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The Legal Research


The Alignment of the Nations


A Nation unfolds
in the belief system of Satanism
which is of the Luciferian Doctrine.
Albert Pike.

This Monthly Journal; is designed to point out areas of Law

and Natural Rights of Citizens that are violated every day by its
Nation, and designed to be overlooked in a literary learned paved
society. Is it all because some Citizens lack the aptitude of History,
or do not possess the foundation to understand the direction of its
Nation? We will have a chance to decide.
This Journal is to ensure that less fortunate individuals will
have an understanding of His or Her History, curve the long arm of
the United Nations towards protecting Human Rights, and to decline
them away from a Satanist, One World Order.

This Journal; is not a Lawyers manual, nor intended for legal

advice. (For such advice please seek Attorney)


Copyright©2011 Citizens Bar Association:

/ Page No

The Pilgrims --------------------------------------------------3

Conquest to African Nation ------------------------------------------------5

Wall Street -----------------------------------------------------7

Structure of Freemasonry
False Declaration of Independents ------------------------------------------9
One World Order ---------------------------------------------------------------11
The Order of Nature and Human existence ---------------------------13

The Occult of Zionism

Developed by Great Thinkers ----------------------------------------------- -16
The Jesuit Generals ------------------------------------------------------------- 17
The Creator of the Universe ------------------------------------------------- -18

United State; of Islam and Christ.

The Black Standard.

We the Believers
The Pilgrim
When the Pilgrims of
England (they say) discovered
America. In the mid-16th
Century; They genocide the
Native American who taught
them how to cultivate, cook,
and survive. After learning the
necessities to sustain life, the
Pilgrims were cunningly mixed with terroristic behavior, who
adopted their way of life through culture of cruelty. Thus; in order to
build its nation from which stole from the kindness of a native
people, with intent to drive them into slavery. Ultimately the Natives
were unable to withstand the extremities of full-fledged slavery, and
the diseases that were brought to them from the settlers from a
different land; Which their naturalness were unable to withstand.
Numerous of them died off, or were useless to the pilgrims plans,
and agenda's to build a nation which it took. (One World Order)

Conquest to African Nation

In order to continue their mission of
monopolization it had been incumbent that they
must find a people in which they can enslave in
order to complete the finish of what the natives
had stated during their position of slavery. They
piled on the water in search for land and
opportunity. They landed on the West Coast of
Africa to find a dark skinned people of tribes
whose physical make up has been
categorization as a perfect candidate to
continue the enslavement.

(Mental Note)
In African History and Islamic Law captives are gathered and collected after War.
Captives are treated fairly, and are able to work in the land as they choose; if
obedient to the laws of the land, or thus can be sold or allowed to leave.

Following this form of Islamic Law, and understanding by the

African Chiefs of the tribes, they were
persuaded by the European travelers to
sell their captives (Hebrews) for goods
that the Africans were unfamiliar with.
Whereas, some of the African captives
desired to leave with the Europeans,
believing that the Europeans carried the
same theology of Islamic law of kindness,
and fairness for captives, not
understanding the mental Zionist (racist)
Points of views of white slavery adopted in the Cruelty, and evident
existence of modern day American Slavery.
The Ships holds
When the African, and Hebrew Captives were finally boarded
unto the ships. Some of them had
come to the realization through the
usage of chains, cuffs, and leg irons
that they were no longer Captives
(citizens), But slaves to cruel, and
unjust system; and began to fight,
or jumping over board choosing death or freedom. Some of the ships
had been overcome by Africans in the midst of navigation, and
landed on Islands which are known as
(Jamaica, Virgin Island, etc.).
Through the usage of other
territories such as South America, the
Pilgrims were able to market the African
or Hebrew Slaves primarily in North
America making it the highest finical
market in the Nation’s History, which
paved the direction of Wall Street today.
The Slaves were put to work, and labeled by the name of the Owner.
Collectively throughout generations the slaves built a nation
unwillingly, through forced physical labor, and intellectual input,
and design.
The British are Coming , The British are Coming.
The European's of Great Britain had observed the geographical
monopoly of the pilgrims, and believed that themselves were
superior in man power, Arms, and strength; and deserved total
control over the
Pilgrims, and to
monopoly what they
had unjustly
established. In 1733
Before the British
decided to invade in
part of the United
States, The British
(Great Britain)
Scottish Rites had set up Masonic Lodges a secret society in
territories of the land in which they call British Columbia today.
They infiltrated throughout Churches of an occult-ed religion, that
had been set in place
unknowingly by the
citizens of the States.
The British than
establish a learned
literary society, and
monopolization of
educational systems;
that will soon allow the subjects not to understand the chain of
authority. A false realization of declaration of independence, which
the States are governed by Great Britain. This will allow the subjects
to demand relief from themselves when some injustice has been
inflicted from an opposing party, instead of demanding relief from
the proper government (Great Britain) that will soon established
their laws.
[Other Words], citizens demanding relief from Washington DC, Whereas Washington DC can only give
relief which has been Authorized by the Law holders (Great Britain). If the Citizens Believe that they
are an independent Nation, then they can be systematically denied by being stopped at Great Britain's
District (Washington DC) and never be heard by the proper Government that has established the laws
(Great Britain).
The False Declaration of Independence.
The Fourth of July 4, 1776; establishment of Illuminati.

This Declaration of Independents had been orchestrated prior

to the historical invasion of the British into the states. When the
literary learn society, and the false declaration of independence had
been put into plan, and Exercising British Columbia (Yukon) in the
Canadian region. (British Columbia) gave them access to the
Northern States of America; than labeling the capital of the
Northern States: Washington District of Columbia better known as
(Washington DC). A district of British Columbia, established by
Great Britain.
Richard Henry Lee
History teaches that British met the resistance of the minutemen and at this time Richard Henry Lee introduced the
Declaration of independence to Congress on June 7, 1776. During this resistance gave Richard Henry Lee Belonging
to the Occult, the opportunity to introduce this declaration that had been planned throughout the Secret societies

Introducing fundamentalism of a false ideology of independence in order for the

Subjects not to know who's behind anything.

Constitutional Law. One that owes allegiance to (United Nations) a sovereign and is governed by in free governments
are subjects as well as citizens; as citizens they enjoy rights and franchises; as subjects they are bound to obey the
laws. The term is little used, in this sense, in countries enjoying a republican form of government. Swiss Nat. Ins.
Co. v. Miller, 267 U.S. 42, 45 S. Ct. 213, 214, 69 L.Ed. 504. Blacks fifth Ed.
The British understood that majority of strength
of the pilgrims located in the Southern parts of
the States now referred to “Confederate Slave
Owners” (terrorist). Thus, the slaves were very
intelligent, and possess the knowledge of the land
in which they had built. British understood; to
win such war, and takeover of the land from
Confederates, it is incumbent upon the British,
which is of the Northern States to win trust over the African Slaves.
The slaves entered into Agreement with Abraham Lincoln in
promising to give the slaves their Freedom, land and mule; if fought
on the side of the Northern States. It is Quiet obvious that the offer
had been accepted which paved the civil war in April 1861 through
Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. (Dred Scott Decision).

War ended; British King Granting Rights to Americans

In 1781 When the British had finally monopolized and totally
subdued the land through the help of the
partially freed African Slaves believing they
were fighting for the Decoration of
Independence, with exceptions of segregation
and further human rights violations.
American had believed that they had won the
war, and obtained declaration of
independence (which Americans have been
taught through the paved literary society). Thus, it was made easy to
for the peace treaty of England which had been signed in 1783;
granting Americans the right to exercise British laws freely and to
be governed by the British Columbia District (Washington DC). In
orchestrating the British Law, it recognized that all laws are
governed for the Purposes of United Nations,(see)Article 29-3 of
Constitution. “Purposes and principles of United Nations”.
Which shows Americans Must surpass the Washington District of
Columbia, and seek relief from the Foundation(s) which lies in the
United Kingdom of London England. (International Criminal
Court) to establish true American sovereignty.

Today, our society has been paved in a direction that has been
planned for years, through the use of Media, Movies, Sitcoms,
Cartoons, Talk Shows, and Video Games. Theses interjections have
also been paved into our educational
system in order to continue its direction
towards One World Order.

One World Order

One world Order has been the agenda for the unjust people
since the beginning of time. It has always tried to form different
ways in unfolding to its
accomplishments, and aim. In earlier
ages such as Egypt, we have observed
Pharaoh. His ideology of One World
Order was to force the Children of
Israel to worship him, not just as
their ruler; but their god. He used
forms of trickery, sorcery, magic, in order to per-sway his people
subconsciously. All forms of One World Order Comes to an End.
The present time we have witnessed other generations of the
unrealistic One World Order attempts such as Hitler, soon he has
fallen to his demise. Following in
sequence the Jesuit Order,
Orchestrated the Klu Klux Klan
designed to insight enmity and hatred
towards a nation of people; To invite
believing European Christians to its
order, and obtain control over a
domination of a people. The Jesuit
Order has also orchestrated other hate groups, such as the Nation of
Islam, designed to insight
enmity and hatred towards a
White nation of people; To
invite believing African
American Muslims to its order,
to obtain control over a
domination of a people.
Whereas, the Nation of Islam
taught its people to believe that
“White People” had been created in a laboratory by a mad black
scientist, referred to as the Big Headed Scientist. It is relevant
consideration, that the pictures of the Jesuit General above, and
individuals that have constructed these belief systems. There in such
photo is a picture of a Black big headed scientists, is it possible the
he had constructed this form of belief for the Nation of Islam
exercising in his Occult Religion?

Critical Thinking

Have you ever wondered why is there so much hate in the world
and where does it come from?
Criterion ;Judgment between Right, and Wrong
(1) Order of the nature of human existence, Designed by the
Creator of the Universe

(2) Order of Corruption designed by the avowed enemy to Human

existence (Satan)

Everything in life falls into one of these two categories.

The Question we must ask ourselves; is
which one of these two Orders do we
support mentally, financial and morally.
We might tell ourselves that we have the
ability not to support either. This is false
without the understanding of purpose.
Everything has
purpose such as
the trees designed to convert carbon dioxide
into oxygen, allowing mammals and other
life forms to breathe. The ecosystem
arranged in a development of species to feed
in a chain of authority, all in purpose to
benefit the Human existence. Without
these purposes, humankind would cease
to exist. Therefore; what is the purpose of
everything we do in a course of a day,
such as the meanings behind our favorite
television shows, our favorite songs, and
artists; does it have purpose; does it have meaning? The money that
we work for, and place in our banking systems. Where does the
interest go; and what does it support? These are the primary
Questions one must asks to figure out which one of these two
Orders do one Support above / Order one, or Order Two.
Everything in life is supported by energy E= Mc2; meaning
energy must absorbed into Mass times
speed of light squared. (Albert
Einstein). Your personal existence is
made up of energy. Energy is made up
of two elements Positive, and Negative
energy(s). This is how individuals make
their decisions in life. Good decision
or bad decision. Bad decision always converts into bad outcome;
which bad decisions are usually consisted with negligence,
unconsciousness, or not caring, or concern to the outcome.
Positive decisions always come to our favor, with patience, and
perseverance. It will unfold to the good.

Look at the human body. Its functions and movements are

allowed because of one thing Soul, or Spirit. Scientists have not
come to a complete understanding of this feature, as they have
understood the materiel physical
aspects; Such as our organs, and
DNA structure. Reasons for this;
such development is far passed
human comprehension, but has
been acknowledged of its existence
through study, and research. The
more simplistic overview of this
feature can be recognized, simply by observation of Death. This
energy that leaves the body has to be adsorbed elsewhere; E=Mc2,
as concurring with (Albert Einstein). The Question; when energy,
Soul or Spirit, departs our bodies at death, where does it go; what
energy does it take with it? Obviously it cannot take the Energy of
materialistic gains of this world, or you would see a volt of cash
following a funeral; To the Grave Yard.
A more realistic view in concerns of the energy; Soul, or Spirit takes
with it during its departure would be the energy of Right, and
Wrong. Which has been well discovered through science, that if the
negative energy over powers positive energy its result, will be
combustion; which can convert into fire, or heat. This explains
Order (2). See (Qur'an 23:71)

As for Order One, its general make up is peace and harmony,

as all following one positive energy such as Sun rises from the east,
and sets in the west
without any
disturbances. The
trees die during the
winter, and
resurrect during
the summer in
complete harmony. The reason for this is
because there is no negative energy, it has been designed without.
This form of creation has been created only to serve One Master. If
it had the ability to choose, some of creation would be consisted with
their duty, and some would rebel into complete destruction. Some
trees would let off harmful toxins in purposes of
harming other creations in order to complete
certain agendas. The earth could choose to
withhold its sustenance; the release of
vegetation, so plants can
rule all of creation. The
sun could decide to
cease in its illumination limiting the earth,
and all creation by submission. The world
would be absent of peace.
All would be following Order (2).
Throughout this world there are people dedicated in serving
Order(2) whether they acknowledge it, or refuse to Know. I can
speak of Order (2) because I once had been dedicated to it
unconsciously. It is hard not to follow Order (2), when we become
unaware of it. It has the ability to camouflage its self in different
ways unexpectedly. Order (2) has been the fundamental way of life
for Majority of Humankind. Take some time and observe people in
general. The way they talk, the things that they enjoy. The
nondrinker is considered lame, or not cool. People enjoy murder, It
has been enjoined in our favorite movies. Involving in homosexuality
that which animals have rejected. Everything that we involve
ourselves with is constructed with Order(2).

Order (2) has been developed by great thinkers that have

consciously dedicated themselves to it. To the extreme point it has
evolved into a plan. This blue print has been in design since the
beginning of the
worldly existence.
Orchestrated by the
opposing of Peace,
and Natural harmony
of nature. This Order
(2) has revolved its
self into different
names and titles. Most recent title are called
Zionist are very much well conscious of this
Order and Design; And are dedicated to
its worship. Zionist make up of all walks of
life, such as Zionist Muslims dedicated to
hate by asserting the white people are
devils, Practiced in the Nation of Islam.
Zionist Christians orchestrated The Klu Klux Klan, murdering
and lynching a nationality of a
people. Zionist Jews; the
Genocide of Arab Nation due to
land, and free exercise of an
Occult that only recognizes
themselves. It is reliant to point
out the picture in which the
children sign war heads. Observe
the Children of Israel signing their names on missiles that are
prompt, and ready to be used to
genocide Palestinian innocent.
But, somehow Americans
believe that Israel are fighting a
just war, and support them with
Federal Taxes. As you observe
more in the picture, you can see
the woman in the back smiling
as if she is enjoying herself. I never new of any natural creature to
enjoy one self during time of war, or the vivid picture of two year old
with one shot gun wounds directly ready as assassination.

Zionist communicates to each other

through the Jesuits Order. This Order is
design to plant the seed of enmity and
hatred between communities and
nationality of people unknowingly. This is
the reason why Christians are at the necks
of Muslims, and Muslims at the necks of
Christians; believing that one is greater or
wrong. In actuality both religions are the same if you eliminate
Zionism is a way of thinking
to believe that one is greater than
the other, or deserves power. The
similarity is when Satan thought
he was better than man. In
actuality, man and the race of
Satan, are similar. Both have the
ability to exercise right, and
wrong. This Zionist way of thinking by Satan himself has been
carried out on earth by the very human race that he despises. Soon
lead to his plan for the negative energy to out strip the positive
energy developed into combustion of fire, which should be known as

The Creator of the Universe is all knowing, and fully aware of

the corruption of Order (2). Thus,
He has designed a beautiful
pattern, and way of life for all who
are willing to except. This way of
life, and pattern is to eliminate the
negative energy while acquiring
positive energy through Peace, and
harmony within one’s self, Through
prayer, charity, and remembrance
of his Grace.

This pattern throughout a life time will subdue the negative

energy; were as absent, or little negative energy cannot complete the
formula of combustion. Which it will only lead to good, from the
positive energy which should be known as Heaven, and which He
has Promised.
Humankind has always formulated a method called religion,
suitable for one’s culture, and ownership.
Thus, I do not like to use the word religion,
because it has a since of ownership,
belonging to the ideology of me, and mine.
I refer to it as the Way of life, because it
has a since of belonging to all life, and
humanity. This is what has been passed on
from all Prophets of old teaching the same fundamentals of worship
of the Creator of the Universe. If we absent the ideology of
manmade Zionist religion, and focus on way of life for all
humanity; Than all true ways of Life will be consisted of Judaism,
Christian, and Muslim all absent of Zionist implications to the
faiths. Moreover, Moses taught his people the same way of life as
Jesus taught his. Also; the way of Muhammad of Arabia of 570, May
Peace and Blessings be upon them All. True believers of these faiths
absent Zionist ideology should acknowledge, that all these purified
men sent by the Grace of the Creator, had been sent for purposes of
instructing man in his way of life; To adhere to peace, and guidance.
They make no distinctions among them. Only the Most High has
Power to make such distinctions in character.

Absent Zionist implication, Muslims

do not Place Master Fard Muhammad, a
nationalist of 1920 as flesh of our Creator,
or image of the Creator. Nation of Islam
which had been developed by the Zionist
Organization of America. Malcolm X had
traveled, and understood the essence of
Peace, and Harmony for all of Humankind as equal. He had been
assassinated by Zionist, while manifesting his form of Knowledge,
and change.
Absent Zionist implication, Christians
do not place Jesus as Equal with the Most
High in form of trinity. He is All Powerful,
and cannot, and will not be compared to any
of His creations in any form what so ever. He
is the Most High, and Supreme. Jesus
Himself has also recognized His attributes, in
numerous of scriptures throughout the Holy
Bible (Mark 10:18), and he refuses to be
compare to Him; which has never been
inscribed in any authentic literature. Thus,
has been developed through centuries by
Zionist Albert Pike to slowly remove the worship of one God into
three, slowly giving all praises to the created not the Creator.

Absent Zionist implication, Jews do not follow the Zionist man

made inscriptions to the Holy Talmud concerning hoarding of
wealth, Greed and Global monopolization, Killing and slaughtering
of one who does not carry the same blood linage. (York Rites).
centuries authentic
Books have been
changed, or
reconstructed in
such manner to
convert its believers
to follow the way of
Zionism. All though
the Creator of the
Universe has promised not to allow his creation to be blinded by
force which He is extremely Greater than. He has promised that His
last book will never change, or be tampered.
These scriptures will be consisted of miracles, and sciences,
that will be discovered through the ages of time; recorded by
scribes, and will clarify the falsehood that has interjected in the
previous Books by Zionist. This book within itself is a blessing to all
of Humankind, But Zionist have repeatedly insisted others to Reject
it, So it will never be recognized, and their way of life can develop
One World Order through the synthetic, and materialistic world we
live in today.


What values do Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have alike?

Absent Zionist implications.

(a) Cultural views of superiority.

(b) Corruption of unauthorized Changes to Scriptures.

(c) Character that coincide with peace, and harmony within

one’s self, authorized by the Creator of Universe.

(d) None of the above.


Hypothesis: An educated guess, with plausible conclusion

Theory: Sequences of research to uphold Hypothesis.

Fact: Developments of research constructed into irrefutable


Facts are proven when one disagrees, but however does not have the ability
to refute with evidence.
Any who desires to follow the path of Zionism (evil) Knowingly;
or allowed to be led with our eyes Open or Shut, or fails to
investigate with negligence, has ultimately called upon himself
wrath. When all the clear signs have been graciously given, and
delivered by blessed Prophets of Old, or messengers to deliver such
guidance. A Grace, and Mercy given; by The Most High upon all

Our last and complete message absent Zionist implications;

confirming the scriptures of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and
many more that are unnamed. The messages in inquiring the truth,
lies within the Scriptures of the
Glorious Qur'an.

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