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The French

By Rowan Strathmann,
Ella Garcia, Riley Cruzcosa,
Zoe Jeffrey, Emma Nations
Please come up with your own definitions for each of the the three key
terms and record them in the “Student Definitions” section of the Warm-up
Definitions of Key Terms
Monarchy: a form of government in which one person
reigns- usually a king or queen

Society: a community of people living in a country

sharing customs and laws

Revolution: the overthrow of a government in favor of a

new system
A Brief History…

What was the French

Pre-Revolutionary Events
The Three Estates:
The 1st Estate: Clergy (religious leaders)
The 2nd Estate: The Nobility (rich and influential families)
The 3rd Estate: Bourgeoisie--the middle class,
peasants (98% of the population)

The Bourbon Kings:

Louis XIV: “The Sun King,” built the Palace of Versailles,
exercised Divine Right
Louis XV: Uninterested in political affairs, continuous
Louis XVI: “Help us, God! We are too young to reign.”
Married to Marie Antoinette
4 stations, 5 minutes per station
Post-Revolutionary Events
➔ After the fall of the French First Republic…
◆ The Consulate (led by Napoleon)
◆ The Bourbon Restoration (return of the monarchy)
➔ Les Miserables follows a rebellion under King Louis Philippe I
➔ FILM CLIP: Watch a scene from Les Miserables that shows the lower class
revolting against the nobles and the king
Kahoot! Let’s review what we’ve learned!

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