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Throughout the course of the lessons, Michael provided a high level of insight into how the

environment has changed over time due to human activity and natural processes. He accurately

identified the increase in buildings and roads from the past to the present time and was eager to

explore and understand why this increase had occurred (see appendix one). 

Michael is able to clearly and effectively communicate his ideas and understandings in a range of

representations including drawings, diagrams, written responses and through spoken word. When

completing the observation sheet for the experiment in lesson three (see appendix four), in addition

to effectively drawing his observation, Michael included a clear and descriptive sentence, proving

his strong literacy skills. When predicting what would occur in the erosion experiments, Michael

made insightful comparisons to real-life examples including a highly articulate description of how

soft winds affect the environment compared to the affect of heavy wind and storms. These

sophisticated comparisons displayed his deep level of understanding. In lesson two the students

were required to illustrate their ‘special place’ (see appendix two), Michaels drawing of a forest was

accompanied by a sentence which read “The natural environment is special to me because nature

is the most beautiful place.” Throughout the lessons it was evident that this statement held true to

Michael, as he reiterated the importance of nature and its inhabitants. In order to extend his

learning further, Michael would benefit from learning about how and why the natural environment

should be fostered through the use of sustainable practices.

On the occasions when Michael disagreed with his peers, he acknowledged their opinion and

responded in a very respectful manner, which is in line with the Holy Child Primary School’s

student competency skill for social awareness; being aware that there are multiple points of view

and that people may feel differently about the same situation. Michael was absent from lesson four.

Overall, Michael achieved all of the learning outcomes above the expected level. 

Appendix one

Appendix two

Appendix three

Appendix four

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