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Solomon 1

Paige Solomon

Professor Batty

English 101

29 May 2018

Literary Analysis Reflection

I feel as though the most changes I made to an essay from this semester was my literary

analysis essay. Not only did I receive feedback from Professor Batty when my essay was graded,

I was lucky enough to use my essay for a group peer edit review. By discussing my essay with a

large group, I was able to receive incredible feedback that I would not have thought about on my

own, in turn showing me what I could improve on my other essay revisions. The main things I

focused on in this was revision was my thesis and topic sentences. After going over my thesis I

realized that it was not specific enough in regard to having a counter argument. Rather than

arguing something, it seemed I was just stating facts. I fixed my thesis to not only bring in a

naysayer’s point of view, but to make it less wordy and confusing. I also edited the topic

sentences to be relevant to the subject of the body paragraph. When discussing my essay with the

class Professor Batty discussed us talking about conflict, character development, and use of

imagery as a way to prove our points further. I also discussed the quotes I used more in depth

because I realize I didn’t use quote sandwiches and instead made them hit and run quotes. A

piece of feedback I received was that the paragraph on peer pressure didn’t make much sense due

to word choice and grammar, so I took out some confusing sentences and changed the wording

around in order to get my point across.

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