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Malcolm X was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925, he got the “slave name”
Little and received the initial X when he joined the Nation of Islam. Malcolm was the
seventh of his father’s nine children- three by a previous marriage- and his mother the
fourth child. His father was a baptist minister and organizer for Marcus Garvey’s
2. The connections I can make between this autobiography and others is that he was not
the first black men who spoke out for what was right. For example, MLK was one of the
best leaders who spoke out about civil rights and freedom for black men. Millions of
other African American leaders spoke out about what was right for others.
3. The autobiography about X was talking about his childhood and the way he grew up.
What his dad and mom did for a living and his siblings he had. Eventually, X went to jail
for the actions he did, deciding to join the Nation of Islam.
4. The audience are the people who are interested into the history of Malcolm and black
history as well. Malcolm and other black leaders were heard out from civilians and
decided to protest for what was right. Malcolm impacted the world by making a
inspirational quote that made everyone hear him out.
5. The most relevant details the author uses is when Malcolm gets separated from his
family because of his attitude. After his isolation from his family, his mother had a
breakdown from depression. Malcolm was then sent to a strict school to change his
attitude. In junior high school, Malcolm was a phenomenon student and was well known.
6. The most prevalent in the writing is ethos, the autobiography is trying to appeal towards
your emotions, seeing how his family suffered through much and still was a strong man
that changed the world in many ways.
7. The possible theme to the text is when his 8th grade teacher told him not to become a
lawyer because he was a “nigger.” Malcolm suffered in school from then on and asked if
he can transferred to Boston on the behalf of his sister. When he arrived to Boston he
was attracted to the streets of the ghetto.
8. This text helped me understand the topic ever since he talked about his school work and
him getting isolated from his own family. Eventually he left the school and went with his
sister and his action increased, his old bad habits were coming back.
9. An element I might change is when Malcolm was moving places to places because he
kept getting fired from his job, eventually he got fired from his job and went to another
city to find another one.
10. Malcolm X was a phenomenon, all the struggles he went through made him superior.
Throughout his childhood, X didn’t have it great as others, getting separated from his
mother and his family. Eventually X went to a special school and moved. In my opinion,
X was amazing, even though his 8th grade teacher ruined his dream. She told him he
couldn’t be anything because he was black.

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