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Omar Babovic

Book club RF #3
Dear Book Club

I am reading Theodore Boone the Activist. The author of

my book is John Grisham. The round/dynamic in my book is
Theodore (Theo) he is the main protagonist. The problem
type is small group vs. large group, the problem in this book
is that that theo and his town highly oppose a bypass that
would destroy their nature reserve and they are legally
fighting the state politicians. This fight has put theo and his
friends in the town activist group in a very gnarly position.
For example, on pages 133 lines 1-20, Theo and his friends
are attacked by an illegal state survey crew, one of its
members yelling “put the phone down.” with theo responding
“I can call anyone I want” on his friend's farm. This is one of
the many hardships they face. I feel that this was an
unprovoked attack and that theo and his friends were simply
asking the crew to leave, I know this because, on page 132
lines 5-9 they ask the survey crew to leave the property,
even after the survey crew leader says “look boys we are
just here on some preliminary survey work for the state.”
Which theo then responds with “The state does not own this
property, you are trespassing.” I fail to see how this could
provoke the survey crew unless they were there illegally, and
unfit for the job. I feel both these disputes could be mediated
by calling local law enforcement authorities. Thanks for

Omar Babovic

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