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Nama : Muh.

Kelas : XII IPA 5
No.Urut : 20

1. Possibility/Impossibility
a) She may be at home now. (Dia mungkin berada di rumah sekarang.)
b) It’s possible for you to meet your girlfriend before she goes. (Kemungkinan kamu bisa
bertemu dengan pacarmu sebelum dia pergi.)
c) They may come too early. (Mereka mungkin datang terlalu pagi.)
d) Perhaps, you will not let to go. (Mungkin, kamu tidak diizinkan pergi.)
e) Possibly, she is driving alone. (Barangkali, dia sedang menyetir sendirian.)

2. Certainly/Uncertainly
a) I am sure
b) I am not sure
c) I am certain
d) I am not certain
e) I doubt that

3. Like/Dislike
a) I like it
b) I love it
c) I’m very keen on ______
d) I don’t like it
e) I hate it

4. Agreement/Disagreement
a) I agree
b) I disagree
c) I absolutely agree
d) I think so
e) I don’t think so

5. Offering for help

a) What can I do for you?

b) How can I help you?
c) Do you need for a help?
d) Do you want something to eat?
e) Shall I get you something to read?

6. Asking for Help

a) Can you help me? (Dapatkah kamu membantu saya?)
b) Can I borrow your book? (Bisakah saya meminjam buku Anda?)
c) Can you repeat that? (Bisakah kamu mengulangnya?)
d) Can you speak slowly? (Bisakah kamu berbicara dengan lambat?)
e) May I borrow your pen? (Bolehkah saya meminjam pulpenmu?)

7. Apology
a) I am sorry
b) I don’t mean to ______
c) Forgive me
d) I hope you forgive me
e) Sorry, I could not visit you.

8. Symphaty
a) Take it easy
b) Don’t worry, everything will be all right
c) What a pity
d) I am sorry to hear that
e) Poor you

9. Preference
a) I like ______ better than ______
b) I prefer ______ to ______
c) I would rather ______ than ______

10. Ability/Disability
a) Yes, I can
b) No, I can’t
c) Yes, I am able to ______
d) No, I am not able to ______
e) I think I am able to ______

11. Opinion
a) What do you think of ______
b) I think ______
c) Let’s talk about it
d) I wonder ______
e) Give me comments or suggestions, please

12. Suggestion
a) Why don’t you …?
b) We’d better have a break for lunch now.
c) I think you should …
d) Perhaps you need …
e) It’s a good idea.

13. Pride
a) I am very proud of you. You are the winner of the biggest competition of this year.
b) I feel proud of my brother. He is one of the candidates in Physics Olympiad.

14. Capability/Incapability
a) Although my father is 60 years old, he is still capable of driving a car well.
b) They think I have the qualifications needed for this job.
c) Andra is able to draw anything well.
d) You don’t know anything about making a good writing.
e) I don’t think you have the ability to do this work.

15. Invitation
a) I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
b) Can you drop by my house after school?
c) Would you like to attend the meeting?
d) Yes, I’d be delighted to.
e) Yes, that would be nice.

16. Permission
a) Can I …?
b) Could I…?
c) May I…?
d) Would it be all right if I enter the office?
e) Do you mind if I sit here?

17. Satisfaction
a) I’m very pleased with…
b) I’m so happy about this.
c) What a beautiful story.
d) It gives me great satisfaction…
e) I can’t think anything better.

18. Sadness
a) I’m Oh no/ oh dear!
b) Feeling blue.
c) Poor …!
d) the lowest mark
e) the lowest ….

19. Expectation and hope

a) I hope that I can buy that book (aku berharap aku bisa membli buku itu)
b) She hopes that her mom gets well soon (Dia(perempuan) berharap ibunya segera cepat
c) We hope that the teacher does not hold the daily examination today(aku berharap ibu
guru tidak mengadaan ulangan harian pada hari ini)
d) I always hope that every new year night will not rain (aku selalau berharapa agar setiap
malam tahun baru tidak akan hujan)
e) My father hopes that all his children have gotten up at 5 a.m (Ayahku berharap agar
semua anak-anaknya sudah bangun pagi pukuk 5 subuh)
We Will Not Go Down
Kami Takkan Kalah

A blinding flash of white light

Kilatan cahaya putih yang menyilaukan
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
Menerangi langit Gaza malam ini
People running for cover
Orang berlari mencari perlindungan
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive
Tak tahu apakah mereka mati atau hidup

They came with their tanks and their planes

Mereka datang dengan tank dan pesawat
With ravaging fiery flames
Dengan api berkobar yang membinasakan
And nothing remains
Dan tak ada yang tersisa
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
Hanya sebuah suara yang muncul dari kabut berasap

We will not go down

Kami takkan kalah
In the night, without a fight
Di malam ini, tanpa perlawanan
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
Kau bisa bakar masjid kami dan rumah kami dan sekolah kami
But our spirit will never die
Tapi semangat kami takkan pernah mati
We will not go down
Kami takkan kalah
In Gaza tonight
Di Gaza malam ini

Women and children alike

Wanita dan anak-anak
Murdered and massacred night after night
Dibunuh dan dibantai setiap malam
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Saat orang yang disebut pemimpin negara jauh di sana
Debated on who's wrong or right
Berdebat mengenai siapa yang salah atau benar

But their powerless words were in vain

Tapi kata-kata mereka yang lemah sia-sia
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
Dan bom jatuh seperti hujan asam
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
Tapi melalui air mata dan darah dan rasa sakit
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
Kau masih dapat mendengar suara dari kabut asap itu

We will not go down

Kami takkan kalah
In the night, without a fight
Di malam ini, tanpa perlawanan
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
Kau bisa bakar masjid kami dan rumah kami dan sekolah kami
But our spirit will never die
Tapi semangat kami takkan pernah mati
We will not go down
Kami takkan kalah
In Gaza tonight
Di Gaza malam ini

We will not go down

Kami takkan kalah
In the night, without a fight
Di malam ini, tanpa perlawanan
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
Kau bisa bakar masjid kami dan rumah kami dan sekolah kami
But our spirit will never die
Tapi semangat kami takkan pernah mati
We will not go down
Kami takkan kalah
In the night, without a fight
Di malam ini, tanpa perlawanan
We will not go down
Kami takkan kalah
In Gaza tonight
Di Gaza malam ini

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