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Reintroduction of Wolves

By: Christian,Xander, Maria, and Stephanie

Society vs. Wolves

Effect of Ecosystem

History of wolf reintroduction

Society Vs. Wolves
● In 1995 when wolves were being reintroduced they were the
face of controversy.
● People had fears about the wolf
● After protest, The wolves were allowed to stay
● Today, Hunters are now trying to kill wolves because they are
no longer endangered and are killing too many deer and elk.
Historic effect of Wolf reintroduction
● In 1995 when the wolves were reintroduced there were 18000
● The elk were feasting on trees and shrubbery not allowing them
to reproduce and spread around yellowstone.
● The wolves started to eat elk, therefore the trees and shrubs
could start to reproduce and spread.
General History of wolf reintroduction
● Early 1900s predators including wolves are routinely killed in Yellowstone.
● In 1975 the long process to restore wolves in Yellowstone begins.
● 1991: Congress appropriates money for an EIS(Executive Information
System) wolf recovery.
● 1995 and 1996: 31 gray wolves from western
Canada relocated to Yellowstone.
● In 1997, 10 wolves from northwestern Montana
relocated to Yellowstone National Park.
● Endangered Species Biologist

Endangered species Biologist are the

top researchers when a species is
close to extinction and reintroduce
animals to their previous habitat.
● Park Ranger

Park Rangers are one of the leading

efforts in protecting animals from
human interaction at national park.
Importance of Wolf reintroduction
● Changed the ecosystem
● Helped increase beaver populations
● Brought back Aspen
● Brought back vegetation
● Helped biologists gather more information on this topic.

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