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Running Head: A NEW THEME 1

A new Theme
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A new Theme

For a long time now, coaching and monitoring are increasingly used in most companies

mainly for professional development in order to create positive change in individuals in the firm,

therefore, encouraging the transfer of knowledge from the mentor to an individual. Consequently,

companies find coaching highly beneficial for career growth of their employees and with this, it

has then been applied by many entities in their organization practices. In order to strengthen skills

and correct lapses and issues with working performance in working environment as the company,

coaching and training are the best alternative to be adopted. In effect, job satisfaction and further

enhancement of the workers skill level is achieved. More so, coaching and training are of great

advantage to the workers’ own professional development enhancing skills in problem solving and

strategic thinking hence nurturing high self-esteem. To the organization, through training and

coaching, competitive advantage with more skilled and performing employees is enhanced, and

greater chances of attaining goals can be visualized. Being a leadership teamwork consultant,

working with a team of nine members to define a new theme for training is of great importance to

the company. I would then guide others in the correct choice of roles that are actually based on

their strengths. Also, I would go ahead to choose assignments that fit every individual and their

goals for the project.

A new theme for training in an organization

Themes in an organization, provide structure, support and often business boundaries in an

organization. Importantly, they also define business strategies and business models to be adopted

in the company. Moreover, themes are the main high-level strategies that form the basis of the

organization’s business model (Espedal, 2005). They are normally referred to as pillars of

excellence that enable n organization to meet its intended objectives. Therefore, the new theme

defined for training in an organization as a leadership teamwork consultant together with nine team

members will be Business Growth.

Business Growth

Uniting tem members round common goal towards business growth will generate greater

productivity. In this case, the effort of each individual is paramount. Therefore, as a team

consultant and ladder, I would then direct the team members to develop this particular training on

business growth by stipulating conducive rules to follow for the success of this training exercise.

Leading the team towards cohesive and productivity, the rules that should be adhered to by the

team members are as follows.

Rules to be followed during the training exercise towards business growth

-Team members to share expectations for accomplishing group tasks

-Trust and support on another

-Respect one another’s individual differences

Turning small business into big ones involves lots of involvement and needs an intensive

growth. In addition, Business growth theme, resemble kind of ladder where low-level companies

incur fewer risks, and may have less growth impact (Haimes, 1991). Adopting growth strategies

in an organizational setup require everyone in the company to be willing to change course in

response to the ultimate feedback from the markets. Probability of achieving profitable growth can

be heightened when an organization has a clear growth strategy.

Business growth strategies


Adopting business growth strategy will then increase the chances of a company meeting

their intended objectives in company. Through market segmentation, leveraging partnerships, use

of checklists and acquisitions are business growth strategies that ought to be adopted if n

organization should grow (Gore, 2006). In this manner, market segmentation refers to ensuring

that the business sales are taken round by team members to many different places to be sold and

advertised. However, leveraging partnerships ensure that company partners with other different or

some business which would then make it possible to negotiate for mainstream production and

distribution. By coaching and training team members of the business team to adopt these particular

strategies, the organizational performance will be improved.

How the proposed teamwork project would affect the organizational performance

Nevertheless, the suggested tem work project on business growth would then affect the

organizational performance in many ways. To begin with, many organizations use business growth

as a strategy map in ensuring that their organizations business is improved. Therefore, the proposed

tem work project on business growth would then play critical role on performance of an

organization in the firm in that:

-It would help to define the direction long which firm intends to move and how it would get there.

In this case, organizational performance is largely dependent on its business growth theme and

how effectively the theme is implemented by the organization (Espedal, 2005).

-Moreover, business growth theme hen adopted in the company, would lead to superior and

sustainable growth performance. In effect, when the organization develops and implements

effective long-term growth strategies, it would then impact positively on the competitive

positioning of the organization.


Recommendation the company should set on using company assets

Company assets normally are meant for business and not personal use s some people treat

them. All tem members have the responsibility of ensuring that company assets re protected from

loss, misuse and waste. Therefore, the recommendations that company should set limits on include:

-All individuals in the company ought to use company assets and funds for legitimate and

authorized business purposes (Gore, 2006). Moreover, company property should never at all be

used for personal gin and more so, company property ought not to be allowed for illegal activities

such as theft

Furthermore, company assets must be delivered to the company promptly when

employment of some individual’s cases and when the company requests they ought to be delivered

as ordered. In addition, any original product that is developed in the course of an employees’ work

ought to remain the property of the organization.

Effect of socially responsible projects on the company’s bottom line

Corporate social responsible projects re good for business and on a broader scale it attracts

n retains customers and even prompt investors to look more favorably on a particular company.

Therefore, engaging in friendly practices did to company’s bottom line. In effect, any short term

loss of profit because of money that has been spent on various social activities and initiatives can

then be replaced and recouped in the long run.

Approaches geared towards introducing the topic on ethics in the teamwork training project

Business ethics involves knowing what is right or wrong in the workplace and doing what

is right in regard to products and services and relationships with stakeholders. Therefore, the

approaches to be adopted when introducing the topic of ethics in teamwork training project


-Introducing seminars and workshops that are geared towards training team members on ethical

business behaviors that they would adopt when in the organization. Through seminars, team

members will be able to visualize on the rules of conduct when in business are;

-Introducing team building activities these been under the guidance and counseling programs in

which team members can be counseled and directed on what to do when in the company and on

how to carry themselves. Also, this would then promote good relationships being achieved in the

company which makes the activities taking place in the organization run smoothly.

Aspects of teamwork training

Aspects of teamwork training that transform a person to transformation leader regularly

include reminding team members of the purpose of their work by being a good role model through

demonstrating integrity in all working relationships (Danon-Leva & Mujtaba, 2010). Moreover,

setting high expectations for the company demonstrates the good standards that real

transformational leader needs for the company. Such leader, is a model of integrity and fairness,

encouraging the team members by providing them with support and recognition getting them to

look beyond their self-interest. More so, inspiring team members to reach for the improbable.

Possible reaction to team member’s suggestion

Being a consultant, my possible reaction to team member’s suggestion of another theme

that does not relate in any way to the theme that I have proposed and also embraced will be positive.

In that, if it is a noble idea, I will in cooperate its contents and improve on it adding it to my own

ideas for the good of the company (Danon-Leva & Mujtaba, 2010). Moreover, this is because as

human beings, by nature we cannot know everything and it’s only by interacting with others that

we get to grow and know more.



Danon-Leva, E., & Mujtaba, F. J. (2010). Business Ethics: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between

Hong Kong and the United States. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 1-20.

Espedal, B. (2005). "Management development: Using internal or external resources in developing

core competence." 4.2 . Human Resource Development Review, 136-158.

Gore, B. (2006). Book Review: Cases in Operations Management: Building Customer Value

Through World-Class Operations. 69(2). Business Communication Quarterly, 232-237.


Haimes, Y. Y. (1991). Total risk management. Risk Analysis 11.2, 169-171.



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