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in neuropsychology linguistics and the philosophy of language a natural language or ordinary

language is any language that has evolved naturally in human through use an repetition without
conscious planing or premeditation natural languages can take different forms sunch as speech
signing or writing they are distinguished from constructed and formal languages such as those
used to program computers or to study logic though the exact definition varies between scholars
natural language can broadly be defined in contrast to artificial or contructed languages sunch as
computer programming languages and international auxiliary languages and to other
comunication systems in nature sunch example include bees waggle dance and whale song to
which researches have found an applied the linguistic one yeats of dialect and even syntax all
languages varieties or world

languages are natural languages although some varietie are subject to greater degrees of
published prescriptivism and language regulation than others thus non-standard dialects can be
viewed as a wild tipe in comparison with standard languages but even an official languages with a
regulating academy such as standard French with the French academy is classified as a natural
language for example in the field of natural language processing as it’s prescriptive points do not
make it either constructed language or controlled enough to be classified as a controlled natural
language. Controlled natural language are subsets of natural languages whose gammars and
dictionaries have been restricted in order to reduce eliminate both ambiguity and complexity for
instance by cutting down on ready used superlative or adverbial forms or irregular verbs, the
purpose behind the development and implementation of a controlled natural language typically is
to aid non-native speackers of a natural language in understanding it or ease computer processing
og a natural language an example; of a widely used controlled natural language is simplified
English wich was originally developed for aerospace industry maintenance manuals contructed
internacional auxiliary languages such a Esperanto and Inter Lingua even those that have been
speakers are not generally considered natural laguages.

los idiomas son lenguajes naturales, aunque algunas variedades están sujetas a un mayor
grado de prescriptivismo y regulación lingüística publicadas que otras, por lo que los
dialectos no estándar pueden considerarse como un estilo salvaje en comparación con los
idiomas estándar, pero incluso los idiomas oficiales con una academia reguladora como el
francés estándar con la academia francesa se clasifica como un lenguaje natural, por
ejemplo, en el campo del procesamiento del lenguaje natural, ya que sus puntos
prescriptivos no lo hacen ni en lenguaje construido ni lo suficientemente controlado como
para clasificarse como un lenguaje natural controlado. El lenguaje natural controlado son
subconjuntos de lenguajes naturales cuyos gammares y diccionarios han sido restringidos
para reducir la ambigüedad y la complejidad, por ejemplo, reduciendo las formas
superlativas o adverbiales listas o los verbos irregulares, el propósito detrás del desarrollo
e implementación de un control el lenguaje natural generalmente es para ayudar a los
hablantes no nativos de un lenguaje natural a entenderlo o para facilitar el procesamiento
de la computadora y, por ejemplo, un lenguaje natural; de un lenguaje natural controlado
ampliamente utilizado es el inglés simplificado que se desarrolló originalmente para los
manuales de mantenimiento de la industria aeroespacial, con idiomas auxiliares
internacionales como Esperanto e Inter Lingua, incluso aquellos que han sido hablantes
no son generalmente considerados lenguajes naturales

Natural languages have been used to communicate and have evolved in a natural way whereas
Esperanto was designed by element of selecting by children’s natural tendency to correct wey
logical grammatical structures in their parents speech which can be seen in the development of
pidgin languages and two creole languages as explaine by Steven piker in the languages instinct
but this is not the case in many languages including constructed languages such a Esperanto where
strict rule are in place as an attempt to consciously remove such irregularities the possible
exception to this our true native speakers of such languages more substantive basis for thi
designation is that vocabulary grammar and orthography of interlingua are natural they have been
standardized and presented by a linguistic research body out they predated it and are not
themselves considered a product of human invention most experts however consider interlink
ought to be naturalistic rather than natural latinos signed flexion a second naturalistic auxiliary
language is also naturalistic in content but is no longer widely spoken

Los lenguajes naturales se han utilizado para comunicarse y han evolucionado de manera
natural, mientras que el Esperanto se diseñó seleccionando por tendencia natural de los
niños a corregir estructuras gramaticales lógicas en el habla de sus padres, que se
pueden ver en el desarrollo de lenguas pidgin y dos lenguas criollas como explicado por
Steven Piker en el instinto de los idiomas, pero este no es el caso en muchos idiomas,
incluidos los idiomas construidos, como Esperanto, donde la regla estricta está en su
lugar como un intento de eliminar conscientemente tales irregularidades la posible
excepción a esto nuestros verdaderos hablantes nativos de tales idiomas Una base más
sustantiva para esta designación es que la gramática del vocabulario y la ortografía de
interlingua son naturales, han sido estandarizados y presentados por un cuerpo de
investigación lingüística antes de que sean considerados como un producto de la
invención humana. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los expertos consideran que el enlace
debe ser naturalista. en lugar de latinos naturales firmados f Lexion un segundo lenguaje
auxiliar naturalista también es naturalista en el contenido, pero ya no se habla

en lingüística neuropsicológica y la filosofía del lenguaje un lenguaje natural o lenguaje ordinario es cualquier
lenguaje que ha evolucionado naturalmente en humanos a través del uso de una repetición sin planeamiento
consciente o premeditación. Los lenguajes naturales pueden tomar diferentes formas. lenguajes formales
como los utilizados para programar computadoras o estudiar la lógica, aunque la definición exacta varía entre
los estudiosos, el lenguaje natural puede definirse ampliamente en contraste con las lenguas artificiales o
contruidas como lenguajes de programación informática e idiomas auxiliares internacionales y otros sistemas
de comunicación en la naturaleza. ejemplo incluyen las abejas waggle dance y la canción de ballenas a la que
las investigaciones han encontrado una aplicada la lingüística yeats del dialecto e incluso la sintaxis de todos
los idiomas variedades o mundo
Despite these similarities, the difference between the studies of natural and
artificial language is profound. First of all, natural language existed for
thousands of years, nobody knows who designed the language; but artificial
languages are synthesized by logicians and computer scientists to meet some
specific design criteria. Thus, `` the most basic characteritic of the distinction is
the fact that an artificial language can be fully circumscribed and studied in its

Diferencias de

Natural language conlag

Es cualquier lenguaje que ha evolucionado The creation of artificial languages is sold from
naturalmente en humanos a través del uso de the frameworks of linguistics to enter into logic
una repetición sin planteamiento consciente o and semiotics. The grammar of an artificial
premeditación language is simple. We don’t discover the
grammar of an artificial language; we stipulate
it we define it however we want.
The grammar of a natural language like English Artificial language presents a much
is incredibly complex. We discover the greater degree of artificiality and
conventionality in terms of the
grammar of natural language through empirical construction of symbols and the
investigation meaning assigned to them. Symbols
and meanings do not belong to any
natural community of speakers, but
to groups of speakers related by
scientific or technical objectives.

the languages are natural languages although Designers of constructed languages basically
some varieties are subject to greater degrees of want us to use the syntax of their native
published prescriptivism and language language for anything that's not explicitly
regulation than others specified (which is to say - the vast majority of
the syntax rules for what they consider to be
the correct version of their invented language).
the purpose behind the development and
implementation of a controlled natural Artificial languages are learned voluntarily
language typically is to aid non-native speakers and consciously. An example of artificial
of a natural language in understanding it or language are the programming languages
ease computer processing used to develop computer programs used
to control the behavior of a machine,
especially a computer, These are
composed of a set of syntactic and
semantic rules that they allow to express
instructions that will be interpreted later
Natural languages have been used to
communicate and have evolved in a natural Artificial languages have elements; symbol
way whereas Esperanto was designed by table, combination rules, transformation
element of selecting by children’s natural rules
tendency to correct wey logical grammatical
structures in their parents speech

Natural language has as a component;

morphological, syntactic, semantic,
pragmatic analysis

An individual, by virtue of being born in society, normatively accepts the language of his own linguistic
community. Both natural language and artificial language are human

It is conceived in a way totally conscious and intentional, and it has to do with symbolic
representations and meanings

Comparing artificial language and natural language it is very helpful to our

understanding of semantics of programming languages since programming
languages are artificial. We can see much similarity between these two kinds of

1. Both of them must explain ``given'' languages.

The goal of research on semantics of programming languages is the same
as that of natural language: explanation of the meanings of given language.
2. Both of them separate ``syntax'' and ``semantics''.

vocabulary grammar and orthography of

interlingua are natural they have been
standardized and presented by a linguistic
research body out they predated it and are not
themselves considered a product of human

1) The creation of artificial languages is sold from the frameworks of linguistics to
enter into logic and semiotics. The grammar of an artificial language is simple. We
don’t discover the grammar of an artificial language; we stipulate it we define it
however we want.

2) Artificial language presents a much greater degree of artificiality and

conventionality in terms of the construction of symbols and the meaning assigned
to them. Symbols and meanings do not belong to any natural community of
speakers, but to groups of speakers related by scientific or technical objectives

3) Artificial languages are learned voluntarily and consciously. An example of artificial

language are the programming languages used to develop computer programs
used to control the behavior of a machine, especially a computer, These are
composed of a set of syntactic and semantic rules that they allow to express
instructions that will be interpreted later

4) Artificial languages have elements; symbol table, combination rules,

transformation rules

5) It is conceived in a way totally conscious and intentional, and it has to do with

symbolic representations and meanings

6) Artificial language is in constant creation and also is governed by conventions

which are stipulated by some characters that are specialists

7) Artificial language seeks or seeks universality, in this case the artificial language use
the same language as instrument for scientific knowledge and technical
8) It consists of signs and symbols that have been created and that only have to be
interpreted and understood but not modified

1) The natural language or ordinary language is any language that has

evolved naturally in humans through the use of a repetition without
conscious planning or premeditation.
2) The grammar of a natural language like English is incredibly complex.
We discover the grammar of natural language through empirical
3) the languages are natural languages although some varieties are
subject to greater degrees of published prescriptivism and language
regulation than others
4) the purpose behind the development and implementation of a
controlled natural language typically is to aid non-native speakers of a
natural language in understanding it or ease computer processing
5) Natural languages have been used to communicate and have evolved
in a natural way whereas Esperanto was designed by element of
selecting by children’s natural tendency to correct wey logical
grammatical structures in their parents speech
6) Natural language has as a component; morphological, syntactic,
semantic, pragmatic analysis
7) Natural language aims a diversification, which is appreciated in the
different languages of the regions of world.
8) It is flexible because it You can use this to accommodate or shape
sentences to our free way.

An individual, by virtue of being born in society, normatively

accepts the language of his own linguistic community. Both
natural language and artificial language are human
1. Both of them must explain ``given'' languages.
The goal of research on semantics of programming languages is the same
as that of natural language: explanation of the meanings of given language.
2. Both of them separate ``syntax'' and ``semantics''.

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