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In 1998, Larry Page created a computerized version of the Google letters using the

free graphics program GIMP. The typeface was changed and an exclamation mark was
added mimicking the Yahoo! logo.[3]

"There were a lot of different color iterations", says Ruth Kedar, the graphic
designer who developed the now-famous logo. "We ended up with the primary colors,
but instead of having the pattern go in order, we put a secondary color on the
back the idea that Google doesn't follow the rules."[4]

In 2010, the Google logo received its first major overhaul since May 31 first
previewed on November 8, 2009,[5] and was officially launched on May 6, 2010.[6] It
utilises an identical typeface to the previous logo, but the "o" is distinctly more
orange-colored in place of the previously more yellowish "o", as well as a much
more subtle shadow rendered in a different shading style. On September 19, 2013,
Google introduced a new "flat" (two-dimensional) logo with a slightly altered color
palette.[7][8] On May 24, 2014, the Google logo was updated, the seco moved down
and right one pixel.[9][10] The old 2010 Google logo remained in use on some pages,
such as the Google Doodles page, for a period of time.[11]

On September 1, 2015, Google introduced a controversial "new logo and identity

family" designed to work across multiple devices.[12][13][14] The notable
difference in the logo is the change in the typeface. The colors remained
theAlphabet logo).[15]

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