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Full Name: Glorificus

Character Type: Exiled Demonic Hellgoddess

Age: appears to be about 25/actually age unknown

Sex: Female

Height: 5'4" (162.5 cm) Weight: about 110 lbs (50 kg)

Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green

Description: An Attractive Blonde, that appears to be in her mid 20's, of average height with
greenish eyes.

Personality: Self-centered, & evil, sometimes insane, and a hatred for nearly all things mortal &

Her Attributes:

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 11

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 5

Willpower: 8

Life Points: 380

Drama Points: 5


Age - Ancient ___ Hard to Kill 10 _____ Fast Reaction Time ____ Attractiveness + 4 _____ Iron
Mind______ Natural Armor 15 ___ Increased Life Points - 22 levels (220pts) ______ Unique Kill
(kill human host- Ben)_____ Contacts (3) - Supernatural - minions _____ Exiled Hellgoddess ____
Extra Abilities:

Special supernatural Attack - Brain suck (minor.close range), Super Run 80 mph 1 rd burst every


Adversary -5 - Order of Dagon & Knights of Byzantium ____. Mental Problem - Obsession
(deranged)- find the Key _____ Antisocial Impulse - deranged cruelty____ Mental Problem -
Recklessness (severe)____ Secret (3) - human host is Ben _____ Supernatural Form (Dual
Shape)______ Uncontrolled Power (can't control change back into Ben)_____ Covetous-
Ambition -serious______ Addiction- (-3 pts) needs to feed off human minds to maintain


Acrobatics: 8 ___ Crime: 7 ____Getting Medieval: 7 ___ Influence: 8 ____ Knowledge: 10 ___
Kung Fu: 8 ____ Languages: 9 _____ Notice: 7 _____ Occultism: 9 _____Science: 2 ___ Wild
Card: Demon Dimensions - 9 _____

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