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- AP Capstone Diploma Candidate, 2018

- Heritage High School Schoolwide Nominee for the Carson Scholars Fund, 2017
- Exemplar Husky for excelling daily and working to perfect AP Calculus concepts, 2017
- Schoolwide Math Achievement Award, 2017
- Wake Forest Youth Leadership Program Graduate, 2016-2017
- Camper in Leadership Training of the Week at The Y for being a true leader by
incorporating the core values, going above and beyond to help with the younger
campers, always lending a helping hand, and exemplifying how to lead, serve, and grow,
- Kindness Award for always having a positive attitude and smile, 2016
- Respect Award for including everyone in P.E., 2015
- Self-Discipline Award for being the only student to get above a 90% on a grammar
assessment, 2015
- Science, Math, and Language Arts Awards, 2015
- A Honor Roll, 2014-2017
- Duke TIP Program Attendee, 2010-2012

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