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The following programs are a group of steganography tools to hide an it files of text in
an image.
The image can be in true colour (24 bits) or in scale of grey (256 ranges of grey). The
selection of the image or the text file is made in a completely interactive way. To hide a
text it requires of a key word of up to 24 letters (it nails approximate of 115 bits).

The syntax is hidetc to hide the text in the image and seektc to recover the same one.
The operation to hide the text file is the following one:
First, there is becomes the numbers of the image matrix odd coefficients to add the
coefficients of the characters ascii of the text converted to binary numbers.
Previously the text was encrypted disordering it for lines and columns with the
algorithm ranpermut and the functions desordtext and keyexpansión. This last one
expands the key of 56 bits in to key of approximately 115 bits.
The concealment process produces an imperceptible modification in the image (to
colour in to range of 256 for each colour or one in to range of 256 for an image in scale
of grey).
The key to recover the hidden file in palacioh.png is steganopassword.
I also send them to game to prove their know-how in the topic of the cryptography. One
of the hidden messages is encrypting with to key that is solution of the following
3 x mod 9212767 = 3845582
where 3 is a generator, and 9212767 is a prime number . Once obtained x (it nails of 7
digits) to obtain the word that decrypt the text to write calfa(x).

The users that achieve decrypt the file write to to

Francisco Echegorri.

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