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Jess Schad

Mr. Campbell

December 15, 2017

Religion II

Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Maria Goretti, the daughter of a poor farmer. She was born in Corinaldo, Italy. Her

education was not important, and she did not attend school. She had a rough life, but it was never

apparent to people that knew her. She was resilient through the face of difficulty she had at home.

Her father died of malaria at a young age. Her deprived mother had to strive to give a worthy life

to her kids while having little to no money. One hot summer day in July, Maria was gardening,

when a man named Alessandro approached her and started to take advantage of the young girl. At

this time Maria was only 11 years old and not yet mature enough to understand what was

happening. As she tried to resist the man she yelled, “No, God does not wish it,” as he refused to

listen she said again, “It is a sin. You would go to hell for it.” Unfortunately, her wounds were

too bad to be healed. During Maria’s surgery the doctor said, “Maria, think of me in Paradise.”

Little time passed before she took her last breath and she passed away. The doctor felt Maria’s

pain as she took her last breath of life. Alessandro changed Maria’s life and she wouldn’t be the

same without that encounter. Alessandro was sentenced to 30 years in prison for raping Maria.

Shortly after Maria’s death he had a dream that he was in a garden with Maria. She gave him

flowers that burned his hands. Twenty-seven years later, Alessandro was released from jail and

he went straight to Maria’s mother begging for forgiveness. She knew that her daughter forgave

him so she would too.

I selected Saint Maria Goretti because it was my confirmation saint and I found her very

motivating. She forgave a man who raped her, and yet she still lived a happy life in heaven. Now,

St. Maria Goretti is the patron saint of chastity, rape victims, youth, and young girls. She is one

of the most memorable saints and to this day people pray to her for strength and encouragement

through difficult times. It is inspiring to me that she was the youngest canonized saint in the

Church. Her life was ended to early when she was only eleven-years-old.


Dear Saint Maria, when times are hard and I am feeling down I will turn to you. Your

heartfelt words changed the lives of people. I know when I am

feeling gloomy I will remember the miraculous life you lived.

The man who hurt you and took advantage of your body never

stopped you from forgiving him. It is a miracle to think such

marvelous saints like you are up in heaven looking down on me

when I need you most. Sometimes I may feel like I am not

good enough but then I remember that your life was harder than

anyone else, but yet you still pushed through it. I aspire to one

day touch the lives of people just like you did as a young girl.

Thank you for reminding me that there are good saints like you

to welcome me one day in the gates of heaven. Saint Maria please watch over me when I am

playing sports, hanging with my friends, and even while I sleep.

Online, Catholic. “St. Maria Goretti - Saints & Angels.” Catholic Online, Catholic Online,

Online, Catholic. “St. Maria Goretti - Saints & Angels.” Catholic Online, Catholic Online,

Miller, OFM Fr. Don. “Saint Maria Goretti.” Franciscan Media, 19 June 2017,

“Saint Maria Goretti, Martyr of Purity.”, 17 Nov. 2008,

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