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NIM = 11150970000021

Exercise 1

1. Porch = Terrace
2. Soggy = Wet
3. Sketch = Ilustration
4. Shrink = Wipe
5. Peak = Top
6. Swell up = Increase

Exercise 2

1. Turn up = Found/Appeared
2. Lid = Closed
3. Glance = Looking
4. Promptly = Betimes
5. Foul = Nasty
6. Dew = Haze

Exercise 3

1. Deserve = Entitled to/Proper

2. Stain = Mark
3. Strict = Tight
4. Grab = Rob/Take away
5. Plug = Wall plug
6. Bald = Bare

Exercise 4

1. Shatter = Solve 4. Shallow = Superficial

2. Greenhouse = Glasshouse 5. Gloomily = Slowlingly
3. Patch = Mend 6. Collapse = Fall down
Exercise 5

1. Zip = Passport
2. Zap = Travel Agency
3. Zep = Maps
4. Zop = Minibus
5. Zup = Taxi
Exercise 6

1. Zip = Garbage
2. Zap = Garbage
3. Zep = Recycle

Exercise 7

1. Zip = Bird
2. Zap = Fly
3. Zep = River

Exercise 8

1. The answer
a. It = Computer d. It = Computer
b. It = Computer e. It = Computer
c. It = Computer f. It = Computer
2. The answer
a. They = Computer
b. It = Problem
c. They = The computer industry and the goverment
d. They = Computer
e. These =Parts
3. The answer
a. They = Old computer and computer parts
b. These = Parts
c. They = Parts
d. Them = Parts

Exercise 9

1. The answer
a. It = Pedicab
b. He = A local Businessman
c. Them = Pedicab
d. They = Pedicab
e. Them = Pedicab
f. They = The passengers
2. The answer
a. They = The driver of pedicab
b. He = The owner
c. Them = The driver of pedicab
d. He = A typical driver
e. He = A typical driver
f. Him = A typical driver
g. He = One pedicab driver
h. He = One pedicab driver
i. Him = One pedicab driver
3. The answer
a. Them = Pedicabs
b. He = The owner of pedicab
c. They = Pedicab
d. They = Baseball fans
e. Them = Pedicab
f. He = The owner of pedicabs
g. He = The owner of pedicabs
h. They = Pedicabs
i. Them = Pedicabs

Exercise 10

1. Estonia = The small eastern European nation

2. Capitak city = Old Tallinn
3. Singing in groups = Choral concerts
4. Festival = Tradition
5. Old city hall = Beautiful medieval building
6. Educational institution = Tartu Universty
7. Fortresses = Strongholds
8. Homes = Cottages
9. Organization = Society of Estonian Nudists
10. Coffe = Beverage

Exercise 12

1. These methods of disposal = Dumping practices

2. Some of which = Dumping practices
3. These dangerous materials = Hazardous chemical waste
4. Such chemicals = Heavy metals (such as mercury)
5. They = Wastes
6. This = The metal rusts and the waste materials
7. It = The local soil
8. It = The local soil
9. The latter effect = The chemical waste
10. There = River bed
11. They = The waste

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