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Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

Health Counselling & Food Coaching Service with International Authors, Health Counsellors &
William Tara and Marlene Watson-Tara

An unhealthy diet sets in motion a downward spiral of physical deterioration that leads to many illnesses
including cancer. Eating well today means eating a whole foods plant based diet, there is no
question about that. For a lifetime of health, you must eat food as it grows in its natural form.

Suffering from a host of degenerative diseases? Need help getting started, or clarification on just what it
takes to eat well as part of your healthy lifestyle? Come and learn about ‘diet and the development of
disease’ at our Ultimate Health Experience Retreat. Bill and I will share a combined 90 years of
teaching experience that will change your life.

I have over four decades of experience in the natural health field and have counselled people around the
world with many illnesses from cancer to heart disease, digestive problems, diabetes and arthritis to skin
ailments and helped them with their recovery back to renewed health. What we eat is the key to human
destiny. I design a 21-day dietary/lifestyle programme for clients that assists the body in recovery by
removing the nutritional stress and facilitating discharge of excess. My cooking classes and workshops
are educational, fun and include a delicious tasting lunch. Prevention is key to a long and vibrant life.
Good health is sustainable for all. The biggest form of mass destruction lies at the end of your fork.

Health Consultation in Person or Via Skype or Email; Cost: £250

Full programme (Includes 6 week follow up via email)

Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

Client Name Abegail Ong

Date of Birth August 23, 1982

Married, Single or Divorced Married

Number of Children 2

Occupation Virtual Assistant

Telephone No:

Macrobiotic Counsellor Marlene Watson-Tara or Bill Tara

Health History

If a doctor or therapist has diagnosed you with a particular health

problem, what is it and when was it diagnosed?
I was diagnosed to have an autoimmune disease. Lupus Psoriasis

If you have not had a diagnosis what health problems would you like help

I have on and off severe headache before I was diagnosed. I think it was related to my condition - Lupus

If you are currently under treatment for this problem what is the
I am currently taking maintenance medications - steroids and anti-seizure medications.

Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

Please list any medications you are now taking and what they are for.
20 mg Prednisone daily once a day
250 mg Ivetra once daily

If you are taking any non-prescribed medication, please list them.

I take paracetamol for my headache and fever. I am also taking USANA multivitamins

Please list any surgical procedures.

Cesarian section twice when I gave birth to my daughters. I also had a miscarriage last year, March
and I had undergone D &C

If you are receiving any treatments from alternative practitioners, please

list them.

If you had any serious childhood illnesses, please list them.

I was diagnosed to have Pulmonary Tuberculosis when I was about 6 -7 years old.

When was your last full medical check-up?

I don't recall. I was in and out of the hospital during the last quarter of 2017, doctors could not identify what I have.

What is your doctor’s opinion of your condition?

That I need rest, healthy diet, exercise, not to stress myself too much and my condition is an a lifelong condition and cannot be
treated and I need to take my medications.

Information for Macrobiotic Counselling


What has your energy level been in the past three months?
It was on and off. There were days that I feel well and in the next hour, I have fever and joint pain. I feel fatigue at some

If you experience pain, where do you feel it and how often?

My feel pain all over my body, shoulders, back there was never a week that I won't be needing to stay in bed. Usually if I feel
better, I would feel as if nothing happened then, I go back to my usual activity at home then in the afternoon,
I will feel pain again.

Do you experience any problems with breathing?

Yes, sowhen I feel exhausted and fatigue or when I feel stressed out.

Do you experience any problems with the skin?

Yes, I have rashes all over my face, around my neck and now it's starting to spread around my back and legs and arms.

Do you experience any problems with excretion or urination?

Yes, I have external hemorrhoids, I got it when I got pregnant to my first daughter, and sometimes its causing pain and

Do you have any problems with hearing or sight?

I have visual problems since childhood, I normally need to wear glasses.

Do you have any food allergies or other allergic reactions?

I don't think I have.

Are you taking any herbal, vitamin or dietary supplements?

Yes, I am taking multivitamins.

Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

Do you follow a macrobiotic diet or any other alternative dietary

Not yet

How many hours of sleep do you get every night?

4-6 hours

Do you wake rested?

Sometimes I don't.

Do you become tired during the day?


Do you wake in the night to urinate?


How many hours a day do you work?

8-10 hours

Is your life stressful


Do you travel often?


Do you live in the country or the city?


Do you cook on gas or electric?


Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

How many meals do you eat at home each day?


Do you occasionally feel bloated after a meal? Or suffer from

Yes, I usually feel bloated, gas pain after I eat.

Do you suffer from gas after eating?


Do you often eat in restaurants? What kind do you choose?

Sometimes, once or twice a week, fastfood restaurant

What is your favourite food and how often do you eat it?
I prefer to eat variety of foods, meat, pasta, vegetables, dried fish

How would you describe your current diet?

Most of the diet that we eat are fried - fish, chicken and we combine it with soup
We also like seafood, vegetables, canned foods.

How often do you eat meat, dairy, and sugar?

Daily basis, every morning. We also love sweets and chocolates

How much alcohol do you consume on a weekly basis?

I don't drink alcohol

How much water do you drink daily?

about 6 -10 glasses of water

How much coffee do you consume daily?

I don't drink coffee

Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

If you do exercise: what do you do and how often

I don't do exercise. We seldomly walk, once every 2 weeks I guess, when I have time.

What are your hobbies?

I usually stay at home, spend time with my kids and do the household chores and do my work at home as an
Admin Assistant.

Are you overweight?

i'm not sure. I think I am.

Do you smoke?


Are you motivated to make changes in your personal habits if they would
produce better health?

For Women Only

Is your menstrual cycle regular?


Do you experience pain at menstruation?

Yes, I have dysmenorrhea and migraine when I have my menstruation.

What is the average time between cycles?

3-4 days.

If you have children how were they delivered?


Information for Macrobiotic Counselling

Were there any complications during birth?

My labor did not progress, even after my doctor induced my labor. We decided to do it CS.

If you use contraceptive pills for birth control how long have you used it?
I just tried it for about a month.

Please add any further information below you feel may be pertinent.

Payment for consultation to be made prior to your appointment:

By bank transfer to:
Barclays Bank
78/80 Kilmarnock Road
Glasgow G41 3NN
Marlene Watson-Tara
Mrs. Marlene Watson-Tara
Sort Code 20-33-96
Account No. 23557723
IBAN GB89 BARC2033 96 23 5577 23

Or by Paypal via williamwallace711 or

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