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Kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys

pirmajam poros mokiniui (A)

2014 m. balandžio 17 d. (pirmoji įskaitos diena)

 Kalbėjimo įskaitos užduočių skaičius skiriamas vienai vertinimo grupei – mokinio A 5 įskaitos
bilietų rinkiniai ir mokinio B 5 įskaitos bilietų rinkiniai.
 Kiekviename įskaitos bilietų rinkinyje yra po 8 bilietus, todėl ruošimosi patalpoje turi būti
paruoštos 8 kortelės su bilietų numeriais (1–8).
 Ruošimosi patalpoje vienu metu ruošiasi 1 mokinių pora: mokinys A ir mokinys B. Abu mokiniai
ruošiasi atskirai, nebendraudami tarpusavyje. Ruošimosi trukmė – 15 min. Baigę ruoštis, išeidami
mokiniai pasiima ruošimosi lapus, o įskaitos bilietų rinkinius palieka ruošimosi patalpoje.
Atsakinėjimo patalpoje gauna tokius pačius įskaitos bilietų rinkinius.
 Atsakinėjimo patalpoje turi būti 4 įskaitos bilietų rinkiniai mokiniui A ir 4 įskaitos bilietų rinkiniai
mokiniui B: po 1 kiekvienam vertinančiam ir egzaminuojančiam mokytojui ir 1 – mokinių porai.
 Mokinių atsakinėjimą organizuoja egzaminuojantis mokytojas tokiu būdu: pirmiausia paprašo
mokinių prisistatyti, paduoda jiems atitinkamus kalbėjimo įskaitos bilietų rinkinius ir paprašo
mokinį A atlikti pirmąją užduotį. Po to pirmąją užduotį atlieka mokinys B. Antrąją užduotį abu
mokiniai atlieka kartu. Egzaminuojantis mokytojas atsakinėjančių mokinių pokalbyje nedalyvauja,
bet prireikus gali palaikyti pokalbį arba paskatinti kalbėti.
 Mokinio kalbėjimas vertinamas vadovaujantis Užsienio kalbos įskaitos programoje pateiktomis
vertinimo lentelėmis. Vertinantis mokytojas įvertinimą užrašo įskaitos vertinimo lape, kurio forma
skelbiama duomenų perdavimo sistemoje KELTAS.

© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014

UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1

Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Youth Sport
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Youth Sport Statistics (Ages 5–18), Michigan State, US, 2012 (% of youth population)

90 85
70 60
20 10
Kids who play Boys who play Girls who play Teenagers who do
sports outside of organized sports organized sports sports with their
school parents

 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 In your opinion, how does the situation in the US compare to the situation in Lithuania? What
are the most popular individual and group sports among young people in Lithuania? Why?
 What are the benefits of sports and exercise? What could be done to increase the interest of
people in active lifestyle? Consider different age groups.

Part 2

Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: Project: The Year of Donelaitis
Situation: Your school is planning to run an educational project in honour of the poet Kristijonas
Donelaitis. Your classmate and you are generating ideas for the project.

You suggest holding a conference in honour of the poet Kristijonas Donelaitis and inviting literary
critics and historians to give lectures and talks. Students could also make presentations about various
aspects of the poet's life and work. The best student presenter could be awarded a prize. Professional
actors could read Donelaitis' poetry. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation.

© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014
UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1
Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Second Foreign Language
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Second Foreign Languages (after English) of Chinese Students, 2014 (%)

1 1 1
2 1 French 28
2 Japanese 21
4 German 20
4 28 Spanish 15
Italian 4
15 Korean 4
Finnish 2
Russian 2
Swedish 1
20 21
Portugese 1
Dutch 1
Arabic 1


 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 In your opinion, how does the situation of second foreign language learning in China compare
to that in Lithuania? What is your second foreign language? If you had to choose a language to
learn, what would it be? Why?
 What are your favourite ways of learning languages? Why is it important for young people to
learn languages?

Part 2

Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: Project: The Year of the Theatre
Situation: Your school is planning to run an educational project with the focus on theatre. Your
classmate and you are generating ideas for the project.

You think that the project should give the students an opportunity to learn about different jobs
related to theatre. You suggest visiting a number of theatres in different towns to watch the
performances and interview the actors, producers, designers or technicians. At the end of the year, a
conference should be held to report the results of the project. You would like to make a documentary
film about the project. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation.

© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014
UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1

Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Teen Ambitions
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Most Popular Ambitions of Teenagers in the UK, 2011 (% of teen population)

Earning a lot 31
Partner / marriage 26
Happiness 24
Worthwhile job 20
Children 19
Good car 11
Personal achievement 8
Fame 7
I don't know 2
Other 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 In your opinion, how does the situation in the UK compare to the situation in Lithuania? What
other ambitions, which are not listed here, are common among teens in Lithuania? Why?
 Why is it important for young people to have personal ambitions? What should every person do
in order to achieve his / her ambitions?

Part 2
Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: Linguistic Project: The Dialects of the Lithuanian Language
Situation: Your class is going to take part in a project called “The Dialects of the Lithuanian
Language”. Your classmate and you are generating ideas for the project.

You think that your school students should have an opportunity to hear the different dialects spoken
and practise speaking them. You suggest inviting a few famous people who can speak different
dialects and asking them to read some poetry, tell a story or sing a song. You would like to ask
famous linguists to give a lecture on this topic and teach you some elements of different dialects.
Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.
You start the conversation.
© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014
UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1
Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Our World is in Danger
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Biggest Dangers to the World (as described by the British people), 2011 (% of respondents)

Terrorism 59
Climate change 49
Infectious diseases 42
Gap between the rich and the poor 19
Extreme weather 17
Cyber crime 14
I don't know 6
Other 4
I'd rather not say 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 In your opinion, how do the views of the British people compare to those of the Lithuanian
people? What three biggest dangers would you name? Why?
 Which of these problems could be solved or reduced by the human beings? Which of the
problems are difficult to solve? Why do you think so?

Part 2

Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: Mini Olympics for Secondary Schools
Situation: Your school is going to host an international event – a mini Olympics for secondary school
students. Your classmate and you are generating ideas for the event.

You suggest having a winter olympics and using the new snow and ice arenas in Lithuania. Students
aged 16–18 could participate in the olympics. You are going to look for sponsors to support the
event. Individual sports and team sports should be included in the games. The winning country
would host a similar event the following year. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation.

© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014

UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1

Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Tourist Accommodation
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Tourist Accommodation in New Zealand, 2008

(number of guest nights by accommodation type)

1000000 950000 900000



200000 70000
Hotels Motels Host families Youth hostels Caravans and


 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 In your opinion, how does the situation in New Zealand compare to the situation in Lithuania?
What would be your preferred accommodation type if you went to New Zealand? Why?
 What are the advantages of camping holidays? What are the challenges that campers may face?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying with a host family?

Part 2

Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: Graduation Party
Situation: Your class is writing a scenario for your school graduation party. Your classmate and you
are generating ideas for the scenario.

You think that the school graduation party should be highly formal. You suggest holding the
celebration in a restaurant, wearing formal clothes, playing classical music and dancing ballroom
dances. Famous people who graduated from your school could be invited to the party. The festivity
would end with a fireworks display at night. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation.

© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014
UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1
Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Holidays
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Most Celebrated Holidays in the US, 2010 (% of respondents)

Thanksgiving 100
Christmas 90
Halloween 90
Independence Day, 4th of July 80
New Year's Eve / Day 80
Earth Day 70
Chinese New Year 60
Valentine's Day 60

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 What do you think of the results of the survey? Which of the holidays listed above are also
celebrated in Lithuania? In your opinion, what are the most important national and calendar
holidays in Lithuania?
 How does your school mark such dates as February 16 or March 11? Which holiday is more
important for you – Christmas or New Year's Eve? Why?

Part 2
Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: European Youth Newspaper
Situation: Your school is going to join the current educational project called “European Youth
Newspaper”. Your classmate and you are generating ideas about the content and form of the

You think that the newspaper should reflect the life of young people in Lithuania. You suggest
covering issues such as studying, career prospects, youth campaigns, culture festivals etc. You want
to include reports about young professionals doing different jobs. The newspaper could also contain
photos representing public activities of the youth. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.
You start the conversation.
© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014
UŽSIENIO KALBA (ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kalbėjimo įskaitos užduotys ● Mokinys A ● 2014-04-17

Part 1

Time: 3–4 minutes
Topic: Travelling the World
Task: Study the chart and answer the questions below.

Increase in Tourist Arrivals, Selected Countries, January–December 2013 (%)

Japan 14

USA 10
Netherlands 9
Sweden 8
United Kingdom 6

Germany 5
France 5

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

 What information is presented in the chart? Describe the statistical data.

 Which of the countries listed above would you like to visit? Why? What are the benefits of
foreign travel?
 In your opinion, what are the most important tourist sights in Lithuania? Explain your choice.
Why is it important for young people to travel in their own country?

Part 2

Time: 4–5 minutes
Topic: Weather and Climate: Engaging the Youth
Situation: Your school is going to contribute to the current international project called “Weather and
Climate: Engaging the Youth”. Your classmate and you are generating ideas about the
content and form of the contribution.

You think that your school should hold a conference on the issues of climate change. You suggest
inviting local and international scientists and students to discuss the issues. Documentary films on
ecology could be shown. Junior students could draw pictures or make posters on the topic. A
conference booklet could be produced after the event. Your classmate has a slightly different idea.

 Exchange your ideas with your classmate. Give arguments and examples.
 Respond to each other's ideas. Disagree politely.
 Try to persuade your classmate to accept your ideas.
 Try to reach a consensus.

You start the conversation.

© Nacionalinis egzaminų centras, 2014
ANGLŲ) ● 2014 m. kkalbėjimo įsk
kaitos užduotys ● Mokkinys A ● 2014-04-17

P 1
T 3––4 minutes
T Cycling Safeety
T Sttudy the chaart and answ
wer the quesstions below

ntage of Cycclists Who Wear Helm
mets, Engla
and (% of ccyclists)

Source: httpp://

 Whaat informatioon is presennted in the cchart? Descrribe the statistical data..

 Whaat do you thhink of thee trend in hhelmet weaaring habitss of the Ennglish cycliists which is
refleccted in the chart? Howw can you eexplain the differencess among fem male, male and childreen
cycliists' habits? Do you thin
nk the situaation in Lith
huania is sim
milar to thatt in England
 Whyy is it imporrtant to wearr a helmet w when you riide a bicycle? What othher rules sh hould cyclists
follow? What arre the beneffits of usingg a bicycle inn a big city??

P 2
T 4––5 minutes
Your school is preparin ng for an innternational project on
n calendar festivals. Your
Y class is
writing a sceenario for thhe celebratioon of Midsummer on June 24 . Y Your classmmate and yoou
arre generatinng ideas for the scenarioo.

You think that the prooject should d focus on tthe celebrattion of Mid
dsummer ass an ancientt Lithuaniann
calendar fefestival. Yoou suggest going to K Kernavė orr another historical
h ssite to exp
perience thee
traditional rituals of the
t event. YouY would like to hold a meetin ng to discuuss the meaaning of thee
rituals. Proj
oject particippants could
d make a fillm for YouTTube. Your classmate has a slighttly differentt

 Exchhange your ideas
i with your
y classm
mate. Give arrguments an
nd examplees.
 Resppond to eachh other's ideeas. Disagreee politely.
 Try tto persuade your classm mate to acceept your ideeas.
 Try tto reach a coonsensus.
Y start thee conversatiion.
© Nacionaliniss egzaminų ceentras, 2014

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