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Ocean Acidification

Learning Plan

Materials & Resources

● List all (handouts, powerpoint/google presentation slides, and other relevant visuals and materials)
○ pH Powerpoint
○ Entry Doc Ocean Acidification
○ Ocean Acidification Video Example
○ Ocean Acidification Rubric

Intro: Engaging Students

● Hook/capture student interest, set the stage, relate to previous learning (review), how this fits into what is
to follow (preview), tell students what they will learn and be expected to do as a result of the lesson
8:30-8:40 Quote of the day/Element

Through: The heart of the lesson

● Include details about what you will do, how you will organize/prepare students for tasks, and what
students will do. If you plan to involve students in discussion, list key/stem questions that you might ask to
generate discussion.
● Next to each step, indicate approximate length of time you expect each step to take.

8:40-8:50 pH & Ocean Acidification Powerpoint

8:50-9:10 Project Introduction

-Entry Doc
-15 year old speaks to UN

Beyond: Wrapping up the lesson

● List activities that you and students will do to summarize the lesson, reinforce what was covered, and tie
everything together so students see how the lesson fits into the context of the rest of the course (what
they have already done and what is coming next).

9:10-9:19 Project Work Time

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