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Solomon 1

Paige Solomon

Professor Batty

English 101

29 May 2018

Visual Rhetoric Essay Reflection

In my opinion, the visual rhetoric essay was the most difficult essay to write not only due

to the subject matter, but the actual content required in the essay. Not only did we have to

visually describe the mural chosen, we had to give background on it as well. This proved

difficult in my case because there was not much information on how residents felt or the creators

of the mural. This being said, the feedback for my essay from Professor Batty was to give more

background on the mural. I was able to find an article that discussed the creators of the mural as

well as how the residents of Skid Row felt about it and made sure to include it in this revision. I

added the fact that the creators of the mural took into account the ideas of the residents living in

Skid Row and the fact that the residents helped paint the mural. I also changed some words in

order to be more grammatically correct and to get my point across. Before writing this essay, I

barely knew how to correctly format in MLA, besides the font size and double space, and it was

evident by my messy Works Cited page and lack of header. In my revision I made sure to add a

proper header with the page number as well as make my Works Cited page formatted correctly.

As well as the previously stated revisions, I also changed my thesis a bit to make it more specific

and make my argument more clear.

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