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LO3 Part A.

Production Log

This is the jingle we used for the radio show. It consists of

three different sounds which were all used together to make a
jingle. We had a defined sound that faded out and taken over
with beats of two other tracks that we fitted in together.

This is the start of the radio show. It begins

with the end of a song, Thunder by Imagine
Dragons. The song comes to a gradual end
fading out, while the presenter begins
speaking in slowly getting slightly louder.

During the radio show, there is a call-in.

We edited the caller’s recording to
sound like the voice calling in from a
phone. We went into the filters and
edited the highpass filter to give the
recording this phone-like sound.
These are our layers in the radio edit, which allowed us to achieve
multiple things. Firstly, it makes the editing process much quicker and
easier. Every clip we have is on it’s own named track, meaning we can
easily find one section of the show. Secondly, we can use these
multiple tracks to edit each piece individually without changing other
sections. For example, if the end of a song track goes over the start of
the dialogue, changing the volume on the song to get quieter gradually
would be impossible if both the sources were on the same track,
Having the on seperate tracks means we could edit each one
individually to get our desired result. Again, we used this with the
listeners call-in section. If the presenter voice and the caller files were
on the same track, we would have hat to edit each call in section
separately. Having them on different tracks mean we could apply the
effect to that whole track, and the callers voice it all it would change.

On the top track you can see

our soundbed for the listener call-in segment. We have set the volume of this track very low
since it’s only there to be heard in the background and not to distract the listeners from the
talking. The second track shows the presenter dialogue which has small volume dips to hide
small blips of distortion. Below this is the listeners call-in which has the distortion effect on it.
Lastly is the buzzer sound effect since the listener got the question wrong.

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