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David Ngo

Ms Dadabhoy

CP English 3

6 April 2017

Word Count: 310

UC Insight #4
Since I was a child I have never been the one to stay after class or participate in

school activities. I was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. However there are a lot of

things that have also changed since i was a child. Changes that I am very proud of and have

the opportunity to share with the reader. I’ll admit, as a child i was immature. Happiness

family and friends was a priority, anything else came second including school, health and

habits. Honestly that still is in effect today, even as a junior in High School. As i became

active on campus, I joined a sport, enrolled in Honors English and Advanced Placement

World History. Being in Baseball i found a second family and in World History, a third. I

found the important concept of commitment, adaptation, in provision and overcoming my

academic barriers.

I soon made my school my second home. I participated more often and more

frequently. I took advantage of AP World History and passed both semesters and passed the

AP exam with a ⅗. I have always sought to bring change to those around me and leave a

significant impression on the lives i come in contact with. Last year; i did that, I helped

fellow students and learned more from them, then i did staring at books or asking my

instructor, Mr Gorsage. I became more outgoing. Meeting new people, new teachers, other

athletes, parents and coaches and overcame my fear of fear. Although not all of it. Maturing,

i faced many different educational barriers, however i faced my worst enemy and am slowly

overcoming fear, which is shaping me to be the person i am today, more mature, happier,

mentally stronger and with a stronger focus on priorities.

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