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Discussion Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups: 1. Are there any public figures in your country whose private lives are often featured in the press? 2, Who are they? Politicians? Film stars? Pop stars? Sportspeople? Who else? 3. Are any of them only ‘famous for being famous"? 4, What aspects of cheir private lives are reported in the press? 5.Do any of these people object to what is said about them? Why? Reading Read the newspaper article. Mark the: 1. Natasha Davies was on a Caribbean island. 2. Tom Farrel! was on a Caribbean island. 3. Tom Farrell has never met Natasha Davies. 4, The newspapers did not admit their mistake. It: WASN'T ME x AC deseo: plipared anche beast A youn couple fie soba. They chat, They ‘kiss. They cuddle, They are doing what any young lovers woald be-doing A speed boat a ile ff sors. A pair of ely old: journalists with: Jong lenses on their ccaineras. They do what ugly old journalists do: | Thiee’ days later the story breaks: city lawyer, ‘Torn Farell, and:Ausitalian soap star, Natasha Davies, photographed on the beach. ‘The photos make the Saturday tabloids and are repeated in some of the Sundays. By lunchtime on Monday libel writs have hit the dosks of half ‘dozen national newspaper editors. Sure, Farrell: hs: been linked romantically with Davies in the past, But on this-oecasion, the papers have it completely wrong, It wasn't him-on the beach with Davies. And they have the photos to prove itt Despite swift apologies from all the papers concemed, Farrell is seeking damages for ‘embarrassment? and the “negative effect on his. personal and professional reputation’ However, Farell has had well-documented | relationships with a number of actresses and. | pop stars Andhe isnot usally unhappy about | seeing his name in the papers. With sach | high-profile lifestyle, it will be interesting to see how much, if anything, he gets from the ‘courts, But far more importantly, if it wasn’t |b sit Nami Dette hs 22 Public figures, private lives: sentences T (true) or F (false): Discussion Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups: 1, What seems to be the writer’s attitude towards the journalists who took the photos? 2.Do you approve of what they did or not? Why? 3, Why does the writer think that Tom Farrell will not get very much money from the courts? 4. Do you think this is fair or not? Why? 5.In general, what does the writer’s attitude seem to be towards gossip about the private lives of famous people? 6.Do you agree with this attitude or not? Why? Instant Discussions RPRPPAPP PPP PPP PPP Language ‘Cross out the collocation in each group which is not natural: “L.aln) casual 3a fine partial growing intimate relationship well-earned reputation sexual poor business broad 2, have | 4. have establish destroy open arelationship with... | damage —_a reputation break off establish maintain | _ abolish Complete the sentences below with complete expressions from the boxes above: 1. We just havea... 2... ce 2. The stories in the press about his behaviour have 3. She only started her company last year, but she has........... 4. They were together for five years before she 5. Don’t buy one of those cars! They have a very 6. After years of hard work, he has finally . 7. We always try to. . + good... 8. For years I thought we just had a fairly... « me to marry her! Discussion Use the three quostions below to discuss the situati 1. Can the story/photos be in any way considered to We never see each other socially. completely . for high quality work : « » for reliability. ae ++ a8 the best lawyer in town. with our customers. and then suddenly she asked ions in pairs or small groups: be ‘in the public interest"? 2. Should the press be allowed to publish the story/photos? Why/why not? 3. If the case goes to court, what should happen? I A famous pop star sells the exclusive pictures of his wedding {a a well-known magazine. One of the | Wedding guests takes some private photos and then ‘ells -them:to a rival magazine. ¥ ‘Apep singer is photographed coming out of @ clinic which specialises in plastic surgery. ‘A famous TV. personality, but one who is rarely ‘mentioned in gossip columns, is photographed ‘sunbathing topless on a private beach while on holiday with her family Where do you stand? The famous argue: “been consistently unfaithful to his wife and vJoumalists discover that a member of the national: football team has ongoing relationships with three: women other than his wife. é that a leading politician has ‘currently having an affair witha well-known actress ouralists discover that a disc jockey on national ‘radio was under the influence of alcohol when Tecording @ programme recently where the audience were all children, oe Everyone has ‘the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and correspondence.’ (Article 8 - European Human Rights Act) ‘The press argue: Everyone has ‘the right to freedom of expression, freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority.” (Article 10 - European Human Rights Act) Who is right? Discuss the question in small groups. Instant Discussions Public igures, private lives 22

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