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Name: Martha Revelo Silva

Course: 4B
Teacher: Lic. Rafael Carrera
Date: 19/04/2018

Modal verb Could

The modal verb could mean possibility and ability in the past and in the future. It is also
used in the interrogative forms in a more formal way

 I couldn't go to the dinner because I was sick - No pude ir a la cena porque

estaba enfermo.
 I think it could rain tomorrow - Creo que podría llover mañana.
 Could you lend me your pencil, please? - ¿Podrías prestarme tu lápiz, por favor?

Modal verbs May and Might

The modal verbs may and might are used to give permissions or instructions. In
interrogative phrases may is much more formal and polite.

 You may start the exam now - Pueden empezar el examen.

 May I have a piece of cake? - ¿Puedo tomar un trozo de tarta?

 I would bring an umbrella, it might rain later - Yo llevaría un paraguas, puede llover
más tarde

The modal verb "would"

The modal verb "would" (passed from "will") is used together with the infinitive "to like"
to express offers and invitations:

 Would you like a cup of coffee?

 Would you like to come with us?
 Would I like a piece of cake?
 • It is also used to express wishes or make requests in a courteous manner:

I would like to be rich.

I would like your help.
Would you lend me your

Part of these uses as a modal verb, "would" is also used to form the conditional:

If that car was cheaper, I would buy it.

If it didn't rain, we would go to the beach.

As well as to form the future of an action that takes place in the past:

 I said that he would buy the tickets. He said he would buy the tickets
 I thought that I would go to the movies

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