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SYSADMIN Nmap Scripting

Automated penetration testing with Nmap’s new scripting engine


Nmap is rolling out a new scripting engine to automatically

investigate vulnerabilities that turn up in a security scan.

We’ll show you how to protect your network with Nmap


map is the tool of choice for pen- functions into custom scripts. Fyodor, expressions – a useful option for pen tes-
etration testing [1]. Experts use the Nmap project leader, placed the de- ters who want to check existing vulnera-
Nmap to search out security velopment of this scripting engine in the bilities by launching exploits. However,
holes and scan for open network services. capable hands of Diman Todorov. The the developers point out that Nmap is
But what happens when you find a prob- result is the Nmap Scripting Engine not looking to compete with the
lem? Many administrators prefer to follow (NSE) [2], which has been an integral Metasploit framework [3].
up the discovery with additional tests. For part of Nmap since version 4.21. NSE provides an easy means for build-
instance, if Nmap finds an http service, NSE extends the core functionality of ing automated solutions around Nmap.
why not query to determine the web the Nmap scanner, providing detailed in- The NSE option works well for small to
server version? formation on services such as NFS, SMB, mid-sized networks. Tools such as Nes-
Thus far, administrators have written or RPC. You can also use NSE to search sus [4], GFI LANguard [5], or ISS Inter-
their own scripts to parse Nmap output for active systems using domain look- net Scanner [6] might be better suited
files – a slow and time-consuming pro- ups, Whois searches, or other source for large-scale scanning operations. You
cess. The Nmap project recently decided network discovery techniques. To can download the NSE source code from
it was time to introduce a scripting en- discover backdoors, NSE checks any the project server [1] or check out your
gine so that users could automate Nmap version strings it detects against regular distributor’s repository for a binary.


Nmap Scripting SYSADMIN

NSE is built on the Lua interpreted NSE. The pre-built

scripting language [7]. Lua is designed scripts attend to
to work with software written in other common tasks Scanned Host
languages, such as C or C++. Lua, often associated
which is based on ANSI C, owes its flexi- with Nmap. For
bility to the fact that most functions are example, if the
available in the form of libraries. This scanner discovers
approach makes it easy to extend the that TCP port 80 is
functional scope by binding required open and if the Nmap
modules. In addition, the Lua interpreter pre-built showHT- with Nmap Scripting Engine
has a very small footprint; even commer- MLTitle.nse script
cial games (including World of Warcraft) is available, a call
rely on Lua. to the script is is-
A Lua interpreter forms the core of sued. The script
NSE (see Figure 1). When Nmap detects queries the web Nmap API
NSE Script
a host or port, it calls the Lua interpreter server’s front page
with a matching script to leverage the and displays the
abilities of the Lua language and Nmap- header (see Figure
specific functions from the NSE library. 2). Several pre-
The NSE library provides additional built scripts are
Nmap-related features that Lua doesn’t available in /usr/ Lua Extensions
offer such as tools for evaluating and share/nmap/
manipulating IP addresses, using Perl- scripts.
compatible regular expressions, or ma- Figure 1: A combination of NSE scripts, Nmap libraries, and new Lua
nipulating URLs. Categories calls extends the functional scope of the classic Nmap tool.
Lua makes intensive use of data struc- NSE organize
tures in tables. Tables contain attribute- scripts in categories to allow for more search fails, Nmap then looks for a direc-
value pairs, and they can also contain granular control. The defined script cate- tory with the same name and binds any
subtables. For example, NSE uses the host gories are safe and intrusive, malware, scripts ending in .nse.
and port tables to access Nmap scan re- version, discovery, and vulnerability. If this search also fails, Nmap searches
sults. A registry table that all scripts can Scripts that NSE categorizes as safe are for an individual script of the same
read and write to resides above all scripts. very unlikely to cause problems on the name. For example, the command-line
This design lets scripts exchange data. scan target. The scripts in the intrusive option --script discovery,malware binds
category are unlikely to cause damage, the categories discovery and malware. A
NSE in Action but will attempt to use default pass- database file titled script.db in the scripts
Nmap and NSE use the Nmap API to ex- words to access systems, and thus they subdirectory maps scripts to individual
change information, including the target are more likely to generate log entries categories. Admins can update the file
host name, the operating system and IP on the scan target. by entering --script-updatedb after
address, the port number, and the port Scripts in the malware and vulnerabil- adding scripts. If you set the -sC flag,
status. The API also lets users call ity categories test the scan targets for only scripts from the categories safe and
Nmap’s socket functions for network malware and known vulnerabilities. The intrusive are executed.
communications. An extension that lets version category plays a special role:
users send custom packets is due for re- scripts in this category, which are en- Your Own NSE Scripts
lease in the near future. abled by the -sV command-line option, Anexample will make it easier to under-
Nmap starts by checking whether it extend Nmap’s version detection capa- stand the structure of an NSE script.
can reach ports on a host. In case of a bilities. Their output is no different from Most built-in scripts are kept simple –
TCP scan, the tool will ascertain the port standard Nmap output; the script is not normally smaller than 100 lines includ-
status, which could be open, closed, or referenced in the report generated by the ing comments. The ripeQuery.nse script
filtered. Once Nmap has detected a port, scan. The discovery category includes in Listing 1 should give you some idea
and assuming NSE has been enabled scripts that are designed to find out more of how Lua and NSE work. The script
with the -sC option, the subsystem will about the target host or network by que- queries an address for an entry in the
attempt to locate a matching script for rying various services (including SNMP RIPE network registration system [8].
the test. or LDAP). An NSE script consists of three compo-
Scripting rules determine whether The --script argument specifies the nents: the header defines the script
Nmap will run an NSE script. These categories, directories, and individual name in the Nmap output, the script
scripting rules specify the conditions scripts for NSE to integrate and execute. category, and the run level. The rule
under which the script will launch. A comma-separated list of values is pos- specifies the conditions under which the
You can build your own scripts or rely sible. Nmap starts by searching for a script is executed. The action component
on the pre-built scripts included with category with the specified name; if the calls the functions that handle the actual


SYSADMIN Nmap Scripting

("", 43)

tells the script to connect to the RIPE da-

tabase, which responds to TCP port 43
requests. The Whois service expects an
IP address in quatted dot notation. The
code socket:send(host.ip .. "\n") sends
the IP address. The query line must be
terminated by a newline character. To
allow this to happen, the concatenator
operator .. adds \n to the IP address for
the scanned host parsed from host.ip. In-
side an infinite loop beginning in line 23,

local status, lines = U

Figure 2: In new script mode (option -sC), Nmap calls external scripts. Nmap has detected socket:receive_lines(1)
that port 80 is open, so the tool chips in to query the heading of the website it has discovered
and displays the results. The figure also shows NSE detecting the NetBIOS names of a target. reads the response from the RIPE data-
base until the data input dries up. The
tasks. Authors can implement all three (host, port) function. The function again Boolean variable status shows whether
sections of the script in Lua. expects host and port as arguments. the connection is still delivering data.
Each NSE script has a header that In line 16, the script first creates a new If this is not so, break in line 27 quits
comprises four descriptive details. The TCP/IP socket then defines the local the loop. The parsed response is avail-
id contains the script name and is used variables status, line, and result. Line 20, able in lines, and result accumulates the
for Nmap output; description is a short
description; and author names the au- Listing 1: ripeQuery.nse
thor. The interpreter does not process 01 require “ipOps” 23 while true do
the license field. 02 24 local status, lines = socket:
A script will only run under specific receive_lines(1)
03 id = “RIPE query”
conditions. Port and host rules control
04 description = “Connects to the 25
its behavior. The example in Listing 1
RIPE database, 26 if not status then
defines a function that expects the Lua
host and port tables in lines 11 through 05 extracts and prints the role- 27 break
13. The tables contain the values discov- entry for the IP.” 28 else
ered by Nmap in the course of a scan. 06 author = “Diman Torodov
29 result = result .. lines
For example, host.ip supplies IP ad- <>”
30 end
dresses, and port.number the port for 07 license = “See nmaps COPYING
the current scan. 31 end
for licence”
The hostrule function thus calls the li- 08 32 socket:close()
brary function ipOpts.isPrivate to check 33
09 categories = {“discovery”}
to see whether the current IP target is a 34 local value = string.
private address in the sense of RFC 1918. match(result, “role:(.-)\n”)
(A RIPE test will not make sense if the 11 hostrule = function(host, port)
address is private.) NSE then runs the 12 return not ipOps.
isPrivate(host.ip) 36 if (value == “see http://www.
body of the script, the action function”) then
that starts in line 15. 13 end
If you are not interested in investigat- 37 value = nil
ing the host but just need details of a 15 action = function(host, port)
38 end
single service, it makes sense to use a 39
16 local socket = nmap.new_socket()
line such as: 40 if (value == nil) then
17 local status, line
18 local result = “” 41 value = “”
portrule = shortport.U
port_or_service(21, "ftp") 19 42 end

20 socket:connect(“whois.ripe. 43
To do so, enable the Lua shortport net”, 43) 44 return “IP belongs to: “ .. value
extension by calling require "shortport". 21 socket:send(host.ip .. “\n”) 45 end
The beef of the script follows the
header details for the action=function


Nmap Scripting SYSADMIN

input. After all response lines are read,

socket:close() closes the socket.
Table 1: Host and Port Table Attributes
Attribute Type Meaning
The next few lines are designed to dis-
Host Table Attributes
cover what the entry for the submitted
host.os String Contains a string with the detected operating system name
IP address says. The Whois server re-
if Nmap is launched with the -O option
turns a large number of response lines;
host.ip String Contains the IP address for the current scan target host
our example simply searches for lines String Contains the host names returned by a reverse lookup
that start with role:. To do this, the script
host.mac_addr String Contains the MAC address for the target host
calls the Lua string.match() function.
Port Table Attributes
The line
port.number Integer The port currently being scanned
port.protocol String Either tcp or udp
local value = string.matchU
port.service String Contains a service name if Nmap was able to map a name in
(result, "role:(.-)\n")
the scope of version detection
port.state String The port status can be open or open|filtered; the script is not
searches in the result variable for a line run against closed ports and filtered ports
that matches the search key. The key
starts with role:; however, the function
only returns the remainder of the line in tables provide access to critical values The sample shows how to call these
parentheses. To keep this example sim- such as the IP address, port, service, or values and integrate them with an NSE
ple, I edited a script that is provided with port status. The Lua host table returns script. To communicate with other sys-
the Nmap distribution. To be more ro- the values shown in Table 1, assuming tems, NSE scripts need an interface. An
bust, scripts should always perform a that Nmap has collected some values; API makes it possible to use the Nsock
plausibility check on returned values. otherwise, it returns an empty string. library (also used internally by Nmap).
This also applies to details of active
Nmap API Treasures ports, which are stored in the Lua port Socket Programming
The Nmap API lets NSE scripts commu- table, along with attributes for the proto- Legacy communications typically follow
nicate with Nmap. The Lua host and port col, service, and status. the socket approach. The following code

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SYSADMIN Nmap Scripting

creates a new socket dubbed sock and

then binds the socket to the host using
Table 2: Lua Extensions for NSE
Extension Function
the specified port.
bit Supports bit operations; for example, bit.lshift(a, b) performs a bitwise left
The protocol is optional and can be shift by b digits for a.
tcp, udp, or ssl:
pcre Refers to Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions and supports their use. This
lets scripts extract search keys from service responses.
sock = nmap.new_socket() ipOps Supports operations related to IP addresses. As shown in the sample script,
sock:connect(Host, Port U ipOps.isPrivate(address) checks to see whether the specified address is a
[, Protocol]) private address in the sense of RFC 1918.
shortport Provides standard tests for port rules. Many scripts use this option and run
The sock:send(request) code can then shortport.portnumber(port) to check the port.
send a prepared request to the target listop Lists processing as used by other programming languages such as Lisp or
host. The semantics of the line, Haskell. The developers refer to this extension as experimental.
strbuf Supports certain string operations; for example, strbuf.eqbuf(string1, string2)
status, value = U compares two strings.
sock:receive_lines(lines) url Extends Lua’s URL manipulation abilities, adding functions that create or
analyze parameter lists.

which reads data from the socket, is

fairly unintuitive. The script starts by calling a function design custom Nmap scans. Modules
If the requested lines, or a lesser num- whose only purpose in life is to close a from the NSE extensions library are per-
ber of newline-terminated lines, arrive socket in case of error. The exception fect for extending the basic functionality
before the timeout, they are stored in the handler is created by the line: of the underlying Lua script language.
variable value. However, if the network The Nmap API gives programmers the
buffer has more lines than anticipated, try = nmap.new_try() ability to reference the host and port ta-
the API will send more lines, as de- bles and thus parse scan results. The API
scribed in the documentation [2]. The preceding line expects an err_ also adds numerous communications
If successful, status contains a value catch() function argument, which closes options for scripts.
of true. Finally, sock:close() closes the the socket. If a function returns an error,
socket. The Nmap API has far more the interpreter cancels the function with- Conclusions
functionality, but most typical cases out a comment. The function passed in NSE scripts are quickly conquering the
are covered by the examples provided. as an argument specifies the actions to former domains of security tools such
perform in this case. as Nessus. A stable version of NSE is not
Exception Handling NSE provides a powerful and flexible available as of this writing.
The Nmap API also implements an ex- extension that administrators can use to Nmap 4.21 contained the alpha ver-
ception handling mechanism for catch- sions and 4.22 was part of Google’s
ing errors and canceling scripts that Listing 2: finger.nse Summer of Code.
would provide erroneous results because (Excerpt) The stable Nmap 4.5 version will in-
of incorrect conditions. clude NSE, and it is scheduled for com-
01 local err_catch = function()
Exceptions are important for robust pletion by the time this issue of Linux
02 socket:close()
scripts, in that services that you scan Magazine hits the shelves. NSE defi-
across a network will not always re- 03 end nitely has the potential to become an
spond as expected. A glance at the fin- 04 indispensable part of Nmap. ■
ger.nse script shown in Listing 2 illus- 05 local try = nmap.new_try(err_
trates how exception handling works. catch()) INFO
If an error occurs on the target system 06 [1] Nmap:
or the connection times out, the excep- 07 socket:set_timeout(5000)
tion handler closes the socket gracefully. 08 try(socket:connect(host.ip, [2] NSE documentation:
09 port.number,
Lua Extensions [3] Metasploit Project website:
10 port.protocol))
Whereas the Nmap API handles com-
11 try(socket:send(“\n\r”)) [4] Nessus project:
munications between Nmap and the
NSE scripts, the Lua extensions add sig- 12
nificant functionality to NSE. The mod- 13 status, results = socket: [5] GFI LANguard:
ules are located below the nselib subdi- receive_lines(100)
rectory. An NSE script binds the mod- [6] ISS Internet Scanner:
14 socket:close()
ules via require Modulename. Table 2 lists
15 if not(status) then Scanner/product_main_page.html
the available extensions. It is not impor-
tant whether you bind modules before 16 return results [7] Lua:
or after the header. 17 end [8] RIPE:


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