on to a wagon while being Pick a typical lock, escape from tight rope
Moderate bindings, securely restrain a prisoner A PC drinking less than half the amount
dragged behind it
Break through a heavy locked or barred Pick an elaborate lock, disarm a trap of of water they require during the day
Hard door, topple a stone statue Hard average complexity, steer a chariot around Automatic advances one level of exhaustion at the
a tight corner end of the day, or two levels if they are
Break through a heavy, reinforced door
such as a prison or armory door, hold a Pick a masterwork lock, disarm a complex already suffering from exhaustion.
Very Hard Very A PC drinking more than half the amount
door shut against a room filling with trap, escape from locked masterwork
Hard manacles of water they require during the day but
less than the full amount must succeed on
1: A PC can climb and swim under normal conditions without having to make a check; however, 1: Generally, becoming hidden in combat requires being heavily obscured or under total cover, Moderate a Constitution saving throw or advance
strenuous conditions may require that they pass an Athletics check. Each foot of movement but ultimately the rules leave it up to your personal adjudication. one level of exhaustion, or two levels if
during such a check costs an extra foot of movement, or an extra 2 feet if it is considered 2: Proficiency with Thieves’ Tools allows a player to add their proficiency bonus to checks made they are already suffering from
difficult terrain. Characters with climb and swim speeds ignore the extra costs associated with to open locks and disarm traps. exhaustion.
movement of this type. 3: Such as Operation ™.
Similarly, the horizontal and vertical distance a PC can jump without having to make a check 1: Constitution represents a largely passive set of ‘skills’ which have more to do with enduring
is determined by their Strength score and modifier respectively. An Athletics check is generally than performing a specific action the PC can become proficient in. Therefore Constitution
only required when attempting to jump a distance farther than the amount calculate in the checks are more uncommon than other ability checks and are usually made without adding a
table above. proficiency bonus, although situational bonuses may still apply. NOTE: An ability check is
2: During a vertical jump a PC can extend their arms in order to achieve an extra distance equal different from a saving throw; players can be proficient at Constitution saving throws.
to ½ of their height, which they can effectively add to their jump distance in order to attempt 2: A PC can only travel for eight hours a day before they risk becoming exhausted.
to grab on to a ledge or other handhold. 3: A PC requires one gallon of water per day, or two if the climate is harsh.
Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Intelligence measures mental acuity, Wisdom measures perceptiveness, intuition, Charisma measures force of personality,
accuracy and attunement with the surrounding world. persuasiveness, personal magnetism, social
of recall, and the ability to reason. influence, and physical attractiveness.
Insight • Perception
Arcana • History • Nature • Religion Spot a prominent landmark or structure in
Recall widely known information; identify the distance, hear the far-off sound of Fast-talk or con someone, adopt a disguise
Easy thunder signaling a coming storm, determine Contest
Easy common people, places, objects, symbols,
or impersonate another creature, tell a
fauna, or flora if a child is telling the truth convincing lie or otherwise hide your true
Recall more obscure or specific Spot a natural-obscured object or feature, WIS) intentions
Moderate information; identify uncommon people, eavesdrop on a conversation in the next
places, objects, symbols, fauna, or flora Moderate room, discern who among a cagey group is Intimidation
Recall truly esoteric or precise the leader, discern the intended message of
Hard information; identify rare people, places, a non-verbal communication Scare a spineless noble in to handing over
Spot a well-hidden object or feature, Easy their coin purse
objects, symbols, fauna, or flora
Recall information that is known only by a eavesdrop on a hushed conversation through Pry information out of an uncooperative
Hard a heavy door, guess at the enemy’s next
Very privileged few; identify exceedingly rare Moderate prisoner, convince street thugs to back
action down from a confrontation
Hard people, places, objects, symbols, fauna, or
flora Spot a nearly-invisible object or feature, Advise a guard that it might be best to
read the lips of a creature you can see but Hard look the other way this time around, coerce
Hard not hear
Investigation • Other an official in to signing a document
Contest Frighten a creature larger than you,
Determine if someone is lying or disguising Very
Identify a particularly obvious trap or a (vs. causing it to flee; stop an agitated mob in
secret or coded message left by a contact,
themselves or their intentions Hard their tracks
communicate a simple idea with an Contest
Easy intelligent creature you don’t share a
Spot a creature attempting to hide, hear Performance
language with, discover the true nature of the movements of a hidden foe
a low-level illusion DEX) Routine performance such as telling a story
Easy in a tavern or around a campfire
Identify a typical trap, determine time or
cause of death of a recently deceased Survival Professional performance such as an
Moderate creature, estimate the material worth of an
inspiring speech or an impressive musical
item, discover the true nature of a mid- Follow a well-worn trail through a forest, display which may attract the attention of
level illusion follow the tracks of a creature through a local troupe and lead to regional fame
Identify a well-hidden trap, object, or Easy snow or mud, forage for a day’s worth of Memorable performance which may attract the
food in a plentiful area, navigate on a
area; forge a document or identify such a Hard attention of a local patron and lead to
document, discover the true nature of a clear night national fame
high-level illusion Follow an abandoned or forgotten trail, Extraordinary performance which may attract
track a creature through a forest, forage Very
Identify a magically-hidden trap, object, the attention of distant patrons and even
for a day’s worth of food in a sparse area, Hard extraplanar beings
or area; discern the purpose and process of Moderate navigate on a cloudy night, predict an
Very a complicated device or system; determine
oncoming storm, identify the signs of
Hard the integrity of a structure, construct, or
nearby creatures Persuasion
formation and identify any exploitable weak
points Track a creature over barren terrain, Convince the mayor to allow your party to
forage for a day’s worth of food in a harsh Easy help, calm a distraught person
Hard area, navigate through an alien area on a Persuade a group of highway thieves to
cloudy night, predict tomorrow’s weather
Moderate leave in peace, convince a friendly
Very Track a creature after rainfall, navigate acquaintance that you know best
Hard an alien area on a stormy night Convince a chamberlain to let your party
see the king, inspire or rally a crown of
Animal Handling • Medicine • Other Hard townsfolk, negotiate a peace between
warring tribes
Calm a domesticated animal, stabilize a Convince a sphinx that you are worthy of
Easy dying creature outside of combat, diagnose Very
the secrets it guards, assure a dragon
a common ailment Hard you’re worth more alive than dead
Calm a wild but otherwise peaceful animal,
intuit an animal’s emotional state, set a
broken bone, perform a complex maneuver
Moderate while mounted, stabilize a dying creature
in the middle of combat, diagnose an
uncommon ailment
Intuit a hostile animal’s next action,
Hard control an untrained mount, diagnose a rare
Very Calm a dangerous wild animal, diagnose
Hard magical and divine ailments
Character Resting Damage and Dying
Advancement Short Rest Unconscious
When you are reduced to zero hit points you fall unconscious.
There are no negative hit point values.
1 Prof. A period of downtime lasting at least one hour, during Whenever you start your turn with zero hit points you must
Lv. Exp. make a death saving throw, not to be confused with a
Bonus which time you can do nothing more strenuous than eating,
drinking, reading, or tending to wounds. Constitution saving throw. On a roll of 10 or higher, you
1 0 +2 The following effects resolve at the end of a Short Rest: Death Saving succeed. Otherwise, you fail. On your third success you
2 300 +2  You regain the use of abilities, features, and resources Throws become stable while on your third failure you die. These
that are refreshed by taking a Short Rest. Conditions & States
results need not be consecutive. On a roll of 1 you suffer
two failures while on a roll of 20 become stable and gain one
 You are allowed to expend one of your accumulated Hit Die
5 6,500 +3 by rolling a die of the corresponding type. You regain hit hit point.
Automatically fail any check requiring sight. Disadvantage on
Blinded If you rolls.
attack take any damage while
Attackers at zero hit points you suffer a
have advantage.
6 14,000 +3 points equal to the rolled value + your Constitution
7 23,000 +3 modifier. Afterwards, you may choose to spend another Hit
Damage at death saving
Cannot attack throw failure.
the charmer or If this them
target damage is harmful
with from a critical
8 34,000 +3 Die. zero Hit
Charmed hit you instead
abilities sufferCharmer
or effects. two failures. If thison
has advantage damage is
9 48,000 +4 Points greater than
socially with or
theequal to your
charmed hit point maximum you suffer
Deafened instant any ability check that requires hearing.
10 64,000 +4 Long Rest Automatically
11 85,000 +4 You are dead. Sorry. You’ve got a couple options: activate
12 100,000 +4 A period of extended downtime lasting at least eight hours, plot armor, become a servant of the Raven Queen, come back to
during which time you must either sleep or perform only light Dead life through any number of different spells (my favorite is
13 120,000 +5
14 140,000 +5 activities such as talking, eating, or standing watch. These reincarnate!), roll a new character.
15 165,000 +5 activities can occupy no more than 2 hours of your Long Rest. Exhausted See Exhaustion table
Performing more than an hour of strenuous activity such as
16 195,000 +5 At the end of a fall a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage
walking or fighting will also interupt your Long Rest. You may
17 225,000 +6
only benefit from one Long Rest in a 24-hour period and you
Falling for every 10 feet they fell (max 20d6) . A creature who takes
18 265,000 +6 damage this way is knocked prone.
must begin the rest with at least one hit point.
19 305,000 +6 The following effects resolve at the end of a Long Rest: Disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the
20 355,000 +6  You regain the use of abilities, features, and resources Frightened source of the fear is within sight. Cannot willingly move
towards the source of the fear.
that are refreshed by taking a Long Rest.
1: Experience points are cumulative. Speed reduced to 0. Ends when grappler is incapacitated, is no
 You regain all of your lost hit points unless otherwise Grappled longer within reach, or fails a skill contest.
 You regain a number of Hit Die equal to up half of your Incapacitated Cannot take actions or reactions.
total possible Hit Die. Resistance against nonmagical damage; targets are resistant
1 against nonmagical damage from an incorporeal source. Can move
Traveling Donning and Incorporeal through objects and other creatures but must end movement in

Travel Distance Traveled per… Doffing Armor an empty space.

Considered heavily obscured for the purposes of hiding.
Effect Invisible Advantage on attack rolls. Attackers have disadvantage.
Pace Minute Hour Day Category Don Doff Incapacitated and cannot move or speak. Automatically fail
Light 1 min 1 min Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Attackers have advantage
Slow 200 ft.
2 18 Able to Paralyzed and any attack that hits and is made from within 5 feet is a
miles miles stealth Medium 5 min 1 min
Heavy 10 min 5 min crit.
3 24
Normal 300 ft. — Shield 1 action 1 action Weight increases by a factor of ten and no longer age.
miles miles
Incapacitated cannot move or speak, and unaware of
-5 penalty to surroundings. Automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving
4 30 Petrified
Fast 400 ft. Passive throws. Attackers have advantage. Resistance to all damage.
miles miles
Perception Any poison or disease already afflicting the target is
Exhaustion suspended and the target become immune to poison and disease.
1: A group of adventurers can travel for eight hours each day. Use Passive Poisoned Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Lv. Effect
Perception to determine if threats are noticed. Only movement option is crawl until standing up. Disadvantage
on attack rolls. Attackers within 5 feet have advantage,
Disadvantage on ability Prone
1 checks otherwise they have disadvantage. Can stand up by using half
Degree Effect of your total movement speed.
2 Speed halved
Grants +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity Speed reduced to 0. Disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity
Half Cover 3
Disadvantage on attack Restrained saving throws. Attackers have advantage.
saving throws. rolls and saving throws
Three- Considered one size category smaller for the purposes of
Grants +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity 4 Hit point maximum halved
movement through tight areas. Every foot of movement costs an
quarters Squeezing
saving throws. 5 Speed reduced to 0 extra foot. Disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving
Cannot be targeted directly by attacks 6 Death throws. Attackers have advantage.
or spells, although area of effect 0 hit points and unconscious but don’t need to make Death
Total Cover saving throws. Any damage taken causes causes the creature to
spells and abilities are still 1: The effects of exhaustion are cumulative. At the
effective. end of a long rest if a creature has had food or drink it stop being stable and to resume making Death saving throws.
Stable The Stable condition ends when the creature is no longer at 0
decreases its level of Exhaustion by one.
hit points. If still at 0 hit points after 1d4 hours, regain 1
hit point.
Incapacitated and cannot move. Ability to speak is impaired
Stunned but not lost. Automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving
throws. Attacks have advantage.
Incapacitated, cannot move or speak, and unaware of
surroundings. Drop any held items and fall prone.
Unconscious Automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
Attackers have advantage and any attack that hits from within
5 feet is a crit.
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Club 1 sp 2 lb. Light
Finesse, Light, Thrown
Dagger 2 gp 1d4 Piercing 1 lb.
Greatclub 2 sp 10 lb. Two-handed
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 Slashing 2 lb. Light, Thrown(20/60)
Javelin 5 sp 1d6 Piercing 2 lb. Thrown(30/120)
Light Hammer 2 gp 2 lb. Light, Thrown(20/60)
Mace 5 gp 4 lb —
Quarterstaff 2 sp 4 lb. Versatile(1d8)
Sickle 1 gp 1d4 Slashing 2 lb. Light
Spear 1 gp 1d6 Piercing 3 lb.
— 1 Bludgeoning — —

Simple Ranged Weapons

Crossbow, Ammunition(80/320),
25 gp 1d8 Piercing 5 lb.
Light Loading, Two-handed
Dart 5 cp 1d4 Piercing ¼ lb. Finesse, Thrown(20/60)
Shortbow 25 gp 1d6 Piercing 2 lb.
Sling 1 sp — Ammunition(30/120)

Martial Melee Weapons

Battleaxe 10 gp 1d8 Slashing 4 lb. Versatile(1d10)
Flail 10 gp 2 lb. —
Heavy, Reach, Two-
Glaive 20 gp 1d10 Slashing 6 lb.
Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 Slashing 7 lb. Heavy, Two-handed
Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 Slashing 6 lb. Heavy, Two-handed
Heavy, Reach, Two-
Halberd 20 gp 1d10 Slashing 6 lb.
Lance 10 gp 1d12 Piercing 6 lb. Reach, Special
Longsword 15 gp 1d8 Slashing 3 lb. Versatile(1d10)
Maul 10 gp 10 lb. Heavy, Two-handed
Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 Piercing 4 lb. —
Heavy, Reach, Two-
Pike 5 gp 1d10 Piercing 18 lb.
Rapier 25 gp 1d8 Piercing 2 lb. Finesse
Scimitar 25 gp 1d6 Slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Light
Shortsword 10 gp 1d6 Piercing 2 lb. Finesse, Light
Trident 5 gp 1d6 Piercing 4 lb.
War Pick 5 gp 1d8 Piercing 2 lb. —
Warhammer 15 gp 2 lb. Versatile(1d10)
Whip 2 gp 1d4 Slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Reach

Martial Ranged Weapons

Blowgun 10 gp 1 Piercing 1 lb.
Loading Armor & Shields
Crossbow, Ammunition(30.120),
75 gp 1d6 Piercing 3 lb.
hand light, loading Armor Cost Armor Class Weight Properties
Crossbow, Light Armor
50 gp 1d10 Piercing 18 lb. Heavy, Loading, Two-
Padded 5 gp 11 + Dex Mod 8 lb. Disadvantage(Stealth)
Longbow 50 gp 1d10 Piercing 2 lb. Leather 10 gp 11 + Dex Mod 10 lb. —
Heavy, Two-handed
Net Studded
1 gp — 3 lb. Special, Thrown(5/15) 45 gp 12 + Dex Mod 13 lb. —

Medium Armor
12 + Dex Mod (Max
Hide 10 gp 12 lb. —
13 + Dex Mod (Max
Chain Shirt 50 gp 20 lb. —
14 + Dex Mod (Max
Scale Mail 50 gp 45 lb. Disadvantage(Stealth)
14 + Dex Mod (Max
Breastplate 400 gp 20 lb. —
15 + Dex Mod (Mas
Half Plate 750 gp 40 lb. Disadvantage(Stealth)

Heavy Armor
Ring Mail 30 gp 14 40 lb. Disadvantage(Stealth)
Chain Mail 75 gp 16 55 lb.
Splint 200 gp 17 60 lb.
Plate 1500 gp 18 65 lb.
Services Lifestyle Expenses
Service Pay Lifestyle Price/Day
Shield 10 gp +2 6 lb. —
Coach Cab Wretched —
Between Squalid 1 sp
3 cp/mile
Towns Poor 2 sp
Within a Modest 1 gp
1 cp
City Comfortable 2 gp
Hireling Wealthy 4 gp
Skilled 2 gp/day 10 gp
Unskilled 2 sp/day Aristocratic
Messenger 2 cp/mile
Road/Gate Toll 1 cp
Ship’s Passage 1 sp/mile
First Level 10-30 gp +
spell 1 components
Second Level 30-50 gp +
spell 1 components
Third+ Level 3
How much ya got?
Spell 2

1: First and second level spellscasting services are easy

enough to find in a decently sized city or town.
2: Third level and higher spells are much more rare and can
only be found with any amount of regularity in a large city,
perhaps home to a University or Temple.
3: Often times a spellcaster might ask for a service rather
than monetary payment.
Monster Statistics Encounter Building Encounter Difficulty Exp Per
You can use this process after you’ve already designed Level Easy Medium Hard Deadly
Proficiency & Exp Value an encounter to determine its difficulty or you can use
by Challenge Rating it to start an Encounter from scratch with a target 1 25 50 75 100
difficulty in mind. 2 50 100 150 200
Proficiency Exp Points 3 75 150 225 400
Bonus Value 1. Start by making a note of the Exp values that 4 125 250 375 500
0 2 0 or 10 define the four difficulty categories for your group. 5 250 500 750 1,100
1/8 2 25 For each adventurer in the party refer to the 6 300 600 900 1,400
1/4 2 50 Encounter Difficulty Exp per Character table, noting 7 350 750 1,100 1,700
1/2 2 100 the exp values for each character in each category. 8 450 900 1,400 2,100
1 2 200 Then for each category add the exp values for each 9 550 1,100 1,600 2,400
2 2 450 character in that category to determine the difficulty 10 600 1,200 1,900 2,800
3 2 700 thresholds for encounters.
4 2 1,100 11 800 1,600 2,400 3,600
5 3 1,800 2. Next, select each creature you want to include in 12 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,500
6 3 2,300 your encounter. Add up their Exp Values, which can be 13 1,100 2,200 3,400 5,100
7 3 2,900 found in their stat block next to their Challenge 14 1,250 2,500 3,800 5,700
8 3 3,900 Rating, to get the encounter’s Exp Value. 15 1,400 2,800 4,300 6,400
9 4 5,000 16 1,600 3,200 4,800 7,200
10 4 5,900 3. Adjust the encounter Exp Value by the multiplier 17 2,000 3,900 5,900 8,800
11 4 7,200 found in the Encounter Exp Multipliers table according 18 2,100 4,200 6,300 9,500
12 4 8,400 to the size of the adventuring party. 19 2,400 4,900 7,300 10,900
13 5 10,000
14 5 11,500 20 2,800 5,700 8,500 12,700
15 5 13,000 4. Compare the adjusted encounter Exp Value with the
16 5 15,000 difficulty thresholds you calculated in Step 1 to get
17 6 18,000 an estimate of the encounter’s difficulty. Adjust the
18 6 20,000 encounter accordingly.
19 6 22,000 Encounter Exp Multipliers Random Encounter Chances
20 6 25,000
21 7 33,000 Exp Multiplier for Encounter
Area Roll 1d20… Examples
22 7 41,000 Number of Party size of… on…
23 7 50,000 Enemies Once per hour of
24 7 62,000 1-2 3-5 6-8 travel.
25 8 75,000 Mordor,
26 8 90,000 Single Enemy × — Dangerous Once per 20 18-20(15%) Underdark,
× .5
1.5 overworld or Zombie-
27 8 105,000 minutes of Rest
28 8 120,000 Pair (2 Enemies) × — area during the day. 19-20(10%) infested
× 2
29 9 135,000 1.5 swamp
30 9 155,000 Group (3-6 × × Once at night.
× 2
Enemies) 2.5 1.5
Gang (7-10 × Uncivilized, Once during the
Size Categories & Hit Points × 3 2.5 × 2
Enemies) unsettled, day. 17-20(20%) Dothraki Sea,
Mob (11-14 × or unknown or American
Size Space Hit Die(Avg. Hit Points/Die) × 4Examples
× 3
Enemies) 2.5 overworld Once at night. 18-20(15%) Frontier
2.5 by 2.5 Horde (15+
d4(2.5) Hawk, Imp, Rat, Sprite area
Tiny × 5 × 4 × 3
ft. Enemies) Well-
Small 5 by 5 ft.
d6(3.5 Giant Rat, Goblin, A major
Kobold traveled Once a day-night
20(5%) highway/trade
Medium 5 by 5 ft. d8(4.5) Gnoll, Orc, Werewolf overworld Cycle.
d10(5.5) Chimera, Hippogriff, area
Large 10 by 10 ft.
Ogre Structure or Enemy
d12(6.5) Cyclops, Fire Giant, Once per 15 17-20(20%)
Huge 15 by 15 ft. formation encampments,
Treant minutes of Rest or or
populated by creatures’
20+ by 20+ d20(10.5) Ancient Dragon, Kraken Idle. 18-20(15%)
ft. hostiles lairs

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