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NAME: _tressa Paces. : 2, Choose "Tell us wikat you like to do” and click on Start. O*Net Interest Profiler, you will see a box that says “Enter Scores.” Click + your Holland Code scores from the last class. And then click on Next to 4 you get to Job Zones. 5. you will learn about Job Zones, which helps you look at experience, ‘hat fits with your Interest Profile. 6. nes page, choose a preparation level, read what that 2vel means (ie., how much training/schooling you are interested in). 7. lect a Job Zone” that aligns with the amount of preparation you want {D.GG. high Jeb prepera bien or extensive Jeb preperation 8. \st of careers that fits with your Interest Profile and the amount of willing to do (They are in alphabetical order, so scroll down to get 9. Choose @ career to explore, What is it? lnlerion De signers 10.Lo. the career name. ight Outlook? (sun) __yes no art of the Green Economy? (leaf) _yes quire a registered apprenticeship? 2 yes _no «answer the following questions about this career: cast 3 things you would do (under the name of the career) Plan design and fur niayegn and Cuintish interiors Formulabe practical: aesinelic designs often with ar fice 5 you would do onthe job: Pesian plans jo be sole With tne ADA Coordinate wiih oti 0. / Inspect Conedru rh te en: d fork S\N, Knowledge point under each heading : 7 nce neering > so esi building 4 congiuciien “‘oustem#t servic a eelth M/A and Humanities Naish, wseas ards cation and Training Bachelor's Degree 2A ‘i nein il! point under each heading: e@ Skills sfishenmoy, no} intewphniy astis o9ed gyesisens + feadl ucrh re lated i. Social ante, loch fer ways te help peo vie ill. Problem Solving _Debieing, problem y A how te Solve thom , List an Ability point under each heading: Verbal Mmunica b4 Speaking, listen sunderland whal pecple Say a5 and Logic P%4_ottentioa te Something wither! vetting disiacieol _ aSt 3 points listed under Personality: i. Gropi jo Lyna. word what éaveton val you need forte eater? (click on the graduation at © Baenelers Deoyer 2 Trainin Vinal is tie job oto for this career? averege? _ Average? X Below average? average annual salary for this career? ‘ore” what are 2 other related careers? J J a faspien_Desiqners Commererai 2 tndvsivan Designers What are che things that make this career interesting to you? 1. Creahiviy fequived 2. conaberainve envicinment 3.ths something. Ine afwage Yevrd in this career before this activity? Where wouls you like to go to get training/education for this career? University of Ulan Multi Piseiplinany Design Mayer @ ree finder ~ can help you find places to study.

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