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Professor: Don Brigham

Student: Dalia Devera Cerna
Faculty of Art and ArchitectureUniversity of Idaho
December 2015
The orange and its degrees, to express the coarse texture,
representing the coarse, middle coarse and very coarse textures.
The blue and its degrees represent the fine, middle fine and very fine textures.
The contrast between the textures and their integration through the arraignment of the forms, is the
intention of this design.

A background that is represented by the sky. The focal point is the Golden chain tree, representing the
fine texture. This focal point is the visual finish reading that occurs in the lower part:

The very coarse texture is the integrated unit that is represented by the Carex, the most lowest height.
It is since the front, first plane, until the base of the fine texture, like a rag. In other words is the element
repeated like in a unit. In the second plane, over the Carex, begins the coarse texture, represented by
the Spirea prunifola. Besides these elements, goes the middle fine texture represented by the Firethorn.
Only two firethorn like a bub-focal point. Finaly, we see the tree.
The contrast between the textures and their
integration through the arraignment of the forms, is
the intention of this design.
In general it is kept the previous arraignment. In this
step, the middle coarse texture is decreased, so that
the degrees of the coarse textures can be in the
middle front of the view going the ’decrescendo’
towards back-left.
Also taking out one element of the middle coarse
texture represented by the firethorn, one can read in
a better way, the fine textures degrees that are in the

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