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The Monsters are Due on Maple Street

1. The Maple Street neighbors are suspicious of Les Goodman because in the wee hours
of the morning, Mr.Goodman would be outside of his house. He would be outside his
house looking at the sky. As if he were waiting for something. In paragraph 13, a woman
said, “Well… sometimes I go to bed late at night. A couple of times… a couple times I’d
come out on the porch and I’d see Mr.Goodman here in the wee hours of the morning
standing out in front of his house… looking up at the sky. That’s right, looking up at the
sky as if… as if he were waiting for something. As if he were looking for something.” So
this is my evidence.

2. The Maple Street neighbors are suspicious of Steve because he sounded really anxious.
Also, his wife has done a lot of talking about how odd he is. They also were suspicious
because Steve has a radio set down in his basement that he’s been working on. His wife
said it was a ham radio set. One of the neighbors wondered who he has been talking to
and Steve was being sarcastic.

3. Tommy shouted “It’s the monster” because no one knew who or what the figure walking
toward them was. It just came out in the gloominess of the street. Everyone was
suspicious and scared. After that, Charlie shoots the figure. However, it was their
neighbor, Pete Van Horn.

4. I think contorted means to twist or turn into an unusual shape. I think it means that
because Charlie’s face contorted. I think it meant his face turned into an unusual shape
or the look of his face did not look ok.

5. I think incriminate means to say that this person guilty of a criminal. This is because
Mr.Goodman said, “Now I suppose that’s supposed to incriminate me!” I think he
means it means someone found him guilty.

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