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Guru : “Assalamualaikum wr wb..

good morning class”

Siswa : “Waalaikumussalam wr wb.. morning mom”

Guru : “You look so happy and fresh today. I’m glad to see this. It means you are ready for
lesson, aren't you?”

Siswa :”Yes, mom”

Guru :”Good! Latif, please lead the pray”

Latif :” friends, Before we start our lesson today, let’s pray together. begin”


Latif :”finish”

Guru :”thank you, latif. Who is absent today?”

Siswa :”...”

Guru :”oke”

Guru :” You know that almost the “things” in the world have the relation with chemistry
(give example). And this things begin from the smaller particle that construct this
”things”. Begin from this. “the calk”. What do you think if we break it into 2 parts?
And we grind until become the powder and it can’t grind anymore or we can called it
the matter could not be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever. You know
what is it? Yes you right its called atom. And this theory based of Democritus. Now
we will study about the discovery and development of atomic structure, from Dalton
atomic theory to modern atomic theory. I will show you a video. please, watch the

(nonton video)

Guru :”after watching the video, Please, mention the development of atomic theory from
the first to the last.”

Siswa :”democritus, dalton, thomson, rutherford and bohr atomic model.”

Guru :”Excellent”

Guru :” dalton's atomic model, atoms are the smallest part of matter that can not be
subdivided. An element has an identical and different atom for different elements. The
atoms of some elements can combine into a compound. the hypothesis of dalton is
illustrated by an atomic model like solid ball. Whose the second?

Siswa :”Thomson”
Guru :”right. based on the fact that the electrons are the basic constituents of the atom,
thomson accomplish from dalton, states that the atom is a solid ball that is positively
charged and inside it is dispersed with a negative charge of electrons. This atomic
model is described as a raisin bread, bread describes a solid ball and the raisins depict
the uniformly distributed electrons. Whose the next theory?

Siswa :”rutherford”

Guru :” Yap, rutherford. Rutherford experimented with firing alpha particles into a thin
gold plate, the result most alpha particles can pass through the gold plate and a small
part in the reflected back. Based on the data, rutherford concluded that the atom
consists of some empty space because of the number of alpha particles that can pass
through the gold plate, the presence of reflected alpha particles indicates a collision.
rutherford named it with a positively charged atomic nucleus. Based on this
experiment, rutherford devised an atomic model to accomplish the thomson atom
model. According to rutherford the atom consists of a very small nucleus and is
positively charged, surrounded by negatively charged electrons. Whose the last?"

Siswa :”niels bohr”

Guru :” according to bohr, electrons surround the nucleus at certain trajectories called
electron shells or energy levels. The lowest energy level is the deepest electron shell,
the greater the number and the higher the energy level. The electrons can move to the
outer path by absorbing energy and vice versa. Okay, now we'll make some groups to
discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each atomic theory. divide into 7 groups by
counting 1-7.

(siswa berhitung)

Guru :” everyone has been in the group right?"

Siswa :”done”

Guru :” okay, I will share Student Discussion Sheet for each group. Don’t forget to write
your name, and class. When you have been finished, collect the sheets to me. I give
you 20minutes for discussion, is it enough?”

Siswa :”enough mom”

(siswa berdiskusi)

Guru :” time is up, please, collect the sheet”

Siswa :”oke mom”

Guru :” Because the learning's time is up, and we have not yet learned the atomic theory of
quantum mechanics. then I will give you some task for next meeting. read the book
and resume the atomic theory of quantum mechanics. Is itu clear ?”
Siswa :”yes mom”

Guru :”Ok good, does anybody wants to help me to give the conclusions what we have
learned today?

Siswa :”me, mom”

(siswa menyimpulkan)

Guru :” give applause. enough for today, I have a quote”

Siswa :”what is it mom?”

Guru :’ do not be afraid of falling, for that never climbs that never falls. Do not be afraid to
fail, because that never fails is the people who never stepped. Do not fear wrong,
because with the first error we can increase knowledge to find the right path in the
second step (buya hamka). See you next week, wassalamualaikum

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