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Code Blue Surveillance Poles Non- Fiction Response

1. “Code Blue” is helpful, valuable and addresses public safety

2. This article reminds me of the case of Michael Sobrero. A man who falsely called
“bomb”. This affected safety.
3. Inform and Persuade
4. The audience is people in the United States who are concerned of public safety
5. Author uses fear of death
6. Ethos and Pathos us used mostly
7. One message could be that we live in a dangerous world
8. It helps us understand the poles help provide safety for those in emergencies
9. I wouldn’t change anything in this text
10. Code blue surveillance poles are helpful to keep around the city. They are helpful
because they provide an outlet for those in emergencies and don’t have phones. Author
Greg Lee from article “Surveillance poles to combat crime in Santa Ana” mention that
Officer Laufer said, “It provides evidentiary value if a crime occurs. It's an additional
resource for the public, not everyone has cell phones," (Lee). This proves that this can be
helpful to people who don’t have phones or just got their phone stolen. Having these
code blue can be very helpful around the city.

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