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1. I like trainers and jeans.

a) wearing b) wears c) wear d) where

2. Кој збор во реченицата “My favourite type of music is jazz.“ означува вид музика:
a) favourite b) type c) jazz d) music

3. Кој од наведениве глаголи е во Present Continuous Tense:

a) lives b) is living c) lived d) live

4. I visited Scotland .
a) last month b) tomorrow c) now d) next summer

5. There were castles in England.

a) much b) many c) a lot of d) an

6. Во реченицата: “When was Merilin Monroe born?“ кој збор е глаголот “to be“ во минато време?
a) when b) born c) Merilin d) was

7. Со исказот “Happy Halloween“ се честита кој празник:

a) Нова година b) Ноќ на вештерките c) Велигден d) Ден на вљубените

8. Како гласи реченицата “They were at the cinema last night?“ во прашална форма:
a) Were they at the cinema last night?
b) Did they were at the cinema last night?
c) Are they at the cinema last night?
d) Do they at the cinema last night?

9. Кој од наведениве изрази е израз за минато време:

a) tonight b) last year c) next year d) at the moment

10. На кој збор од реченицата се однесува потцртаниот збор “I didn't like the blue jacket, so I
bought the red one.“
a) didn't like b) jacket c) bought d) red

11. Наредба се искажува со глаголот:

a) must b) mustn't c) should d) can

12. There was book on the table.

a) a b) an c) any d) some

13. Кој од наведените зборови НЕ Е вид на музика:

а) pop b) rock'n'roll c) sports news d) gospel

14. За кое годишно време се однесува реченицата “We are making a snowman.“
a)spring b) summer c) autumn d) winter

15. Со која реченица е искажано минато дејство:

а) I visited Scotland last year.
b) I am visiting Scotland next year.
c) I visit Scotland every year.
d) I am not going to visit Scotland this year.

16. Со која реченица се дава совет:

а) You must be careful! b) You should be careful! c) You can't be careful!
d) You musn't be careful!

17. Tom is Jack.

a) better than b) best than c) better d) good

18. Russia is country in the world.

a) big b) bigger than c) the biggest d) bigest

19. Yesterday was very cold outside, so any children in the park.
a) there is b) there was c) there wasn't d) there weren't

20. Did you football yesterday?

a) play b) played c) plays d) playing

21. Кој од наведените зборови НЕ Е прилог за начин?

а) beautiful b) difficult c) quickly d) slowly

22. Со која реченица е искажана учтива молба?

а) Should I have some juice, please? b) Did I have some pasta, please?
c) Will I have some tea, please? d) Could I have some water, please?

23. Dolphins live in .

a) the forest b)the city c) the river d) the sea

24. Mary the piano every day.

a) playing b) plays c) is playing d) don't play

25. Како гласи реченицата “Tom likes watching horror films.“ во одречна форма?
а) Tom didn't likes watching horror films. b) Tom isn't watching horror films.
b) Tom doesn't like watching horror films. d) Tom don't like hrror films.

26. Bill: “My favourite TV programme is the Simpsons. It is a cartoon comedy about an American
family. I like it because it is funny and makes me laugh. It is on TV every evening at 8 o'clock.“
На Бил му се допаѓа оваа ТВ програма затоа што:
a) е смешна b) се вика Симпсонови c) ја има во 8 часот d) хорор филм

27. The church is the town hall.

a) turn left b) go past c) next to d) right

28. My favourite singer is Jennifer Lopez. She was born in New York. She is a great singer and an
actress, too. She's got a lot of hit songs and one of my favourite is “On the floor.“ Where is
the singer from?
a) New York b) Jennifer Lopez c) actress d) “On the floor“

29. I have a terrible headache.

a) You should make lunch. b) You shouldn't go to the doctor. c) You should go to
the doctor. d) You should listen to loud music.

30. Which one of these animals is in danger?

a) Siberian tiger b) the cat c) the chicken d) the dog

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