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Nature GR: 2nd crime must be Who must What happens to What if 1st

consummated. But, die? extra crime was NOT

what if only rape/homicide? consummated?
Rape with Special Consider separate Anyone, Not considered Attempted
Homicide complex crime or complex (Art since “by aggravating rape with
crime 48), depending on the reason or homicide
facts on occasion (266-B)
(rape and of the rape”
Kidnapping Special Consider separate Kidnapped Not considered Maybe Art 48?
with complex crime or complex (Art victim must aggravating.
Homicide/rape crime 48), depending on the be the one Excess rapes are
facts who died absorbed.
(kidnapping and
Robbery with Special Consider separate Anyone, Not considered Attempted
rape/homicide complex crime or complex (Art since “by aggravating robbery with
crime 48), depending on the reason or homicide
facts on occasion (297)
(robbery and of the
attempted/frustrated robbery.”
Carpnapping Special Crime which was not Victim must Not considered Not sure if Art
with complex consummated be the aggravating. Still 48 will apply
homicide/rape crime counted as qualifying owner, counted as one since
driver or crime. carnapping is a
occupant of SPL
the car.

If another
person dies
or is raped,
Forcible Complex Still complex, since Consider extra
abduction with Crime under Art 48 rapes as separate
rape under Art crimes.

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