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9 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat Raw

These are nine foods that you want to cook before eating. First of all, “Potatoes” shouldn’t
be in warm or damp area. It can cause food poisoning since it develop a toxin called
solanine. Next, “Yucca”, the leaves and roots of it contain cyanogenic glycosides,
chemicals that release cyanide when eaten. After that, “Kidney beans”, Uncooked kidney
beans contain the toxin phytohemagglutinin, which can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal
discomfort and symptoms similar to food poisoning. Then, “Hot dogs” must be cooked
before eating. Because when they’re reheating, a bacteria called Listeria is eliminated.
Next, “Milk” that comes straight from a cow, without being pasteurized, can contain
harmful bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. Then, “Sprouts” as alfalfa and radish sprouts
can contain pesky harmful bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. After that,
“Bitter almonds” contain hydrocyanic acid and it would only take about 70 raw bitter
almonds to kill a fully grown adult. Next, “Flour” may have come into contact with
pathogens such as E. coli, which can only be banished by cooking. Then, “Eggplant”
contains solanine, the same toxin that makes raw potatoes problematic.

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