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Tina Tep
Health Sciences II
26 April 2018  
Pharmaceutical Research 

Official name: ​Fluorescein Strip 

Generic forms of the Drug: ​Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic Strips  
Classification: ​Fluorescein Strip 
Purpose: ​To detect any surface pathology by highlighting the sclera for any damage or visual defects such as dry eye, 
herpes, and glaucoma.  
Side Effects: ​Mild irritation and burning and initial yellowing caused by the dye, which depends on whether the patient 
has any allergies or persistent eye conditions. 
Doses: ​Fluorescein Sodium U.S.P​ ​(1mg)  
Warnings:​ Mild irritation and burning and initial yellowing; may cause surface damage to the eyes if applied incorrectly 
Contraindications: ​Allergies may be due to the fluorescent dye and less of the fluorescein strip. Allow little time for the 
eyes to readjust before wearing contact lenses, or mild to severe burning may occur.  
How it is given: ​Drop a couple couple of drops of any fluorescent dye onto the strip and use it to touch the patient’s 
sclera of the eye, and scan a light over their eyes to find any visual defects such as dry eye.  

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.   
2. Drop a few droplets of fluorescent dye onto the fluorescein sodium strip. Over the sink, fan away any 
excess dye.  
3. Ask the patient to look in the opposite direction before using the fluorescein strip to touch the sclera 
of the patient’s eyes.  
4. Immediately, take the fluorescein dye strip onto the sclera of the patient’s eye on the outer corner.  
5. After 5-10 seconds, look for any abnormal findings in the patient's eye. Then, examine the patient’s 
eye again using any of the equipment necessary to follow up the patient’s appointment.  

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