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This assignment analyzes marketing strategy concepts as they apply to organization who organizes
sports event. Company followed one of strategic orientations with respect to revenue generation,
introduction of the sport etc. The effectiveness of marketing mix strategy variables such as pricing,
promotion and advertising in achieving the fame was also investigated. Analysis indicated that the
effectiveness of these strategies’ will lead the organization achieve their aims and objectives

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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
History of Cricket ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Aims and Objectives of the Tournament ...................................................................................................... 4
Current market situation ............................................................................................................................... 4
SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Strength .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Weakness .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Opportunities ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Threats ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Marketing Strategies ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Product Strategy ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Placement /LOCATION ........................................................................................................................... 7
Pricing Strategies ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Promotional Strategies .............................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion and Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 11
References ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 13

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MH Company is one of the highly reputed company in Malaysia and famous for their activities
and events. This year MH Company is coming up with great event. I am the marketing manager
of the company and our organization is organizing a cricket tournament with Malaysian cricket
association to promote cricket in Malaysia. Our organization wants to bring opportunities for
players who are enrolled in Malaysian cricket association and from this tournament Malaysian
cricket board will get chance to increase their facilities and train their players so they can play
international matches and tournaments

This tournament will be held in the end of the year from 20th December till 28th December
consisting 6 teams, 12 matches, 2 Semifinals, Final, one champion. Location will be bayuemas
oval one of the best grounds in Malaysia. Teams have been owned by Vips and well know
celebrities. Let’s start with the brief history of cricket.

History of Cricket
The starting points of the game of cricket are lost in the fogs of time. There is a reference in the
family unit records of King Edward I in 1300 of an amusement much like cricket being played in
Kent. .
First stick was used then bat came was introduced, "bat" is an early English word that implies stick
or club

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During the 1760s and 1770s, development gave players a new outcome or strategy. Then in 19th
century cricket came to India and Australia and after 1950s there were 10 countries who adopted
it and were playing internationally

Aims and Objectives of the Tournament

To continue to be recognized as a high-level provider, capable of high volume exceptional quality

service. To maintain and develop our client base within the corporate sector market for event
management, sports consultancy. Within the event management, we want to introduce or we want
that cricket should be familiar and popular in Malaysia as this sport is very common and popular
in Asia. (O.C Ferrell, 2005,2008)We want to Attain a reputation as Event organizers in the field
of sport management provision to the corporate sector. To provide the services that fulfils the needs
of the players with quality plan in a safe & secure environment and in a big platform. Ensure
players satisfaction by providing a better platform where they can practice and perform well and
show their skills in Cricket
We want to promote a High-level cricket as played in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka etc. and physical
activity as an important aspect of daily life-and to promote it as an ongoing process. We want to
manage staff efficiently so they can promote the ethos of the organization and Ensure all staff are
qualified and able to perform required tasks. (Gerald A. Michaelson, 2004)
Lastly to have a happy, energetic and capable staff who enjoy the work they do and care about the
outcomes of tournament. Our main objective is to make our business to extend and to make it
recognized in Malaysia.

Current market situation

Political Factors
The political arena has huge influence upon the regulation of cricket and spending power of charm
and other games. Now a day’s political affairs are increasing in the sports. The lead member of
selection committee, selecting his state players for the team, though there are another guy is
expected for that place in team

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Economic Factors
Economic factor is strongly affecting this game. People/players need to consider their economic
power/budget. Economic factor is most affecting factor of the sports. If you want to increase our
skills and ability and potentiality highly, you have to pay the high rates of fees.

Social/Cultural Factors
The social and cultural factors influence on games vary from country to country. It’s important
that such factors are considered. This factor is not more affecting in India. In the earlier, when
cricket was discovered, many number of families are not ready to accept this game because it’s
not our game. But today whole the situation is change. Cricket is most popular game in all over
the world.

Technological Factors
Technological is vital for competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization. In earlier,
there are no more safe guards for the batsmen, so it’s very tough for them and to play. But now a
day, different sports companies are providing their best safe guards for the batsmen such as,
helmeted, hand gloves, thumped, allured etc. So, its providing safety to the players and preventing
their injuries. (O.C Ferrell, 2005,2008)

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SWOT Analysis
The motive of our company is to promote cricket in Malaysia including other ASEAN regions.
After applying this new invention, Malaysian cricket team will be globally recognized and will
stand with other countries that are having official cricket boards.
Malaysia is a multi-culture country and if cricket will become popular within the country, then
most of the cultures in Malaysia will take a part in this new game.

Malaysia is a multi-culture country with different types of casts between the people, so there maybe
chances that cricket will not be attracted by most of people living here because they are not having
any know how of this game, as there are also many other games in Malaysia where people take
From these circumstances, our company may also face issues regarding the capital we introduced
but we are not sure that will we get any benefit for introducing this game or we will suffer loss.

it will be a great facility for Malaysian local cricket players to introduce cricket in Malaysia and
due to this aspect, the scope of the cricket will improve within the country and around all ASEAN
countries. Along with this, our company MS Traders will be globally recognized as we are the first
company in Malaysia who is introducing cricket here for the very first time. Additionally, our
company will get publicity in all around the world.

MH Traders may face threats from raise of its new competitors in the market place. Along with
this, there is also one biggest threat that as nowadays peoples of all ages are showing more interest
in development of new technology, i.e. Console games, Computer games, Mobile app games etc.

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Marketing Strategies

Product Strategy

This event is introduced by MH traders and Malaysian Cricket Association. It is going to take
place this year 2016 and comprises the players from other countries It is a 10 over tournament. A
perfect blend of cricket & entertainment. It’s providing a stage for many youngsters to show
their performance & profitable too to Advertisers and broadcasting channels

As mentioned above our product is cricket and we want to introduce it all over Malaysia as well
as Asean Countries. here is a potential that products targeted toward players will buy sponsorship
opportunities with teams and the company

Placement /LOCATION




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“Bayuemas oval” is a cricket stadium located in Pandamaran Klang Malaysia. The first recorded
match on this ground was session in 2004.

Pricing Strategies
As we all known in Malaysia cricket is not important activity but as we now arranging matches in
Bayuemas oval cricket stadium that people come and see how the match going to be and how team
gathered together for playing.
Cricket is one of the best sports play over the world with international teams and from different
Our organization arrange these pricing strategies for our spectators pricing for the match

Platinum Rm 350
Gold: Rm 150
Silver: Rm70

Promotional Strategies

Our organization always comes up with some amazing events so we can promote our business
and can get famous and popular by adopting these promotional activities

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our target is that celebrities also took part in this tournament so it can be more popular all
over Malaysia for e.g. In India celebrities, have bought the cricket teams so that teams are
very famous, same technique is followed by our company that the teams will be owned
Malaysian celebrities so the team will be already highlighted.


we will offer some great deals in the advertisement so we can attract people for example, for
the people like the one who bought the ticket first or one who will buy their team t -shirt will
get a chance to meet the celebrity or get a signed bat or ball from the celebrity. Furthermore,
we will make advertisement funny or more attractive so people will watch the advertisement
curiously for e.g. click on the link mentioned below

Publicity/Flash mob

To promote the event our marketing team will visit the universities and famous places like
Suria KlCC with some players and for marketing we will play in their main area for e.g. foyer
so we can attract students and will ask to play with them and after that we will offer them
tickets in discount so they can afford it


Facebook is by far the biggest social network out there. That means there is plenty of
opportunity to create conversations around your club, promote events and publish news.

By establishing a dedicated Facebook team page you give fans and followers a way of
interacting with you.

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The platform also makes it easy for existing followers to like and share anything you post to
your page, thereby increasing the reach of your content.

However, what can you share with your followers? Here are a few ideas:

 Game results, images and videos from competitions

 Questions, trivia and polls

 Behind-the-scenes updates

 Video messages from players

 Team or sports-related contests and giveaway

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Conclusion and Recommendation

In distinction to our marketing plan, we are expecting a great response from the local public of the
country. People will get entertain due to innovation of this new game in the region. As most of the
majority in Malaysia are not having exposure of sports in the country, so cricket will play an
important role in this circle.
After getting success from this tournament, MH Traders is also looking forward to introduce new
sports in the country.

Group Assignment 11 | P a g e
Gerald A. Michaelson, S. W. M., 2004. Stratergies For Marketing. 1st ed. New York: Mcgraw-

O.C Ferrell, M. d. H., 2005,2008. Marketing Stratergy 4e. 4th ed. Ohio: Thomson Soth-western.

Palmer, A., 2004. macro-enviornement. In: A. Palmer, ed. Introduction to Marketing. New York:
Oxford University Press, pp. 51-64.

Bibliography: 2016, A. (2001) The history of cricket. Where cricket started. Available at:

Star sports. (2000). The Ashes 2015: England vs Australia. [Online Video]. 18 June 2015.
Available from:

Theme Boy. 2016. 9 Effective Marketing Ideas for Sports Teams and Sporting Events -
ThemeBoy. [ONLINE] Available at:

Event Management: Strategies to Promote Your Event. 2016. Event Management: Strategies to
Promote Your Event. [ONLINE] Available at:

Strategic Planning: Conducting a SWOT Analysis. 2016. Strategic Planning: Conducting a SWOT
Analysis. [ONLINE] Available at:

UKEssays. 2016. Introduction to Business Strategy Of Cricket Marketing Essay. [ONLINE]

Available at:

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Group Assignment 13 | P a g e

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