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Michael D. Kelly, Ed.D. 2425 Shorehaven Drive Principal Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454-1749 Ryan C. Schubart Main Office: 757-648-5250 Dana W. Cho Student Activities: 648-5271 Teesha A. Sanders Guidance Office: 757-648-5261 ‘Ana Cingel Ed.D. Fax: 757-496-6731 Assistant Principals www.coxhs. May 17, 2018 ‘To Whom It May Concern, have coached Varsity Cheerleading for six years at Cox High School. Of those six years, Kloe Jones has been @ true, stand out cheerleader who will forever leave a footprint on my heart. Kloe made the varsity team as a freshman and immediately began leading by example. She is always one of the first ones at practice and the last one out because she is never satisfied with doing the minimum. She strives to be the best she can be in all areas of life and that is apparent in both the academic and athletic arenas. Kloe is a natural born leader, and | truly believe that our team would have struggled without her leadership. These leadership skills and abilities go well beyond the cheer mat and are made obvious by all she is involved in. kloe is that cheerleader who is always motivating the team to be better than they were yesterday and never wants to settle for anything less than what they are capable of doing. She always has a positive attitude and is willing to step up to help the team even when the situation is not ideal for her personally. | love these traits about her and if | could have a team full of Kloes, then we would be unstoppable! In addition to helping her cheer team to winning Conference titles and moving onto Regional competition, Kloe serves her community and her school to the best of her ability. On top of cheering for school, Kloe is also an active and dedicated member of the Student Council Association’s Executive Council where she spends countless hours on school projects and community service opportunities. She loves serving her school and student body and she always wants to give back. In the summer, she works at a local country club in a day care with little children. She is so great with kids and | know her future career will be something to do with working with children! She is @ natural and the kids love her! Kloe has so much to give to anyone who is involved in her life. Additionally, she works extremely hard in school and strives to take challenging courses to prepare her for college and she is successful in them, She is caring, passionate, dedicated, and a natural born leader. She truly isa ‘poster child’ student. As you can see, kloe is an extremely dedicated student, athlete, and leader in all areas of her life. |am confident that she will meet or exceed any expectations set for her at the college or university that she chooses. | cannot stress enough how wonderful of a student, athlete, and leader Kioe is. She is the epitome of the ideal student you would want to accept at any college or university. For all of the reasons listed above, Kloe Jones earns my enthusiastic recommendation into your institution. If you need additional information, please call me at (757) 648-5262 or email at Thank you,

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